Monday, August 26, 2013

Η Δυτική υστερία ανοίγει το δρόμο για στρατιωτική επέμβαση στη Συρία ( 2videos- RU, EN)

Χωρίς καν να έχει ερευνηθεί, και πολύ περισσότερο να έχει αποδειχτεί, ποιος έριξε χημικά πρόσφατα στη Συρία, Δυτικές χώρες ρίχνουν την ευθύνη στο καθεστώς Ασσαντ, μόνο και μόνο για να κάνουν επέμβαση στη χώρα, κατήγγειλε ο υπουργός Εξωτερικών, Σεργκέϊ Λαβρόφ.

Την υστερία που καλλιεργείται γύρω από την επίθεση με χημικά στη Συρία, επιχειρεί να εκμεταλλευτεί η Δύση, προκειμένου να εξαπολύσει επίθεση εναντίον της Συρίας, κατήγγειλε ο υπουργός Εξωτερικών της Ρωσίας, κ.Σεργκέϊ Λαβρόφ, σε έκτακτη συνέντευξη Τύπου που έδωσε πριν από λίγο στη Μόσχα.

Ο κ.Λαβρόφ, αφού προειδοποίησε τη Δύση για τις συνέπειες που θα έχει μια τέτοια κίνηση, υπογράμμισε ότι η Δύση ουδεμία απόδειξη διαθέτει που να πιστοποιεί ότι είναι το καθεστώς του Ασσαντ ήταν εκείνο που έκανε χρήση χημικών όπλων. Παρ’ ότι όμως, ακόμα δεν έχει καν αποδειχθεί ποιος βρίσκεται πίσω από το τραγικό γεγονός, οι Δυτικές δυνάμεις δεν διστάζουν να στοχοποιούν ευθέως τον Ασσαντ, και να λέγουν ότι ξεπεράστηκαν πιά οι «κόκκινες γραμμές» στην περίπτωση της συριακής κρίσης.
Κατά τον κ.Λαβρόφ, η υστερία γύρω από τα χημικά έχει ως στόχο να υπονομεύσει την προτεινόμενη εδώ και καιρό διεθνή ειρηνευτική διάσκεψη για τη Συρία, και οδηγεί σε πολεμική αντιπαράθεση, η οποία τους μόνους που οφελεί, είναι η συριακή αντιπολίτευση. Να σημειωθεί πως, αν και το καθεστώς Ασσαντ είχε δεχθεί να πάρει μέρος στη διάσκεψη, η αντιπολίτευση, επικαλούμενη διάφορα προσχήματα, αρνείτο. Ο κ.Λαβρόφ τόνισε ακόμα, ότι η εκμετάλλευση του πρόσφατου γεγονότος με τα χημικά από χώρες της Δύσης, γίνεται με εμφανή στόχο τον επηρεασμό των επιθεωρητών του ΟΗΕ για τα χημικά στη Συρία και γενικότερα του Συμβουλίου Ασφαλείας του Οργανισμού.
Εκτός των παραπάνω, παρατήρησε ο ρώσος υπουργός Εξωτερικών, οι προθέσεις Δυτικών χωρών να προχωρήσουν σε στρατιωτικό πλήγμα κατά της Συρίας, έρχεται σε ευθεία αντίθεση με όσα συμφωνήθηκαν στη συνάντηση κορυφής της G8, στο Λόχ Ερνέ, φέτος τον Ιούνιο. «Στο κείμενο της συνάντησης –είπε- γράφεται με πεντακάθαρο τρόπο, ότι οποιαδήποτε πληροφορία περί χρήσης χημικών στη Συρία, θα γίνει αντικείμενο σοβαρής και υψηλού επιπέδου έρευνας». Κάτι, βέβαια, που έως τώρα δεν έχει γίνει στη Συρία.

Ως γνωστόν, σήμερα το κλιμάκιο του ΟΗΕ που βρέθηκε στη Δαμασκό για να ερευνήσει το πρόσφατο δραματικό γεγονός, δέχθηκε, σύμφωνα με όσα είπαν οι παρατηρητές, πυροβολισμούς, με αποτέλεσμα αυτή τη στιγμή να κινδυνεύει να διακοπεί κάθε έρευνα για αυτή τη σοβαρή υπόθεση. Ένα ακόμα «περίεργο» περιστατικό, μετά το επίσης «περίεργο» κτύπημα με χημικά. Το σημερινό περιστατικό πάντως, δεν αποκλείεται να «διευκολύνει» εκείνες τις Δυτικές χώρες που θέλουν να επιτεθούν στη Συρία, να το χρησιμοποιήσουν ως πρόσχημα για να βάλουν στη γωνία το Συμβούλιο Ασφαλείας του ΟΗΕ, και έτσι να προχωρήσουν «ανενόχλητες» στα σχέδιά τους.
Όπως έχει γίνει γνωστό, το σενάριο που εξετάζεται κατά της Συρίας, είναι σαν και αυτό των βομβαρδισμών στη Γιουγκοσλαβία, που έγινε από ΝΑΤΟϊκές δυνάμεις. Κάτι που θέλουν να κάνουν χώρες της Δύσης και η Τουρκία, είτε με την έγκριση του ΣΑ του ΟΗΕ, είχε χωρίς αυτήν. Να σημειωθεί ότι νωρίτερα σήμερα, Βρετανία και Τουρκία δήλωσαν ότι δεν πρόκειται να περιμένουν τις αποφάσεις του ΣΑ του ΟΗΕ για να κινηθούν κατά της Συρίας. Η Γερμανία επίσης, δήλωσε ότι θα στηρίξει την στρατιωτική λύση κατά της Συρίας, εάν –πάντως- αποδειχθεί ότι το καθεστώς έριξε χημικά όπλα.



