British plans to crack down on unrestricted immigration within the EU were attacked last night by the leader of the European Parliament. Despite calls from politicians in the UK - and other European countries - to curb the unrestricted movement of workers between EU countries, senior officials from Brussels have said the principle is 'fundamental' and the line cannot be crossed.
Martin Schulz, president of the European Parliament, said that while he took plans for EU reform, masterminded by David Cameron, into consideration, some elements were “not up for negotiation.”
He also poured scorn on the idea that Britain would be able reform its relationship with the EU by threatening to leave - which is what the Conservatives are proposing by promising to offer a referendum on EU membership if they win the next election.
Last month it was reported that the British Home Secretary Theresa May was considering capping EU immigration at 75,000 workers. Though the figure was never confirmed, the Conservative minister did speak out about “the abuse of free movement in the EU” - which includes fears of benefits tourism.
Mr Schulz also objected the UK pressing for reform 'with one hand on the escape hatch', rather than trying to change things from inside the EU.
The intervention came as Conservative backbencher piled additional pressure on Mr Cameron to give Britain extra powers to resist new laws drafted by Brussels.
A poll by the thinktank British Future finds strong public support for a change in the UK's relationship with the EU. More than one in four (28%) of UK voters want to get away from it, while 38% wish to stay in and try to reduce EU powers. Even senior Labour political leaders are now discussing the need to change freedom of movement rules in terms that will cause further alarm in Brussels.
Last week shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna said he had been discussing with European counterparts how to limit immigration from EU countries to people with good skills and firm job offers. "The founders of the EU had in mind free movement of workers, not free movement of jobs," he said.
Labour sources later said he had "made a mistake" but party strategists are aware that in the current anti-EU climate they have to be responsive to prevailing skepticism.
Voice of Russia, The Independent
Martin Schulz, president of the European Parliament, said that while he took plans for EU reform, masterminded by David Cameron, into consideration, some elements were “not up for negotiation.”
He also poured scorn on the idea that Britain would be able reform its relationship with the EU by threatening to leave - which is what the Conservatives are proposing by promising to offer a referendum on EU membership if they win the next election.
Last month it was reported that the British Home Secretary Theresa May was considering capping EU immigration at 75,000 workers. Though the figure was never confirmed, the Conservative minister did speak out about “the abuse of free movement in the EU” - which includes fears of benefits tourism.
Mr Schulz also objected the UK pressing for reform 'with one hand on the escape hatch', rather than trying to change things from inside the EU.
The intervention came as Conservative backbencher piled additional pressure on Mr Cameron to give Britain extra powers to resist new laws drafted by Brussels.
A poll by the thinktank British Future finds strong public support for a change in the UK's relationship with the EU. More than one in four (28%) of UK voters want to get away from it, while 38% wish to stay in and try to reduce EU powers. Even senior Labour political leaders are now discussing the need to change freedom of movement rules in terms that will cause further alarm in Brussels.
Last week shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna said he had been discussing with European counterparts how to limit immigration from EU countries to people with good skills and firm job offers. "The founders of the EU had in mind free movement of workers, not free movement of jobs," he said.
Labour sources later said he had "made a mistake" but party strategists are aware that in the current anti-EU climate they have to be responsive to prevailing skepticism.
Voice of Russia, The Independent
Περιορισμούς στην ελεύθερη κυκλοφορία εντός της ΕΕ, θέλει το Λονδίνο
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Η Μέρκελ βάζει τέλος στη διαμάχη
EU warnt vor hysterischem Stopp der Freizügigkeit...
>>>>Roumains et Bulgares sont libres de travailler partout dans l'UE...<<<<
Ρουμανία προς ΕΕ: Τέρμα τα «παρακαλητά» για ένταξη στο Schengen. -Ελλάδα: Η μόνη χώρα χωρίς χερσαία σύνορα με Schengen
Τεράστιες οι μισθολογικές διαφορές στην Ευρώπη των 28... -Ο κατώτατος μισθός στο Λουξεμβούργο είναι 12πλάσιος από ότι στη Βουλγαρία και 2,73 φορές υψηλότερος από την Ελλάδα
„Keine Freiheit ohne Regeln”Barroso verteidigt Freizügigkeit....
ReplyDelete„Populistische Rhetorik” nennt EU-Kommissionspräsident Barroso die aktuelle Diskussion zur Freizügigkeit in Europa. Er spricht von einer historischen Errungenschaften des Staatenverbundes.
StraßburgDie EU-Kommission will das Recht der EU-Bürger, in anderen Staaten der Europäischen Union zu wohnen und zu arbeiten, energisch gegen „populistische Rhetorik“ verteidigen. EU-Kommissionspräsident José Manuel Barroso sagte am Mittwoch vor dem Europaparlament in Straßburg, die Freizügigkeit sei „ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil des europäischen Bürgerrechts“.
„Die Kommission wird dieses Prinzip verteidigen“, sagte er. „Es ist eine historische Errungenschaft, ein Zivilisationsfortschritt, eine echte Errungenschaft von Freiheit, Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit.“ Es dürfe in der EU „keine Bürger erster und zweiter Klasse geben“.
„Aber im Gegensatz zu Eindrücken, die jüngst in nationalen Debatten auftauchten, ist dies keine Freiheit ohne Regeln“, sagte Barroso. Das gemeinsam von den EU-Staaten und dem Europaparlament beschlossene Recht biete den Bürgern Garantien und „auch den Staaten Möglichkeiten, Missbrauch zu bekämpfen“. „Wenn es einen Missbrauch der Freizügigkeit gibt, dann ist es nicht nur das Recht, sondern die Pflicht der Mitgliedsstaaten, tätig zu werden.“
Barroso plädierte für eine Debatte „in objektiver und konstruktiver Weise“: Man dürfe nicht „einer bornierten und chauvinistischen Idee des Schutzes verschiedener Länder“ folgen.
The European Union needs to play a less prominent role in some aspects of how its member countries function, British Prime Minister David Cameron said as he laid out his plans for EU reforms before holding a membership referendum...
ReplyDelete"Never forget that the European Union now comprises 28 ancient nations of Europe," Cameron said in a speech.
"That very diversity is Europe's greatest strength. Britain says: let's celebrate that fact, let's acknowledge that the answer to every problem is not always more Europe. Sometimes it's less Europe."
Cameron was speaking on the same day that he was due to send a letter to the president of the European Council, which represents EU member states, setting out his main objectives from a reform of the bloc.
Cameron has said he will hold the referendum before the end of 2017.