Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Conférence des donateurs: le Koweït annonce 500 millions dollars d'aide humanitaire à la Syrie. -Donors' conference on Syria chaired by UN chief Ban Ki-moon

L'émir du Koweït a annoncé mercredi une contribution de 500 millions de dollars pour aider les civils victimes de la guerre en Syrie à l'ouverture d'une conférence des donateurs.
"J'annonce une contribution de 500 millions de dollars de fonds publics et privés du Koweït à l'effort humanitaire en Syrie", a déclaré dans un discours cheikh Sabah al-Ahmad Al-Sabah.
L'émir a rappelé que son pays avait déjà apporté 430 millions de dollars d'assistance aux Syriens affectés par le conflit qui a fait plus de 130.000 morts et 2,4 millions de réfugiés depuis près de trois ans.

Il a appelé les participants à la conférence, organisée à l'initiative de l'ONU, à la générosité affirmant que l'objectif devrait être de "sauver les enfants, les femmes et la jeunesse de Syrie".

La réunion intervient une semaine avant la conférence de paix dite de Genève II dont l'objectif est d'aboutir à un accord sur la transition politique en Syrie.

  • Les pays donateurs réunis à Koweït cherchent à mobiliser 6,5 milliards de dollars en faveur des victimes de la guerre en Syrie, une levée de fonds présentée par l'ONU comme la plus importante de son histoire pour une situation d'urgence.

L'ONU a indiqué avoir besoin de 2,3 milliards de dollars pour aider 9,3 millions de personnes en Syrie, et 4,2 milliards de dollars pour les réfugiés dont le nombre devrait quasiment doubler, à 4,1 millions en 2014.

Donors' conference on Syria opens with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and US Secretary of State John Kerry both attending. Donors gathered in Kuwait Wednesday in a major fundraising drive for 13 million Syrians affected by war following a record UN appeal for $6.5 billion. As Syrians shivered through their third winter of conflict, delegates from 69 nations and 24 international organisations were to attend the one-day event.

With fighting on the ground as intense as ever and the prospects of a negotiated solution still dim, rights and aid groups said urgent funds were needed.

"The continuing violence in Syria has sparked one of the biggest humanitarian crises in recent history," Amnesty International said in a statement Tuesday.

"The world's response to the Syria crisis so far has been woefully inadequate," Amnesty said, ahead of the Second International Humanitarian Pledging Conference for Syria.

The UN is looking for $2.3 billion to support 9.3 million people inside Syria and $4.2 billion for Syrian refugees, expected to nearly double to 4.1 million by year's end.

Amnesty said the world community must act now to end the suffering of Syrian civilians, many of whom face severe shortages of food supply, medical care and adequate shelter.

It also called on the Syrian government to lift blockades on the civilian population in opposition held towns and areas.

Non-government charity organisations meeting in Kuwait on Tuesday pledged $400 million for Syrians, with Kuwait promising $142 millions of the total.

The European Union offered an extra 165 million euros ($225 million) of aid, EU Aid Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva told AFP, raising the union's total contributions to 2.0 billion euros ($2.74 billion).

"We see the humanitarian situation going from bad to worse, we have seen no improvement," Georgieva said of the conflict, which is thought to have killed more than 130,000 people.
The UN has described the $6.5 billion Syria appeal as the largest ever in its history for a single humanitarian emergency.
At the first donors' conference in Kuwait last January, participating nations pledge $1.5 billion, 75 percent of which was delivered, according to a Kuwaiti official.In a research released Wednesday, Aid group Oxfam said Russia, Japan and South Korea contributed much less than their fair share to the Syrian crisis.
US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Kuwait Tuesday following talks in Paris and Rome aimed at preparing the so-called January 22 "Geneva-2" peace talks........Read more:


Sur le même sujet:


  1. Charity begins in Syria? UK accused of abandoning refugees to violence...

    The British government endorsed the Syrian opposition’s armed fight against the country’s government, but is only willing to go that far in helping the millions of refugees the three-year-long conflict has produced.

    The UK has committed 500 million pounds ($820 million) in aid to help more than 2.1 million refugees living in border camps in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and Iraq. Government officials were publicly describing the perils of those who fled from the war as a dire humanitarian crisis and said that Britain led the relief effort.

    But David Cameron’s government effectively said “no” to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), when it pleaded to western countries to accept 30,000 most vulnerable Syrians for resettlement. So far 18 countries answered the call, including the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and many European countries. But UK was not one of them.

    London called the idea “tokenistic.”

    “This is abandonment. You cannot just ask people, stay where you are, we’ll just give you charity. What will they do at the borders? Where will they take their children every morning?” Middle East expert Saheed Shahabi told RT.

    The people the UNHCR wants relocated to safer countries are orphaned children, elderly people and women under a threat of sexual violence. For many this may be an issue of survival, as the Middle East is experiencing an unusually harsh winter.

    The government insists it is doing a lot as it is to help Syrians.

    "We have accepted about 1,500 asylum seekers. It is a fact that we have accepted hundreds upon hundreds of individual asylum seekers from Syria under our international asylum obligations,” Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg told MPs. .................

  2. Syrie: 40% des hôpitaux hors-service (Ban Ki-moon)...

    Le conflit civil qui secoue la Syrie depuis mars 2011 a porté un préjudice sérieux à l'infrastructure sanitaire du pays, 40% des hôpitaux étant hors d'usage, a déclaré mercredi au Koweït le secrétaire général de l'Onu Ban Ki-moon.

    "La Syrie disposait à l'époque d'une infrastructure sanitaire développée. Actuellement, 40% de ses hôpitaux ne sont plus opérationnels. La moitié des médecins ont été contraints de quitter les zones où ils sont plus nécessaires que jamais", a annoncé M.Ban lors de la deuxième Conférence internationale des donateurs pour la Syrie.