  1. Lavrov: Unilateral Western Intervention in Syria Against the Law...

    MOSCOW, August 26 (RIA Novosti) – Military intervention in Syria would be a “most brazen violation of international legislation” if held without the UN’s backing, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry said Monday.

    “Paris and London are both calling for the destruction of chemical weapons in Syria even without approval from the UN Security Council. This is a very dangerous, slippery slope,” Sergei Lavrov told journalists in Moscow.

    Britain and France, as well as the US and Turkey, have said they are considering an attack on the embattled regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, which they accuse of using chemical weapons against the rebels it has been fighting since 2011. Assad denies the accusations and blamed a gas attack that allegedly took place last Wednesday on the insurgents.

    The Syrian crisis can only be resolved through political reconciliation, Lavrov said.

    Russia will continue to push for an international conference on Syria – the so-called Geneva 2 – that is to bring representatives of both Assad and the opposition to the negotiation table, Lavrov said.

    He conceded that the current plan to hold the conference in September is “not realistic” anymore, but gave no new prospective date for the event.

    US Secretary of State John Kerry confirmed that Washington still supports the idea of the Geneva 2 talks and is working to convince the Syrian opposition to participate, added Lavrov, who spoke to Kerry by telephone on Sunday.

    1. Russian FM Blasts West Over Syrian Chemical Weapons....

      MOSCOW, August 26 (RIA Novosti) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday slammed Western countries for suggesting the Syrian government carried out a chemical attack earlier this month, without offering convincing proof to back up these claims.

      “Any reports about the use of chemical weapons in Syria must be investigated most thoroughly and professionally, and the results presented to the UN Security Council,” Lavrov said at a press conference in Moscow.

      “Participants of the G8 summit who renege on this agreement are de-facto trying to take on the functions of both the investigators and the Security Council,” Lavrov said. Russia failed to resolve its differences over Syria with its partners – including the US, France and Britain – at the G8 summit in June.

      A chemical attack killed 355 in Syria last Wednesday, according to Doctors Without Borders. The regime of President Bashar Assad and the local insurgency, locked in a bloody standoff since 2011, blamed each other for the attack.

      Officials in the US and France were cited as saying that Assad’s government was behind the attack.

      US President Barack Obama said previously that the US would intervene in the Syrian conflict in the event of a chemical attack. British media reported the country’s forces are already preparing for a joint naval operation with the US against Assad’s forces.

      “Washington, London and Paris have officially stated they have irrefutable proof that the Syrian authorities are guilty [of the chemical attack], but they cannot present this proof,” Lavrov said Friday.

      A team of UN experts is currently investigating the attack in Syria on the ground, though their mandate is limited to confirming that the attack took place, not establishing who was behind it.

      The incident gave an advantage to those who want to trigger foreign military action against Assad’s regime, Lavrov said, though he added it was up to the UN to establish the real perpetrators.

      “Was it really in the interests of the Syrian government to use chemical weapons right when the [UN] inspectors are working there?” Lavrov said.

      (The story was updated to include background, Lavrov comments on Syrian government’s involvement in the attack.)

    2. Russia: West has no proof Assad launched gas attack, it just wants to fight him....Russian FM Lavrov tells press conference any use of force in Syria without UN mandate would violate international law and be 'repetition of past mistakes.'....

      Russia warned Western powers on Monday against any military intervention in Syria, saying the use of force without a United Nations mandate would violate international law.

      Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told a press conference that while the use of chemical weapons in Syria must be investigated, Western powers were jumping to accuse President Bashar Assad's regime without proof and out of personal dislike for the Syrian leader.

      "[The] West is unable to present evidence of the involvement of the Syrian authorities in chemical attacks, but states that 'red line' in situation has been passed", said Lavrov, according to the Voice of Russia.

      "You can't fight regime only because you don't personally like the dictator leading it and not fight some regimes where you like the dictator," Lavrov added.

      Lavrov also said that Moscow had no plans to be drawn into a military conflict over the civil war in Syria and that Washington and its allies would be repeating "past mistakes" if they intervened in Syria.

      "The use of force without the approval of the United Nations Security Council is a very grave violation of international law," Lavrov told a news conference at which he discussed accusations by rebel forces that Syrian government forces have used chemical weapons.

      Russia is Syrian President Bashar Assad's key ally and one of its main arms suppliers. It is also a veto-wielding member of the UN Security Council, where it has protected Damascus from three consecutive resolutions that were intended to put pressure on him to end violence.

      For more than two years, Moscow has demanded that any change of government in Syria must be carried out via a political process in which Assad must be part, and that no talks on Damascus' future can be predicated on Assad's exit from power.

      Lavrov said last Wednesday's alleged chemical attack, which UN chemical weapons experts began investigating on Monday, was probably the work of rebels who wanted to derail plans by Washington and Moscow to hold talks on Syria's future.

    3. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned the West on Monday that a military intervention in Syria without UN Security Council approval would violate international law while failing to bring an end to the country's civil war.....

      Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned the West on Monday that intervening militarily in Syria without UN Security Council approval would be a violation of international law while failing to bring an end to the conflict.

      "Using force without the approval of the UN Security Council is a very grave violation of international law," Lavrov told reporters, adding that it would be "a very dangerous path, a very slippery path".

      Moreover, he said, intervention would not help bring an end to the country’s bloody civil war.

