11 January 2014 – Saddened by the death of Ariel Sharon, former Prime Minister of Israel, United Nations Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon today praised the late statesman's political courage and
determination, and urged the country to build on Mr. Sharon's legacy of
pragmatism to press ahead with the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
In a statement issued by his spokesperson in New York, Mr. Ban offered his condolences to the late leader's bereaved family and to the Government and people of Israel. Mr. Sharon, 85, became incapacitated by a severe stroke in 2006. He passed away earlier today at a hospital near Tel Aviv.
“Throughout a life dedicated to the State of Israel, Ariel Sharon was a hero to his people, first as a soldier and then a statesman,” said the Secretary-General.
“Prime Minister Sharon will be remembered for his political courage and determination to carry through with the painful and historic decision to withdraw Israeli settlers and troops from the Gaza Strip,” the UN chief said, adding that Mr. Sharon's successor faces the difficult challenge of realizing the aspirations of peace between the Israeli and Palestinian people.
The Secretary-General called on Israel to build on the late Prime Minister's legacy of pragmatism to work towards the long overdue achievement of an independent and viable Palestinian state, next to a secure Israel.
“At this time of national mourning, the Secretary-General renews the commitment of the United Nations to work alongside the Government and the people of Israel for peace and security,” said the statement.
In a statement issued by his spokesperson in New York, Mr. Ban offered his condolences to the late leader's bereaved family and to the Government and people of Israel. Mr. Sharon, 85, became incapacitated by a severe stroke in 2006. He passed away earlier today at a hospital near Tel Aviv.
“Throughout a life dedicated to the State of Israel, Ariel Sharon was a hero to his people, first as a soldier and then a statesman,” said the Secretary-General.
“Prime Minister Sharon will be remembered for his political courage and determination to carry through with the painful and historic decision to withdraw Israeli settlers and troops from the Gaza Strip,” the UN chief said, adding that Mr. Sharon's successor faces the difficult challenge of realizing the aspirations of peace between the Israeli and Palestinian people.
The Secretary-General called on Israel to build on the late Prime Minister's legacy of pragmatism to work towards the long overdue achievement of an independent and viable Palestinian state, next to a secure Israel.
“At this time of national mourning, the Secretary-General renews the commitment of the United Nations to work alongside the Government and the people of Israel for peace and security,” said the statement.
Ariel Sharon, siete años en coma cada vez más en el olvido
Sharon: plusieurs organes vitaux ont cessé de fonctionner normalement...
Former Israeli leader Sharon's condition deteriorating: hospital...
video: Gaza, la décision politique marquante d'Ariel Sharon
Кэмерон: премьер Шарон принимал храбрые и противоречивые решения в стремлении к миру.....
ReplyDeleteЛОНДОН, 11 января. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС Роман Подервянский/. Во время пребывания на посту премьер- министра Израиля Ариэль Шарон принимал смелые и противоречивые решения в погоне за миром. Такую оценку высказал глава правительства Великобритании Дэвид Кэмерон, реагируя на известие о кончине крупного государственного и военного деятеля еврейского государства.
"Ариэль Шарон был одной из наиболее значимых фигур в истории Израиля, и в качестве премьер-министра он принимал храбрые и противоречивые решения в стремлении к миру, прежде чем стал недееспособен столь трагически, - говорится в заявлении Кэмерона, распространенном его канцелярией. - Израиль сегодня потерял важного лидера".
О кончине Шарона официально сообщил директор реабилитационного центра клиники "Тель а-Шомер" в Тель- Авиве профессор Шломо Ной. 85-летний политик, с 2001 по 2006 годы занимавший пост главы правительства еврейского государства, последние восемь лет жизни находился в состоянии комы после обширного инсульта.
World leaders are paying tribute to late Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, who passed away Saturday at the age of 85.............
ReplyDeleteUS President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama spoke of a leader "who dedicated his life to the State of Israel".
In a White House statement, Obama said: "On behalf of the American people, Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to the family of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and to the people of Israel." The statement reaffirmed "our unshakable commitment to Israel's security. We continue to strive for lasting peace and security for the people of Israel, including through our commitment to the goal of two states living side-by-side in peace and security."
