The U.S.-led “Friends of Syria” grouping had agreed that President
Bashar al-Assad and his family will have no role in the country’s
future, Ahmad Jarba, head of Syria’s opposition National Coalition, said
during a press conference held in Paris on Sunday.
However, Jarba did not announce if the opposition would take part in peace talks with representatives of Assad’s regime due to start next week in Switzerland.
The Coalition, which is under intense pressure to confirm its participation, has said it will decide on the issue on January 17.
The international meeting, which will bring President Bashar al-Assad’s government and opposition groups to the table, is set to be held from Jan. 22 in Geneva.
On Sunday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry led a bid to drag Syria’s opposition forces into peace talks with Assad’s regime.
The Paris meeting represented a critical juncture for international efforts to end a bloody conflict that has claimed more than 130,000 lives.
Kerry and ministers from 10 other countries in the “Friends of Syria” grouping have sought to persuade SNC to attend the Geneva peace talks aiming to form a Syrian transitional government.
The Friends of Syria, which is made of an alliance of mainly Western and Gulf Arab countries who support the Syrian opposition, said after the Paris meeting that the only way for political solution in Syria is for peace talks to take place.
“There is no other political solution,” Reuters quoted French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius as saying on behalf of the group.
Fabius added: “There will be no political solution for Syria unless Geneva 2 meets.
Meanwhile, in a final statement, the 11 core Friends of Syria nations urged the SNC to attend the upcoming peace talks.
“We urge the National Coalition to respond positively to the invitation to set up the Syrian opposition delegation sent by the U.N. Secretary General,” the Friends said in a joint communique.
“We invite them to form, as soon as possible, a delegation of opposition forces to participate in the political process.”
As well as the United States and hosts France, the countries which took part in Sunday’s meeting were Britain, Egypt, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
(With AFP and Reuters)
However, Jarba did not announce if the opposition would take part in peace talks with representatives of Assad’s regime due to start next week in Switzerland.
The Coalition, which is under intense pressure to confirm its participation, has said it will decide on the issue on January 17.
The international meeting, which will bring President Bashar al-Assad’s government and opposition groups to the table, is set to be held from Jan. 22 in Geneva.
On Sunday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry led a bid to drag Syria’s opposition forces into peace talks with Assad’s regime.
The Paris meeting represented a critical juncture for international efforts to end a bloody conflict that has claimed more than 130,000 lives.
Kerry and ministers from 10 other countries in the “Friends of Syria” grouping have sought to persuade SNC to attend the Geneva peace talks aiming to form a Syrian transitional government.
The Friends of Syria, which is made of an alliance of mainly Western and Gulf Arab countries who support the Syrian opposition, said after the Paris meeting that the only way for political solution in Syria is for peace talks to take place.
“There is no other political solution,” Reuters quoted French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius as saying on behalf of the group.
Fabius added: “There will be no political solution for Syria unless Geneva 2 meets.
Meanwhile, in a final statement, the 11 core Friends of Syria nations urged the SNC to attend the upcoming peace talks.
“We urge the National Coalition to respond positively to the invitation to set up the Syrian opposition delegation sent by the U.N. Secretary General,” the Friends said in a joint communique.
“We invite them to form, as soon as possible, a delegation of opposition forces to participate in the political process.”
As well as the United States and hosts France, the countries which took part in Sunday’s meeting were Britain, Egypt, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
(With AFP and Reuters)
Les Amis de la Syrie demandent à l'opposition d'aller à Genève.....
ReplyDeleteLes Amis de la Syrie ont "demandé instamment" dimanche à la Coalition nationale de l'opposition syrienne de se rendre à la conférence de paix prévue dans dix jours en Suisse, alors que la présence de cette dernière est encore incertaine.
"Nous demandons instamment à la Coalition nationale de répondre positivement à l'invitation à former la délégation de l'opposition syrienne, envoyée par le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies", ont écrit les onze pays soutenant l'opposition syrienne, à l'issue d'une réunion à Paris.
"Amigos" de Siria instan a la oposición a asistir a Ginebra II...
ReplyDeleteLos Amigos de Siria instaron este domingo a la Coalición Nacional de la oposición de ese país árabe a asistir a la conferencia de paz prevista a partir del 22 de enero en Ginebra (Suiza), se informó este domingo durante la declaración final de la reunión llevada a cabo en la capital de Francia (París).
"Instamos a la Coalición Nacional a que responda positivamente a la invitación de tomar parte en la delegación de la oposición siria, formulada por el secretario general de Naciones Unidas", escribieron los 11 países que apoyan a la Coalición opositora del Gobierno del Presidente Bashar Al Assad, tras su reunión en la capital francesa.
La cita estaba prevista para analizar la situación humanitaria y para aclarar si la opositora Coalición Nacional Siria participará en la cumbre de la ciudad suiza. Las diferentes tendencias políticas de la oposición siria siguen divididas sobre su eventual participación.
Los jefes de la diplomacia de 11 países (Francia, Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Alemania, Italia, Turquía, Arabia Saudí, Jordania, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Catar y Egipto) preparan la reunión de Ginebra, que debería servir para poner en marcha un proceso de transición política en Siria. El ministro ruso de Exteriores, Serguéi Lavrov, llegará a París este lunes.
Moscú, al igual que la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) insiste en una solución política como la única vía para resolver la crisis en el país árabe y rechaza una intervención militar, como pretendía Estados Unidos, que acusó sin pruebas a Damasco de "utilizar" armas químicas contra la población en agosto pasado.
Desde que inició el conflicto armado sirio, en marzo de 2011, más de 100 mil personas han muerto. Además, 2,5 millones han huido a naciones vecinas, 6,5 millones se han desplazado dentro del mismo territorio. Ante esto, el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (Unicef) ha solicitado recientemente unos 835 millones de dólares -el mayor pedido de su historia- para atender a cinco millones de niños que necesitan ayuda humanitaria con urgencia.
Великобритания с партнерами готовит проект новой резолюции СБ ООН по Сирии ....Она будет связана с гуманитарной ситуацией в стране ...
ReplyDeleteЛОНДОН, 3 февраля. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС Роман Подервянский/. Великобритания вместе с международными партнерами работает над проектом новой резолюции СБ ООН по Сирии в связи с усугублением гуманитарной ситуации в республике. Об этом в понедельник сообщило британское агентство Press Association.
Как отметили в МИД Соединенного Королевства, начались совместные усилия с целью вновь инициировать обсуждение вопроса о резолюции по Сирии в СБ ООН. "Мы работаем с коллегами над текстом, который надеемся представить позднее на этой неделе", - заявил официальный представитель внешнеполитического ведомства.
По оценке британского министра иностранных дел Уильяма Хейга, есть убедительные аргументы в пользу того, чтобы СБ ООН вновь обсудил проблему гуманитарной ситуации. Глава Форин оффиса проинформировал о том, что рассмотрел с германским коллегой Франком-Вальтером Штайнмайером вопросы подготовки резолюции и "другие шаги, призванные обеспечить то, чтобы помощь достигла в Сирии всех, кто в ней нуждается".
"Мы также продолжим совместную работу в поддержке процесса (мирной конференции) "Женева-2", - сказал Хейг.