    Selon le secrétaire général des Nations unies, le conflit a privé d'éducation plus de 2 millions d'enfants syriens. Des milliers de mineurs souffrent de la faim, du froid et du manque d'eau potable.

    "Nous nous sommes réunis ici il y a un an, lorsque la situation en Syrie était critique. Aujourd'hui, nous nous trouvons devant une crise humanitaire d'envergure régionale", a souligné M.Ban, initiateur de la conférence.

    La première conférence des donateurs a eu lieu fin janvier 2013. Elle a alors permis de collecter 1,5 milliards de dollars.

  3. Syria conflict: Half population urgently needs aid - UN...

    UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says that half of Syria's population, some 9.3 million people, now "urgently need humanitarian aid".

    He was speaking at a donor conference in Kuwait which is seeking $6.5bn (£4bn) over the coming year for Syria.

    It is the UN's biggest ever request for a single crisis.

    Meanwhile, Syria's deputy foreign minister has said Western intelligence agencies have visited Damascus to discuss combating radical Islamists.
    'Shared burden'

    Mr Ban said the conflict had "set back Syria years, even decades", and he was especially concerned about violence against women and girls and by reports of starvation among besieged communities.

    "No country, no people should face hardship or calamity for helping Syrians in need. It is vital for this region and our world that the burden is shared," he said.

    Some 6.5 million people are now displaced inside Syria. More than 2.3 million have registered as refugees across the region, many living in camps which are barely coping.

    The UN says more than 100,000 people have died since the uprising began in 2011.

    By late on Wednesday, the conference had raised $2.4bn in pledges, including:

    Kuwait: $500m
    Saudi Arabia: $250m
    Qatar: $60m
    US: $380m in new contributions
    EU countries as a whole: $753m
    Norway: $75m
    The UK pledged a further $164m bringing its total contribution to $985m...................

  4. Liban: le Premier ministre propose la création de camps de réfugiés en Syrie...

    A quelques jours de la conférence "Genève 2" sur la Syrie, la diplomatie internationale s'active. Le chef du gouvernement libanais souligne le fardeau de l'accueil des réfugiés pour son pays, tandis que l'Iranien Mohamad Javad Zarif est à Damas.

    A quelques jours de la tenue d'une conférence de paix -dite Genève 2- prévue le 22 janvier et censée trouver une issue à la guerre en Syrie qui a fait plus de 130.000 morts en près de trois ans, La diplomatie internationale est en ébullition. Le point sur les derniers développements de la crise syrienne.

    Le Liban propose la création de camps à l'intérieur de la Syrie

    Le Premier ministre sortant libanais Najib Mikati a appelé mercredi l'ONU à créer des camps de réfugiés sécurisés en territoire syrien, pour alléger la pression sur son pays et les autres Etats voisins accueillant les Syriens fuyant la guerre.

    "Trois mille réfugiés Syriens entrent chaque jour au Liban, et leur nombre a atteint près du quart de la population du Liban", a-t-il affirmé devant une réunion de donateurs à Koweït. "Pour alléger la pression sur le Liban et les pays voisins, j'appelle la communauté internationale à envisager sérieusement la création de camps sécurisés sur le territoire syrien, ce qui permettrait de maintenir ainsi les Syriens dans leur pays", selon lui....................

  5. Syrie: la conférence des donateurs récolte 2,4 mds USD (médias)...

    La 2e conférence des donateurs pour la Syrie qui s'est déroulée mercredi au Koweït a mobilisé 2,4 milliards de dollars pour répondre aux besoins humanitaires immédiats des Syriens en détresse, rapportent les médias internationaux en référence au secrétaire général de l'Onu Ban Ki-moon.

    M.Ban tire régulièrement la sonnette d'alarme sur la dégradation de la situation humanitaire en Syrie, théâtre d'un conflit qui a fait en près de trois ans 130.000 morts et 2,4 millions de réfugiés. A l'heure actuelle, plus de 8 millions de personnes dépendent de l'aide humanitaire en Syrie. Les Nations unies évaluent la somme requise en 2014 à 6,5 milliards de dollars.

    La première conférence internationale des pays donateurs pour la Syrie a eu lieu fin janvier 2013. Elle a permis de collecter 1,5 milliards de dollars.

  6. Palestinians get food to besieged Syria's Yarmouk refugee camp ....

    After many failed attempts to deliver food supplies to the thousands of people besieged for months inside Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria, the Palestinian Authority announced on Saturday it had finally been able to send in 200 food packages.

    It also said an agreement concluded on Friday night, after a Palestine Liberation Organization team was able to enter the camp and talk with armed groups inside, stipulated that all non-Palestinian combatants should leave the camp immediately.

    Yarmouk, south of Damascus, is the largest of the Palestinian refugee camps in Syria, where more than 160,000 refugees lived until December 2012. Most have now fled the camp after armed rebel groups entered it, provoking retaliation from Syrian troops.

    Palestinian and United Nations reports said around 18,000 people remained in the camp, which came under Syrian army siege in September.

    Speaking at a press conference in Ramallah, Ahmad Majdalani, the Palestinian official who was in Syria last week to broker the deal, said the first food supplies had entered the camp on Saturday afternoon, as a trial, and more would follow on Sunday.

    The Palestinian official said non-Palestinian armed groups had also started to leave the camp and that security would be in the hands of the Palestinian groups, who would make sure that "foreign combatants" - as he called them - do not return.

    The agreement, which Majdalani said was coordinated with the Syrian government, also says that sick people, the elderly, children, pregnant women and students will be allowed to leave the camp, and that the Syrian government will provide them with shelters in safe places.

    Voice of Russia, dpa
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