      "If anyone thinks that destroying Syria's military infrastructure and leaving the battleground open for the opposition to take victory would be the end of it, that is an illusion," Lavrov said.

      "Even in case of such a victory, civil war will continue – only the side of the government will be the opposition side."

      Speaking at a news conference urgently convened just a few hours before, Lavrov said military intervention would be a grave mistake and would undermine hopes of convening a peace conference to resolve the conflict.

      "Why would they (the opposition) agree to go to the conference, if now the military is bombed and the opposition marches into Damascus to rule?" he asked.

      Lavrov said any military action taken by the West would only lead to more violence. "This is not just an illusion, it is a grave mistake that will not lead to any peace, but only mark a new, even bloodier stage of the war in Syria."

      Lavrov also expressed doubts over claims that the Syrian regime was behind the suspected chemical weapons attack last week that has prompted fresh calls for military action, saying the West has been unable to produce any evidence to back those claims.

      "They (the West) have not been able to come up with any proof but are saying at the same time that the red line has been crossed and there can be no delay," Lavrov said.

      He added that calls for military action "contradicted" agreements made at the G8 summit at Northern Ireland's Loch Erne in June.....

  2. Syria charade: West bent on war, UN investigation meaningless...

    There is no evidence that the Syrian government ordered the massacre with chemical weapons, but the West will blame it anyway because they want war, investigative journalist Neil Clark told RT.

    RT: As we can see the US, Britain, France and Turkey are all waiting on options in Syria. How ready are they to move from words to action at this point?

    Neil Clark: They are really bent on war and whatever the UN inspectors do this week won’t matter because it is a replay of 2003 when Saddam Hussein was bullied into allowing weapons inspection teams into Iraq. They went in there, they found no weapons, and yet we still had the war. In fact, they launched the war before the weapons inspection team could finish their job. It is a very similar scenario now in Syria.

    What we are going to see this week is a charade. We are going to see these inspection teams going to this site and whatever they do the Syrian government will be blamed for [it]. The US has made it quite clear and William Hague has made that quite clear. They will blame the Syrian government for these evidences [this evidence] or lack of evidence. There is no evidence that the Syrian government ordered this massacre with chemical weapons, they still are going to blame them because they want war.

    RT: How about the investigation you just mentioned? How impartial will that be?

    NC: The UN team will go there, they may find chemical weapons traces or they may not. But if they do, the US said quite clearly that the Syrian government is the only party capable of using chemical weapons, so they have made their minds up. If they don’t, then the Syrian government will be accused of moving them. The Syrian government will be damned if they do, and will be damned if they don’t, whatever the UN inspection teams find. The decision has already been taken.....

  3. Σύσκεψη στο Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών με αντικείμενο την κατάσταση στη Συρία...

    Η επιδείνωση της κατάστασης στη Συρία εξετάστηκε σε ευρεία υπηρεσιακή σύσκεψη υπό τον Αντιπρόεδρο της Κυβέρνησης και Υπουργό Εξωτερικών Ευ. Βενιζέλο, σήμερα στο Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών.

    Το Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών θεωρεί απολύτως απαράδεκτη και προκλητική κάθε ενέργεια παρεμπόδισης του έργου των εμπειρογνωμόνων του ΟΗΕ, οι οποίοι διερευνούν τις πραγματικές συνθήκες διάπραξης του ειδεχθούς εγκλήματος της χρήσης χημικών όπλων.

  4. Hysteria around chemical attack suits those who want military intervention in Syria - Lavrov...

    Following last week’s chemical attack, the West has engineered a media campaign to facilitate a military incursion, says Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The minister also cast doubts on the veracity of US and European claims about the incident.

    “Official Washington, London and Paris say they have incontrovertible evidence that the Syrian government is behind the chemical attack in Damascus, but they have not yet presented this evidence. Yet, they keep saying that the ‘red line’ has been crossed,” Lavrov said during an emergency press conference in Moscow.

    “Now, we are hearing calls for a military campaign against Bashar Assad.”

    Lavrov said that the US, Britain and other countries have assembled a “powerful force” and are “readying their ships and planes” for a possible invasion.

    The minister said that the development set the world on a "perilous path" and warned that “repeating the Iraqi and Lybyan scenario” and bringing in outside forces, would be a “terrible mistake that will lead to more blood being spilt”.

    The minister reserved particular outrage for the newly-mooted possibility of NATO staging a strike on chemical storage facilities without a United Nations mandate.

    Asked if Russia was going to join in the potential conflict on either side, Lavrov said “We have no plans to go to war, but we hope that others think of long-term interests.” ....

  5. Syrie/armes chimiques: Russie et Turquie poursuivent leurs consultations...

    Les chefs de la diplomatie russe et turque, Sergueï Lavrov et Ahmet Davutoglu, ont décidé lundi, lors d'un entretien téléphonique, de poursuivre les consultations bilatérales sur la situation en Syrie suite à l'emploi d'armes chimiques près de Damas le 21 août.

    "Les interlocuteurs ont exprimé leur profonde inquiétude face aux informations sur l'emploi d'armes chimiques dans une banlieue de Damas le 21 août dernier. Ils ont souligné la nécessité de créer des conditions favorables pour les experts de l'ONU chargés de mener une enquête minutieuse et objective sur les circonstances de cette attaque. Les deux ministres se sont mis d'accord de poursuivre leurs consultations à ce sujet au niveau des ministères des Affaires étrangères", a indiqué le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères dans un communiqué.

