Thursday, January 9, 2014

Russia Blocks Another UN Resolution Condemning Syria

Russia has again blocked a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Syrian airstrikes on rebels and civilians.
Wednesday's British-sponsored draft expressed outrage at the missiles and barrel bombs dropped on the besieged city of Aleppo since last month. The attacks have killed at least 700 people and wounded thousands.

Diplomats say Russia wanted to add amendments to the resolution which they say would have made it meaningless.

Russia - a strong Syrian ally - and China have blocked other resolutions condemning the Syrian government. But Russia backed moves that forced Syria to give up its chemical weapons. It is also co-sponsoring with the United States this month's peace talks in Geneva.

Earlier Wednesday, Syrian activists say rebels in Aleppo seized control of a hospital that had been used as a base by their al-Qaida-linked rivals.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said a loose coalition of moderate and Islamist rebel groups took control of the base after a series of strikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (the ISIL).

Fighting among groups of secularist rebels, moderate Islamists, and extremists  - all of whom want to get rid of President Bashar al-Assad - has been raging for a week.

ISIL's spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani had issued a defiant message late Tuesday urging his forces to crush the rival rebels. He also warned that ISIL had declared war against the mainstream opposition Syrian National Coalition and the military command of the Western-backed Free Syrian Army.

Al-Qaida's official affiliate in Syria, the al-Nusra Front, is calling for a truce among rebel factions, saying the infighting only benefits Assad's government.


  1. Η Ρωσία μπλόκαρε καταδικαστικό ψήφισμα για τους φονικούς βομβαρδισμούς στο Χαλέπι...

    Η Ρωσία μπλόκαρε την Τετάρτη την προτεινόμενη αναφορά- ψηφισμα στο Συμβούλιο Ασφαλείας του ΟΗΕ υπέρ της καταδίκης της βομβιστικής επίθεσης του συριακού στρατού εναντίον του Χαλεπίου στη βόρεια Συρία , ανέφεραν διπλωμάτες στην έδρα του Οργανισμού Ηνωμένων Εθνών.
    Αυτή η μη δεσμευτική αναφορά, βρετανικής έμπνευσης, έπρεπε να λάβει την έγκριση των 15 μελών. Αλλά η Μόσχα για άλλη μια φορά αρνήθηκε να τη στηρίξει και το Λονδίνο απέσυρε τελικά το κείμενο του. Η Ρωσία είχε ήδη μπλοκάρει στις 19 Δεκεμβρίου ένα παρόμοιο σχέδιο που υποβλήθηκε από τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες .
    Το βρετανικό σχέδιο που τελικά αποσύρθηκε εξέφραζε την «αγανάκτηση ( του Συμβουλίου) για τις καθημερινές επιδρομές από την συριακή κυβέρνηση εναντίον της πόλης του Χαλεπίου όπου από τις 15 Δεκέμβρη έχουν σκοτωθεί 700 άνθρωποι και πάνω από 3.000 τραυματίστηκαν».

    Η βρετανική αναφορά καταδίκαζε «την αδιάκριτη χρήση βαρέων όπλων, όπως πύραυλοι Σκουντ και εκρηκτικά βαρέλια ( ... ) σε πυκνοκατοικημένες περιοχές του Χαλεπίου». Σύμφωνα με το κείμενο επίσης, το συριακό καθεστώς διαπράττει «συστηματική και κυνική περιφρόνηση των υποχρεώσεων ( του) στο πλαίσιο του διεθνούς ανθρωπιστικού δικαίου».
    Το Συμβούλιο Ασφαλείας παραμένει βαθιά διχασμένο για τη συριακή σύγκρουση . Η Ρωσία και η Κίνα έχουν ασκήσει βέτο σε τρία δυτικά ψηφίσματα πιέσεων προς το καθεστώς του προέδρου Μπασάρ αλ - Άσαντ

  2. Russia opposes on Wednesday a new U.N. Security Council resolution on the humanitarian plight in Syria as Western and Arab nations prepared to push for a for better access to aid in the war-torn country.........

    “We are against moving to a resolution now in the Security Council,” Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vitaly Churkin told reporters at Russia’s U.N. Mission.

    Churkin added: “We believe that it’s a wrong move. It’s not a good time to have any resolution discussed in the Security Council.”

    About 9.3 million Syrians need help, according to the United Nations. U.N. aid chief Valerie Amos has also repeatedly expressed frustration that violence and red tape have slowed the delivery of humanitarian assistance to a trickle.

    For almost a year, Western members of the 15-member Security Council have been considering a resolution on aid. After months of talks, the council eventually made a non-binding statement on Oct. 2 urging more access to aid.

    But the statement produced only a little administrative progress, such as visas for aid workers and clearance for convoys.

    There was no action being implemented on big issues such as the demilitarization of schools and hospitals, and access to besieged and hard-to-reach communities..................

  3. Now is not the time for UN resolution on Syria: Russia...

    UNITED NATIONS: As Western and Arab nations prepared to push for a UN security council resolution calling for better access to aid in war-torn Syria, Russia said on Wednesday that now was not the right time for such a move.

    The United Nations says some 9.3 million Syrians, nearly half the population, need help and UN aid chief Valerie Amos has repeatedly expressed frustration that violence and red tape have slowed the delivery of humanitarian assistance to a trickle.

    "We're against moving to a resolution now on the Security Council. That's as clear as I can put it," Russia's UN Ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, told reporters. "It's not a good time to have any resolution discussed in the Security Council." ..............

    1. Syrian government, opposition agree to deliver humanitarian aid to Homs....

      MOSCOW, February 06. /ITAR-TASS/. The Syrian government and the opposition have agreed to deliver humanitarian aid to the city of Homs, Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said.

      “A problem is being solved to deliver humanitarian aid to the old quarters of Homs. According to latest reports, an agreement to this effect has been reached between the government and the opposition. This is a positive signal,” Lukashevich said.

      “We believe that an unbiased and non-politicized approach is capable of giving an effective result and ease the suffering of civilians,” he said.

      “Practically every day we maintain contacts with the Syrian authorities and we convince partners to develop constructive cooperation with corresponding international humanitarian agencies in order to improve the state of peaceful civilians and reach agreement on local reconciliation and getting access to humanitarian aid delivery to all groups of the population,” the diplomat said.

      “Damascus sanctioned the transportation of humanitarian aid by the existing corridors in Lebanon and Jordan. Humanitarian terminals have been opened in Aleppo and Qamishli in addition to Damascus, Homs and Tartus,” the spokesman said.

      “Within the program over 10 flights will be made to send over 400 tons of humanitarian cargoes to the population,” he added.


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