Après les raids israéliens de ce week-end, Damas annonce sa volonté ferme de répondre, mais choisira le bon moment.
La Syrie choisira le bon moment pour riposter. "La Syrie répondra à l'agression israélienne mais choisira le moment pour le faire. Cela ne se produira peut être pas immédiatement car Israël est en état d'alerte", a affirmé un responsable politique syrien proche du pouvoir. "Nous allons attendre mais nous répondrons", a-t-il dit.
Les autorités syriennes ont fait état d'attaques israéliennes dimanche contre "trois positions des forces armées de la République arabe syrienne au nord-est de Jamraya, à Mayssaloun et à l'aéroport de plaisance d'al-Dimas" qui auraient fait plus de 15 morts.
Ces raids risquent de marquer un tournant dans le conflit avec une implication ouverte d'Israël tandis que l'Iran, son ennemi juré, s'est dit prêt à "entraîner" l'armée syrienne, tandis que le Hezbollah a reconnu combattre à ses côtés.
Sur le même sujet:
La Syrie choisira le bon moment pour riposter. "La Syrie répondra à l'agression israélienne mais choisira le moment pour le faire. Cela ne se produira peut être pas immédiatement car Israël est en état d'alerte", a affirmé un responsable politique syrien proche du pouvoir. "Nous allons attendre mais nous répondrons", a-t-il dit.
Les autorités syriennes ont fait état d'attaques israéliennes dimanche contre "trois positions des forces armées de la République arabe syrienne au nord-est de Jamraya, à Mayssaloun et à l'aéroport de plaisance d'al-Dimas" qui auraient fait plus de 15 morts.
Un tournant dans le conflit?
Ce raid a visé un centre de recherches scientifiques à Jamraya, déjà visé fin janvier par une attaque israélienne, ainsi que deux objectifs militaires --un important dépôt de munitions et une unité de la défense anti-aérienne--, selon un diplomate à Beyrouth s'exprimant sous le couvert de l'anonymat.Ces raids risquent de marquer un tournant dans le conflit avec une implication ouverte d'Israël tandis que l'Iran, son ennemi juré, s'est dit prêt à "entraîner" l'armée syrienne, tandis que le Hezbollah a reconnu combattre à ses côtés.
Sur le même sujet:
Syria threatens Israel, says airstrikes near Damascus open door to ‘all options’
ReplyDeleteBy Abigail Hauslohner and William Booth,
Monday, May 6,
— The regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad warned Sunday that a series of powerful Israeli airstrikes near the Syrian capital opened the door to “all the options,” underscoring the possibility that Syria’s civil war could spill across regional borders.
Assad’s cabinet held an emergency meeting Sunday after explosions lit up the sky on the outskirts of Damascus on Friday and early Sunday.
Syrian state media said the air attack had targeted a military and scientific research facility. The Israeli military declined to comment on the strikes, but the Associated Press quoted an anonymous Middle East intelligence official as confirming that the research facility was hit.
The airstrikes targeted Fateh-110 missiles, which have precision guidance systems and may have been destined for the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, the official said.
Although it was unclear whether Assad’s government would pursue direct military retaliation, the Syrian Foreign Ministry said the attack proved that Israel is collaborating with Syrian rebels.
“The Israeli attack on military sites in Syria is proof that there is communication between Israel and the terrorist groups who take their orders from al-Qaeda,” the ministry said in a statement broadcast on state television. The government uses the blanket term “terrorists” to refer to its opponents, who range from secular activists to militants linked to al-Qaeda.......http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/syria-threatens-all-options-after-israeli-airstrikes/2013/05/05/a23f2f68-b5ab-11e2-b568-6917f6ac6d9d_story.html?wprss=rss_homepage
Assad alza la voce: "Se ci sarà un nuovo raid israeliano risponderemo".....
ReplyDeleteDue blitz in poche ore dall'aviazione israeliana. Damasco: "Dichiarazione di guerra". Polemica sulle armi chimiche che sarebbero state usate dai ribelli....
Lo scrive il quotidiano ar Rai del Kuwait, che riporta fonti vicine al presidente siriano. "Assad ha fatto sapere agli americani, tramite i russi, che in caso di un altro attacco israeliano considererà quest’azione una dichiarazione di guerra", si legge sul giornale. ......http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/esteri/assad-alza-voce-se-ci-sar-nuovo-raid-israeliano-risponderemo-914487.html
Turkey launches military exercise near Syrian border.....
ReplyDeleteBy REUTERS
- The Turkish military launched a 10-day exercise at a base near the border with Syria on Monday, where fears of a spillover of violence and of the fallout of any chemical weapons use have escalated in recent weeks.
The exercise at Incirlik, a NATO air base outside the city of Adana where US troops are also stationed, will test the military's readiness for battle and coordination with government ministries, the general staff said in a statement.
"(The exercise will) test joint operations that would be carried out between ministries, public institutions and the armed forces at a time of mobilization and war," it said.
While the exercise in Adana province, some 100 km (60 miles) from the border, was described by NATO's second-biggest military as "planned", it comes at a time of heightened tension.
‘Israel not afraid of provoking regional war’....It seems that the US are supporting it, UK, France and Germany too. Nobody in the West has condemned it....
ReplyDeleteTwo Israeli airstrikes on Syria in three days with the reported death of scores of Syrian soldiers means that Israel is not afraid of provoking regional war, Israeli-based columnist Larry Derfner told RT.
“If they were afraid of provoking regional war they would have not done this. The main attitude in Israel among policy makers seems to be that they didn’t expect Syria or Hezbollah or anybody to hit back for this. They thought that they could get away with it” he said.
RT: Unprovoked, Israel has bombed Syria twice in the last 72 hours - where does international law stand on this issue?
Larry Derfner: It seems that the US are supporting it, UK, France and Germany too. Nobody in the West has condemned it.
RT: Given that Syria has strong regional allies like Lebanon and Iran, isn't Israel afraid of provoking a regional war?
LD: Evidently not. If they were afraid of provoking regional war they would have not done this. The main attitude in Israel among policy makers seems to be that they didn’t expect Syria or Hezbollah or anybody to hit back for this. They thought that they could get away with it.
RT: No international action was taken against Israel over the raids against Syria in January. Will the lack of punishment encourage more strikes from Israel as and when it sees fit?
LD: It seems that even the reports in the NY times quoting Syrian officials saying that there are at least 100 Syrian soldiers dead , I don’t think they wanted something like that. They know that hitting Syria was such a cost, they can’t go on and do that and expect that there is going to be no retaliation. So I think that maybe this may actually have the effect of retarding Israel’s future operations.
RT: Now that Syrian missiles have reportedly been pointed at Israel - do you see this tension evolving into a military conflict?
LD: It certainly could. I don’t think that Syria is going to invade on the ground, but of course there is a possibility of missiles falling on Israel. I don’t expect it to happen, but of course it could.
RT: How do people in Israel see their government’s decision to carry out airstrikes on a foreign state?
LD: Yesterday, before the news of Syrian soldiers being killed, they were overwhelmingly supportive because there was no retaliation. There was the attitude that Israel attacked the weapons that were heading to Hezbollah and got away with it. So the Israeli public was fully supportive of it. Now, if the reports of so many Syrian soldiers dead are correct, I think the Israelis might be concerned at this point, that the government did something that could blow back. And at least the Israeli public does not want to go to war against Syria or against Hezbollah. The attitudes in Israel with these reports of dead could change.