    Le bilan de l'attaque chimique organisée à Ghouta, en banlieue de Damas, le 21 août, est estimé entre 355 et 1.300 morts. Les autorités et l'opposition syriennes s'en rejettent la responsabilité. Le gouvernement syrien a approuvé dimanche dernier le calendrier de visites par les experts onusiens d'endroits d'utilisation présumée d'armes chimiques.

    Deux obus de mortier ont explosé lundi dans le centre de Damas à proximité de l'hôtel où sont logés les experts de l'ONU chargés d'enquêter sur les attaques chimiques en Syrie.

  6. Lawrow über Syrien: Machtwechsel bringt keinen Frieden...

    Der andauernde Bürgerkrieg in Syrien wird laut dem russischen Außenminister Sergej Lawrow nicht enden, wenn das Assad-Regime fällt.

    „Wer glaubt, dass alles beendet wird, wenn man die syrische Militärinfrastruktur zerbombt und die Regimegegner siegen lässt, der hegt Illusionen“, sagte Lawrow am Montag auf einer Pressekonferenz in Moskau. Selbst wenn die Regimegegner siegen würden, würde der Bürgerkrieg andauern....

  7. Ιταλίδα ΥΠΕΞ: «Να το σκεφτείτε 1000 φορές πριν επιτεθείτε στη Συρία»!...

    Διαχωρίζει τη θέση της από την αγλλοαμερικανική συμμαχία η οποία είναι έτοιμη να εξαπολύσει αεροπορικούς βομβαρδισμούς στη Συρία η Ιταλία ύστερα από δήλωση της Ιταλίδας υπουργού Εξωτερικών Emma Bonino η οποία μίλησε στον ραδιοσταθμό Radio Radicale.

    Η Ιταλίδα υπουργός κάλεσε τις ΗΠΑ να «το σκεφτούν 1000 φορές» πριν εξαπολύσουν την επίθεσή τους εναντίον της Συρίας καθώς οι συνέπειες από μια τέτοια πράξη μπορεί να είναι δραματικές.

    Η Ε. Bonino εξέφρασε την αντίθεσή της στην εκδήλωση επιθέσεων στη Συρία χωρίς την πρότερη σύμφωνη γνώμη του ΣΑ του ΟΗΕ χαρακτηρίζοντας τον διεθνή οργανισμό ως τον μονό που θα μπορούσε να προσφέρει μιας ειρηνική διέξοδο στη συριακή κρίση.

    Η Ιταλίδα υπουργός κάλεσε επίσης τις χώρες που πρωτοστατούν στην εκδήλωση επίθεσης εναντίον της Συρίας δηλαδή τις ΗΠΑ, το Ισραήλ τη Βρετανία και τελευταία τη Γαλλία να της δώσουν τα αδιάσειστα στοιχεία που λένε ότι κατέχουν ότι την επίθεση με χημικά την έκανε το καθεστώς του Bashar Al Assad. Ακόμη πάντως η Ιταλίδα υπουργός αναμένει απάντηση…,

    Τμήμα ειδήσεων

    1. Syria: intervention unthinkable without UN, says Bonino... ''Even a limited intervention runs the risk of becoming unlimited. We must think it over a thousand times,''...

      ROME, AUGUST 26 - ''Military intervention in Syria without UN Security Council approval is not feasible,'' Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino told Radio Radicale on Monday.

      ''We should try to avoid making an international drama into a global one,'' she added, urging listeners to consider the possible reactions of Russia and Iran. ''Even a limited intervention runs the risk of becoming unlimited. We must think it over a thousand times,'' because ''the repercussions could be dramatic''. With a ''unanimous'' Security Council vote ''we could take other roads, not necessarily military ones'' in Syria, such as ''deferring'' Syrian President Bashar al-Assad ''to the International Criminal Court'' or campaigning for his exile.

      This would ''avoid military intervention'' and further bloodshed, said Bonino.

      A long-time member of the Italian Radical Party, Emma Bonino in the past campaigned for sending late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein into exile as an alternative to war.

      The minister hoped allies ''will share their information'' on Assad's alleged use of chemical weapons, which ''has such far-reaching implications that we hope not to return to dubious positions taken in the past''.

      The July 21 use of chemical weapons is ''largely established'', Bonino said.

      However UN inspectors may only be able to collect ''indirect proof, because nothing is more volatile than gas'' and because a subsequent government air raid that ''caused 700 deaths'' might have tainted the evidence. Whatever country ''says it has certain proof'' of Assad's use of such weapons should share that information in ''the proper setting for sharing and analysis, such as the UN Security Council'', Bonino said in reference to ''peremptory declarations'' made by ''Great Britain, France, some in the US, and Israel''.

      It is no secret, the minister remarked, that the Pentagon is the most reluctant to intervene within the US administration.

      This is for ideological reasons but because of ''the complexity on the ground and in the region that they would be facing'', Bonino said. Bonino will discuss Syria with Premier Enrico Letta and Defense Minister Mario Mauro after a cabinet meeting tonight, she said. (ANSAmed).

    2. Italy says Syria has passed 'point of no-return' with chemical weapons....

      (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta said that he agreed with British Prime Minister David Cameron in a phone call on Tuesday that Syria's use of chemical weapons was "unacceptable", according to a statement.

      "The United Kingdom and Italy agreed on the fact that Syria has gone past the point of no-return with its massive use of chemical weapons," the Italian premier said in a statement.

      The attacks are "an unacceptable crime that cannot be tolerated by the international community," the statement read.

