Authorities in southwestern China's Yunnan province say a massive fire has destroyed an ancient Tibetan town.Authorities say more than 2,000 people fought the blaze in the town of Dukezong for about 10 hours early Saturday before bringing it under control. About 100 houses in the thousand-year-old tourist attraction in Shangri-la county were destroyed.
The fire spread quickly, because most of the houses in the town are made of wood.
The cause of the fire is still under investigation. There have been no reports of casualties.
- Un village tibétain millénaire victime d'un vaste incendie
Un village tibétain millénaire situé dans le comté de Shangri-La, dans la province chinoise du Yunnan (sud-ouest), a été la proie samedi d'un gigantesque incendie qui a détruit plus d'une centaine d'habitations, ont rapporté des médias officiels.
Le feu a rapidement pris de l'ampleur à travers les rues de Dukezong, constituées principalement de constructions tibétaines traditionnelles en bois, a indiqué l'agence Chine nouvelle. Alors que plus de 1.000 pompiers et volontaires ont été mobilisés pour circonscrire l'incendie, celui-ci n'a été totalement maîtrisé et éteint qu'en fin de matinée samedi, a annoncé un portail d'informations des autorités du Yunnan.
Des photos diffusées par les sites de médias d'État montraient de gigantesques flammes (dont certaines semblant hautes de plusieurs dizaines de mètres) dévorant les maisons d'un quartier entier et projetant d'aveuglantes lueurs orangées dans la nuit noire, tandis que des secouristes s'activaient parmi des gravats en lisière du feu. Aucun blessé n'a été rapporté jusqu'à présent, a précisé l'agence officielle, soulignant que les habitants avaient été évacués par les autorités.
Le sinistre, dont les causes restent indéterminées, a détruit plus de 100 bâtiments d'habitations selon un décompte préliminaire, et les dégâts pourraient se chiffrer à 100 millions de yuans (12 millions d'euros), a indiqué de son côté le site d'informations Zhongguo Xinwen Wang. Fondé il y a 1.300 ans et comptant 700 foyers sur une superficie de 16 km2, Dukezong est réputé être l'une des localités tibétaines dont le patrimoine urbain et les habitations traditionnelles sont les mieux conservés. (Belga)
Fire damages ancient town in SW China....
ReplyDeleteA fire that ravaged an ancient town in southwest China’s Yunnan Province has been brought under control. This, after more than two thousand firefighters have battled the flames for hours.
The fire in Dukezong town of the resort county of Shangri-La broke out at around half past one on Saturday morning. Dukezong is a thousand-year-old town and one of the most popular tourist attractions in China. Most of the structures here are made of wood, making it easier for the fire to spread and difficult for fire-fighting operations.
Пожар уничтожил больше 100 домов в древнем китайском городе Дукэцзун...
ReplyDeleteПЕКИН, 11 января. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС Алексей Селищев/. В результате пожара, начавшегося в одном из домов в древнем китайском городке Дукэцзун на юго-западе страны, уничтожены свыше 100 жилых зданий. Об этом сообщило агентство Синьхуа.
Возгорание, причины которого пока не установлены, произошло минувшей ночью. На борьбу с огнем были мобилизованы более тысячи человек. Из-за большого количества деревянных построек Дукэцзуне пожар был потушен лишь к 10:30 утра (06:30 мск).
Информации о жертвах пока не поступало. По данным СМИ, ущерб может превысить 100 млн юаней ($16,5 млн).
История Дукэцзун насчитывает более 1300 лет. Среди туристов город славится множеством хорошо сохранившихся построек в тибетском стиле.
Fire destroys Influential Buddhist Institute in Tibet, CTA prays for quick restoration....
ReplyDeleteDHARAMSHALA: Reports coming out of Tibet say a major fire broke out in Serthar in Karze region in eastern Tibet (incorporated into China’s Yunnan Province) on Friday evening, making extensive damage to Larung Gar Buddhist Institute, which became one of most influential Tibetan Buddhist learning centres in Tibet following liberalisation of religious practice in 1980s after the Tibetan culture and religion suffered systematic annihilation during China’s Cultural Revolution.
Over 100 residential houses at the Larung Gar Institute were destroyed in the fire. No loss of lives were reported. Two nuns were injured in incident and hundreds of residential houses were razed to the ground, media reports say.
The Central Tibetan Administration based in Dharamsala today expressed deep concern over tragic incident in Serthar. “On behalf of the Central Tibetan Administration and the Tibetan people, I expressed deep concern over the destruction caused by the fire in Serthar region, especially damages caused to the prominent Larung Gar Buddhist Institute. We hope and call for the quick restoration of this important learning centre so that it could continue to contribute to the preservation and promotion of study of Tibetan Buddhism and culture,” said Dr. Lobsang Sangay, democratically-elected Tibetan leader and political successor to His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
The Larung Gar Buddhist Institute was established in 1980 by late Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok, a prominent Buddhist scholar, who played an important in revitalising the teaching of Tibetan Buddhism following China’s liberalisation of religious practice in 1980 after Tibetan culture and religion suffered systematic destruction during the Cultural Revolution. The institute provides an ecumenical training in Tibetan Buddhism and played an important role in the renewal of meditation and scholarship all over Tibet.
The institute attracted tens of thousands of disciples from different parts of the world, including about 1000 ethnic Chinese as well as students from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia.
In 1987, Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok led hundreds of his disciples from Serthar Institute on a pilgrimage to the sacred mountains of Mount Wutai in China in Province and gave teachings to a congregation of over 10,000 people, including Tibetans, Chinese, Mongols and other Buddhist practitioners. He also made extensive travels to teach at Buddhist learning centres in United States, Canada, Germany, England, France, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, Nepal, and Bhutan in 1990s......................http://tibet.net/2014/01/11/fire-destroys-influential-buddhist-institute-in-tibet-cta-prays-for-quick-restoration/