    3. Italy Insists on UN Mandate for Any Syria Strikes...

      Italy insisted on Tuesday that any military strike against Syria for its alleged chemical attack on civilians must be authorized by the U.N. Security Council.

      Briefing Parliament, Foreign Minister Emma Bonino called the chemical attack a "war crime" but said her government wouldn't support military action without U.N. Security Council authorization.

      She said: "Italy would not actively take in any military action ... beyond the context of the Security Council, which for us is and remains the only point of legal reference that cannot be ignored."

      Italy offered both military bases on its territory and its own aircraft for the 2011 NATO campaign in Libya. Bonino didn't specify how Italy might view base use during any intervention against Syria led by allies.

      Later in the day, Premier Enrico Letta laid out Italy's position in a telephone conversation with British Prime Minister David Cameron, the Italian leader's office said.

      Britain and Italy "agree on the fact that the massive use of chemical weapons in Syria has gone past the point of no return," Letta's office said in a statement. Letta told Cameron that Italy considers the attack on Syrian civilians "an unacceptable crime that cannot be tolerated by the international community."

  8. Mögliche Intervention: Syrische Regierung auf alles gefasst...

    Vor dem Hintergrund der Spekulationen über ein US-Eingreifen macht sich die Regierung Syriens laut einem Agenturbericht auf jedes Szenario gefasst.

    „Die Angriffs-Drohungen des Westens sind Teil des psychologischen und politischen Drucks“, sagte ein nicht näher bezeichneter Vertreter der syrischen Militärkreise zur Agentur AFP. „Jedenfalls sind wir auf jede Entwicklung gefasst.“....

  9. Obama da los últimos pasos hacia una intervención militar en Siria..

    1. Kerry afirma que “todas las pruebas” apuntan a la responsabilidad del régimen sirio
    2. Un amplia coalición de países europeos y musulmanes legitima una intervención sin respaldo de la ONU
    Estados Unidos parece al borde de una intervención militar en Siria con el apoyo de sus principales aliados europeos, de Turquía y de algunos países árabes como castigo por el uso de armas químicas por parte del régimen de Bachar el Asad. Los responsables militares norteamericanos han elaborado una lista de posibles objetivos de un ataque que se concentraría en instalaciones del Ejército sirio, infraestructura utilizada para la guerra y los medios necesarios para el uso de gases venenosos.

    Aunque oficialmente no se ha tomado aún una decisión y siguen existiendo dudas sobre la eficacia y el alcance del ataque, parece haber prevalecido la idea de que, pese a los riesgos que implica una acción militar, EE UU y el mundo no pueden permanecer pasivos ante el uso de armas químicas, especialmente en una región tan convulsa como Oriente Próximo.

    La Casa Blanca se muestra convencida de que ese tipo de armamento fue utilizado en el ataque de la pasada semana contra reductos rebeldes en las afueras de Damasco, en el que murieron al menos un millar de personas, entre ellas muchos niños, y no concede gran relevancia a la misión de los inspectores de la ONU que ayer investigaron sobre el terreno.

    El secretario de Estado, John Kerry, en la más clara indicación hasta la fecha de las intenciones de su Gobierno, ha manifestado este lunes que ese ataque fue “una obscenidad moral” que “debe de sacudir la conciencia del mundo”, y advirtió que el presidente Barack Obama está decidido a que el régimen de Asad, a quien Washington considera culpable, “responda por esa atrocidad”. Kerry ha afirmado que “todas las pruebas indican que se usaron armas químicas la semana pasada”, ha recordado que el Gobierno sirio es el único que tiene en su poder ese armamento y ha asegurado que, desde se produjo el ataque, sus autores han tratado de ocultar las pruebas, entre otras formas, volviendo a bombardear el lugar atacado previamente......

  10. Ban Ki-moon insiste en una salida política ante una intervención militar...

    El secretario general de la ONU, Ban Ki-moon, ha renovado su apuesta por una solución "negociada" al conflicto en Siria, en medio del debate abierto en varios países occidentales sobre una posible intervención militar.

    "El secretario general sigue concentrado en lograr una solución negociada al conflicto y haciendo todo lo que puede para frenar la violencia en Siria", ha dicho este lunes ante la prensa uno de los portavoces de la ONU, Farhan Haq.

    Ban cree que el conflicto ha provocado "demasiado sufrimiento" y que la única manera de resolverlo es a través del diálogo; de ahí que reiterara la importancia de una conferencia internacional en Ginebra para abordar la crisis siria, añadió el portavoz.

    Para ello, dijo Haq, el secretario general ha intensificado en los últimos días sus contactos telefónicos con diferentes líderes mundiales, tanto en la región como con otros dirigentes con intereses en el conflicto sirio.

    La ONU ha insistido en que la única opción para acabar con la guerra civil en Siria es una salida política, después de que este fin de semana se multiplicaran las especulaciones sobre una posible intervención militar.

    Debate internacional.....

  11. UK gathers warplanes, military hardware in Cyprus base near Syria – report...

    “Warplanes and military transporters” have reportedly been moved to Britain’s Akrotiri airbase in Cyprus in the latest sign of the allied forces’ preparations for a military strike on Syria amid bellicose rhetoric against the Syrian government.

    Two commercial pilots who regularly fly from Larnaca, Cyprus, claim to have spotted C-130 transport planes from their own aircraft and small formations of possibly European fighter jets from their radar screens, according to the Guardian.

    Akrotiri airbase is less than 100 miles from Syria, making it a likely hub for a bombing campaign. Residents near the airfield confirmed to the Guardian that “activity there has been much higher than normal over the past 48 hours.”

    Meanwhile, top military officials from ten Western and Middle Eastern nations – led by US Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey and his Jordanian counterpart – met in Amman, Jordan, to discuss potential military action in Syria. This follows reports that Dempsey presented potential military options to the White House over the weekend.

    On Friday, Reuters revealed the US Navy was expanding its Mediterranean presence with a fourth ship capable launching long-range, subsonic cruise missiles to reach land targets in Syria....

  12. Waffenschiff aus Nordkorea für Syrien gestoppt...

    1400 Gewehre, Munition und Gasmasken – unter libyscher Flagge soll Nordkorea versucht haben, eine Schiffsladung Waffen nach Syrien zu schmuggeln. Die Türkei stoppte das Unternehmen.

    Nordkorea hat einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge versucht, Waffen und Munition sowie Gasmasken nach Syrien zu liefern. Die Ladung sei auf einem Schiff unter libyscher Flagge losgeschickt worden, berichtete die japanische Zeitung "Sankei Shimbun" am Dienstag unter Berufung auf japanische, südkoreanische und US-Quellen.

    Auf einen Hinweis der USA hin hätten türkische Behörden das Schiff in der Meerenge der Dardanellen abgefangen. An Bord seien 1400 Gewehre und Pistolen, rund 30.000 Schuss Munition und Gasmasken entdeckt worden.

    Die USA gehen laut der Zeitung davon aus, dass die Waffen in der Türkei von dem Schiff gebracht und auf dem Landweg nach Syrien transportiert werden sollten. Der Kapitän wurde dem Bericht zufolge von den türkischen Behörden verhaftet. Zudem wurde ein Ermittlungsverfahren gegen ihn eingeleitet.....

  13. Parliament recalled to discuss UK's response...

    The UK Parliament is to be recalled on Thursday to discuss possible responses to a suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria.

    David Cameron said MPs would vote on a "clear motion", amid calls for action against the country's government.

    The UK is considering military options following last week's suspected attack, which is being investigated by the UN.

    The Syrian government said it was not responsible and the US and others were using it as an excuse to attack it.

    The US has said there is "clear" evidence that President Bashar al-Assad's government was behind last week's attack on the outskirts of Damascus but Russia, a key ally of Syria, has questioned this.


    US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel has said US forces are "ready to go" if given the order by US President Barack Obama but the facts of what happened need to be fully established before any decisions are taken.

    UN weapons inspectors are continuing to examine the scene of the alleged attack.

    The Syrian authorities have blamed opposition fighters, with whom they have been involved in a civil war for more than two years.

    After cutting short his holiday to deal with the crisis, the prime minister announced that the House of Commons Speaker, John Bercow, had granted his request for Parliament to be recalled from its summer recess four days early.

    Mr Cameron wrote on Twitter: "Speaker agrees my request to recall Parliament on Thurs. There'll be a clear Govt motion & vote on UK response to chemical weapons attacks."...

  14. Les Etats-Unis «prêts à aller» en Syrie dès qu'Obama donne son feu vert...

    Le secrétaire américain à la Défense Chuck Hagel a déclaré que les forces armées étaient «prêtes» pour une action militaire en Syrie si le président Barack Obama donnait son aval, dans une interview mardi à la BBC. «Nous sommes préparés. Nous avons positionné des éléments pour être capables de répondre à toute option choisie par le président», a déclaré Chuck Hagel. «Nous sommes prêts à y aller», a-t-il ajouté....

  15. Estados Unidos y sus aliados europeos acordaron una ofensiva conjunta pero “con objetivos limitados”. La acción militar sería esta semana. El canciller sirio desafió a que se muestren pruebas de que se utilizaron armas químicas....

    Los preparativos para un ataque de las fuerzas de Estados Unidos y sus aliados europeos contra las posiciones del régimen sirio de Bashar al Assad se aceleran en todas las bases del Mediterráneo. Gran Bretaña ya envió barcos y aviones a su base en Chipre. Y el Pentágono solicitó el permiso para activar las bases griegas donde se abastecen sus barcos y aviones, Souda, en el oeste de Creta y del aeropuerto de Kalamata en la península del Peloponeso. Ambas bases fueron utilizadas durante la intervención militar en Libia.

    En Jordania, donde se realizó lunes y martes una reunión de muy alto nivel de jefes militares de diez países occidentales y árabes, de la que participó el jefe del Estado Mayor conjunto estadounidense, Martin Dempsey, se acordó realizar un ataque conjunto a Siria pero “con objetivos limitados”. Un portavoz jordano que hizo un breve resumen de lo conversado dijo que “se decidió que ataques limitados con misiles serían la respuesta más responsable y sostenible en el caso de que la comunidad internacional se viera obligada a actuar en Siria”.....

  16. Israeli intelligence seen as central to US case against Syria...

    Netanyahu to hold second security cabinet meeting on crisis in two days; top minister says it’s unthinkable for Assad to be allowed to go on gassing children.

    ...Naftali Bennett, the minister of economics who sits on the security cabinet, issued what amounted to a demand for military intervention against Assad. “It cannot be that less than 100 kilometers from Israel, children are being gassed to death and we let the world remain silent and ignore it,” Bennett said.

    While Israel would almost certainly take no direct part in a military strike, Israeli intelligence information is widely believed to have played a central role in enabling the US’s adamant conviction that Assad’s regime fired chemical weapons at civilians outside Damascus last Wednesday, killing at least hundreds of people and wounding over a thousand, according to Syrian rebel groups.....

  17. Les Etats-Unis sont « prêts à y aller », tandis que le régime syrien prévient : « nous avons les moyens de nous défendre »....

    Le secrétaire américain à la Défense Chuck Hagel a déclaré que les forces armées étaient « prêtes » pour une action militaire en Syrie si le président Barack Obama donnait son aval, dans une interview à la BBC. « Nous sommes préparés. Nous avons positionné des éléments pour être capables de répondre à toute option choisie par le président », a déclaré Chuck Hagel. « Nous sommes prêts à y aller », a-t-il ajouté.

    De son côté, le ministre syrien des Affaires étrangères, Walid Mouallem, a prévenu : « nous nous défendrons » en cas d’intervention étrangère. « S’en prendre à la Syrie n’est pas une mince affaire. Nous avons des moyens de défense qui vont surprendre », a-t-il ajouté. Le chef de la diplomatie syrienne a fustigé ceux qui veulent attaquer son pays sans apporter, selon lui, la moindre preuve sur les armes chimiques. Pour lui, une intervention militaire internationale ne servirait que les intérêts d’Israël et d’al-Qaïda.

    Le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères a appelé ce mardi les Etats-Unis et la communauté internationale à la « prudence » en Syrie, soulignant qu’une intervention militaire aurait des conséquences « catastrophiques » pour les pays du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord. Le ministre syrien des Affaires étrangères, Walid Mouallem, a d’ailleurs insisté ce mardi sur le fait que « la Russie n’abandonnerait pas son allié syrien ».....

  18. Western strikes against Syria 'within days'...Opposition leaders reportedly told to expect strikes within days, as US and UK ramp up rhetoric against Assad regime....

    Syrian opposition leaders have been told by Western allies to expect military strikes against President Bashar al-Assad's regime within days, Reuters news agency reports.

    According to the report, the Syrian National Coalition (SNC) was told in clear terms that "action to deter further use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime could come as early as in the next few days".....

  19. Βενιζέλος: «Αντίδραση απόλυτη και καθαρή στο ειδεχθές έγκλημα»...

    Να καταδικαστεί απερίφραστα η χρήση χημικών όπλων, η οποία είναι ειδεχθές έγκλημα και η αντίδραση να είναι καθαρή και απόλυτη, διεμήνυσε ο αντιπρόεδρος της κυβέρνησης και υπουργός Εξωτερικών Ευ. Βενιζέλος, μετά τη συνάντησή του με τον πρέσβη της Αιγύπτου στην Ελλάδα.

    Απαντώντας σε ερώτηση δημοσιογράφων για την θέση της ελληνικής κυβέρνησης στο θέμα της Συρίας, ο κ. Βενιζέλος δήλωσε: "Είχα την ευκαιρία να επικοινωνήσω, σήμερα, με την κα Ashton, με την οποία ανταλλάξαμε τις απόψεις μας για το θέμα αυτό και είχα μια εκτενή συνομιλία, επίσης, με τον Γάλλο ομόλογό μου. Εμείς θέλουμε να καταδικαστεί απερίφραστα η χρήση χημικών όπλων, η οποία είναι ειδεχθές έγκλημα, προσβάλλει κάθε ανθρωπιστικό ιδεώδες, προσβάλλει το Διεθνές Δίκαιο. Πρέπει η αντίδραση να είναι καθαρή και απόλυτη. Πρέπει, βεβαίως, να διαφυλαχθεί η προοπτική της πολιτικής διαδικασίας. Πρέπει να διαφυλαχθεί η δυνατότητα για τη λεγόμενη "Γενεύη ΙΙ", μέσα από την οποία μπορεί να δοθεί μια οριστική και βιώσιμη λύση στο πρόβλημα της Συρίας που είναι επίσης μια χώρα καθοριστική για την ευρύτερη περιοχή. Εμείς προετοιμαζόμαστε από κάθε άποψη και είμαστε σε επαφή με όλες τις ευρωπαϊκές και άλλες χώρες, γιατί και με τις χώρες του Αραβικού κόσμου έχουμε πολύ στενή συνεργασία και επαφή προς την κατεύθυνση αυτή"....

  20. Defence ministry dismisses claims that US is seeking bases...No request for Greek assistance in Syria issued by US, says source...

    Washington never submitted to the Ministry of National Defence, officially or unofficially, any such request for Greek assistance,' semiofficial ANA news agency quoted unnamed defence ministry anonymous source as saying.

    The defence ministry has denied media reports that the United States has requested the use of military bases on Greek soil as part of a possible military intervention in Syria, the semiofficial ANA-MPA said on Tuesday.

    "Washington never submitted to the Ministry of National Defence, officially or unofficially, any such request for Greek assistance," ANA quoted the anonymous source as saying.

    The denial follows reports in Kathimerini late on Monday that the US had asked Athens, a Nato ally, to provide permission for US military ships and aircraft to pass through Greek territory as well as use of the Souda Bay and Kalamata military bases.

    However, commentators point out that the defence ministry denial does not rule out that an approach could have been made through Nato channels.

    The defence ministry denial was the fourth ANA wire on the situation on Tuesday, amid confusion as to whether the ministry or government in general had dismissed the claims.

    The first one, issued around 11am, said the defence ministry dismissed the claims. That was followed by a second wire, at around 11.30am, that said the denial was in the name of the government, removing any mention of the defence ministry. Then, at 11.45, a third wire was published, removing the anonymous quotation from the dNo efence ministry source. Finally, at noon, a fourth – and final – wire was published, stating that the only valid statement was the one from the anonymous defence ministry source....

  21. Netanyahu: Israel will hit hard if Syrian threat detected...

    Following second security cabinet meeting in two days, prime minister parries Syrian warning that it’ll strike Israel if US attacks.

    The prime minister’s pointed remarks were the latest in a string of saber-rattling statements issued by Jerusalem and Damascus, with both sides threatening military action if they were struck.

    Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem said in a press conference earlier on Tuesday that Syria would fight back in case of a US strike, and Khalaf Muftah, a senior Baath Party official, said Monday that Damascus would consider Israel “behind the [Western] aggression and [it] will therefore come under fire.”

    “We have strategic weapons and we’re capable of responding,” Muftah said. “Normally the strategic weapons are aimed at Israel.”....

  22. Russia says strike on Syria won’t be made easy...

    Assad has a strong air defense system, Moscow officials claim; military intervention will have ‘catastrophic consequences’.

    “If the US army and NATO launch an operation against Syria, there won’t be an easy victory,” the news agency reported, quoting the military source, who claimed Syria has at least 10 air defense batteries as well as a Soviet and Russian-made arsenal that can combat incoming cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, and other projectiles.

    Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich called on the international community to heed international law and be prudent regarding the Syrian crisis....

    1. Κάμερον: Η επέμβαση θα είναι εξειδικευμένη κι δεν θα υπάρξει διεύρυνση της σύρραξης...

      Ο Βρετανός πρωθυπουργός Ντέιβιντ Κάμερον δήλωσε σήμερα πως οποιαδήποτε στρατιωτική επέμβαση στη Συρία θα πρέπει να είναι στοχευμένη και να μην έχει αποτέλεσμα να προκληθεί μία ευρύτερη σύρραξη στη Μέση Ανατολή.

      «Δεν πρόκειται για μία ανάμειξή μας σε έναν πόλεμο στη Μέση Ανατολή, ή γι' αλλαγή στάσης μας απέναντι στην Συρία, ή για μία περαιτέρω είσοδό μας σε αυτήν τη σύρραξη», δήλωσε ο Κάμερον στους δημοσιογράφους. «Αυτό αφορά τα χημικά όπλα. Η χρήση τους αποτελεί σφάλμα και δεν θα πρέπει να μείνουμε αδρανείς απέναντί της», υπογράμμισε ο επικεφαλής της βρετανικής κυβέρνησης.

  23. Obama, Canada PM agree Syria chemical weapon use merits firm response...

    Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Tuesday agreed that the use of chemical weapons in Syria merited a firm, effective and timely response from the international community, a spokesman for Harper said.

    The two leaders talked amid mounting signs that Washington and its allies are edging toward a limited use of force against Syrian President Bashar Assad's loyalists in the wake of a poison gas attack last week that killed hundreds of civilians.

    "Both leaders agreed that significant use of chemical weapons merits a firm response from the international community in an effective and timely manner," Harper spokesman Andrew MacDougall said in a statement.

  24. Russia sending warships to the Mediterranean: Report....

    Russia "over the next few days" will be sending an anti-submarine ship and a missile cruiser to the Mediterranean as the West prepares for possible strikes against Syria, the Interfax news agency said on Thursday.

    "The well-known situation shaping up in the eastern Mediterranean called for certain corrections to the make-up of the naval forces," a source in the Russian General Staff told Interfax. "A large anti-submarine ship of the Northern Fleet will join them (the existing naval forces) over the next few days. Later it will be joined by... a rocket cruiser of the Black Sea Fleet.".....

    1. Russia sends warships to Mediterranean: Interfax...

      (Reuters) - Russia is sending two warships to the eastern Mediterranean, Interfax news agency said on Thursday, as Western powers prepare for military action over last week's alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria.

      Interfax news agency quoted a source in the armed forces' general staff as saying a missile cruiser and an anti-submarine ship would arrive in the coming days because of the "well-known situation" - a clear reference to the conflict in Syria.

      The navy later denied the deployment was linked to events in Syria and said it was part of a long-planned rotation of its ships in the Mediterranean. It did not say what kind of vessels, or how many, were on their way to the region.

      The initial Interfax report had made clear that the aim was to beef up the navy's presence and not to replace the ships in the Mediterranean. The reason for the discrepancy in the two reports was not immediately clear.

      The United States accuses Syrian government forces of carrying out last week's chemical weapons attack and has said it is repositioning its naval forces in the Mediterranean.....

  25. Russian Med Fleet Redeployment ‘Not Linked’ to Syria - Navy...

    MOSCOW, August 29 (RIA Novosti) – The redeployment of Russian Naval vessels in the Mediterranean Sea is part of a planned rotation and is not linked with the worsening situation in Syria, a Russian Naval spokesperson said Thursday.

    The statement comes after media reports had suggested that the grouping of Russian vessels in the Mediterranean Sea was to be changed in direct connection with events in Syria. Admiral Viktor Chirkov, commander of the Russian Navy, told Zvezda TV channel Sunday that Russia "should have five or six vessels permanently deployed in the Mediterranean," but did not say how many were already there.

    “The vessels in the Mediterranean, like those in other parts of the world, act under plans by the Russian Naval Command and General Staff, and fulfil tasks set,” the Naval spokesperson said.

    “On completion of these tasks, the vessels then either return to their bases, or are replaced by other vessels to complete the tasks set,” the spokesperson said, adding “This does not amount to a renewal of any grouping or groupings, it is a planned rotation.”

    The spokesperson for the Russian Navy did not share any further details with RIA Novosti regarding the ships involved, and said Navy General Staff decides what class of vessel to send.


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