Israel's current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israelis would cherish Sharon's memory.
"The State of Israel bows its head over the passing of former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon," Netanyahu said in a statement. "His memory will forever be held in the heart of the nation," added Netanyahu, who expressed "deep sorrow."
"Ariel Sharon was an Israeli patriot who rendered a great service to his country," German Chancellor Angela Merkel said. "With his brave decision to withdraw Israeli settlers from the Gaza Strip, he took a historic step towards reconciliation with the Palestinians and a two-state solution."
UK Prime Minister David Cameron said Israel had lost "one of the most significant figures" in its history while French President Francois Hollande said after a long military career Mr Sharon had "taken the choice to turn to dialogue with the Palestinians".
Russian President Vladimir Putin, noted that Sharon was respected at home and internationally and highly praised the late politician's personal qualities and his activities to protect Israel's interests
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper called Sharon a "renowned military leader" who "pursued the security of Israel with unyielding determination that was recognized by friends and foes alike."
Ex-US President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton, former US Secretary of State, said he "gave his life to Israel" and it was an honor to "work with him, argue with him and watch him always trying to find the right path for his beloved country."
"I will never forget meeting with this big bear of a man when he became Prime Minister as he sought to bend the course of history toward peace, even as it meant testing the patience of his own longtime supporters and the limits of his own, lifelong convictions in the process," US current Secretary of State, John Kerry, said in a statement.
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he was "saddened" by the passing of the 85-year-old leader, who he said was "a hero to his people" throughout "a life dedicated to the State of Israel," both as a soldier and a statesman.
Former US envoy to the Middle East, Dennis Ross, pays tribute to Ariel Sharon, conceding that while he was a "controversial" political figure, Israel has "lost one of it's giants".
- See more at: http://www.novinite.com/articles/157165/World+Leaders+Bow+to+Late+Ariel+Sharon#sthash.WkokQ3td.dpuf
Friends and enemies weigh in on legacy of Ariel Sharon, dead at 85....
ReplyDeleteAs plans are coming together for the funeral of Ariel Sharon, world leaders are remembering the former Israeli prime minister who died Saturday at the age of 85.
Sharon, who was known as the "bulldozer" for his bold tactics, had spent the past eight years in a coma following a devastating stroke in 2006.
His funeral is scheduled for Monday at 2 p.m. ET..... http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/friends-and-enemies-weigh-in-on-legacy-of-ariel-sharon-dead-at-85-1.1634773#ixzz2q7VHF1Wu
Décès d'Ariel Sharon: des réactions internationales contrastées...
ReplyDeleteSuite à l'annonce du décès de l'ancien Premier ministre israélien Ariel Sharon, décédé à l'âge de 85 ans après avoir vécu dans le coma durant huit ans, les dirigeants politiques et personnalités publiques du monde entier ont pris la parole. Entre hommages et critiques acerbes, leurs réactions sont contrastées.
Des funérailles d'Etat auront lieu lundi pour l'ancien général, auxquelles seront conviés les dirigeants internationaux. Il sera ensuite enterré à proximité de son ranch situé dans le sud du pays, selon une chaîne de télévision israélienne.
La dépouille de l'ancien général reposera dès dimanche matin à la Knesset, le parlement israélien, afin de permettre au peuple israélien de se recueillir devant le corps de son ancien Premier ministre.
"Un soldat courageux et un dirigeant audacieux"
Plusieurs personnalités israéliennes ont rendu hommage à l'ex-Premier ministre, surnommé "le bulldozer".
"Mon cher ami, Arik (diminutif d'Ariel) Sharon, a perdu sa dernière bataille aujourd'hui", a déploré le président Shimon Peres dans un communiqué. "Arik était un soldat courageux et un dirigeant audacieux qui aimait sa nation et que sa nation aimait", a-t-il ajouté.
"Il fut l'un des plus grand protecteurs d'Israël et un de ses plus importants architectes", a-t-il estimé, en soulignant qu'"il "ne connaissait pas la peur".
La ministre de la Justice, Tzipi Livni, également chargée des négociations avec les Palestiniens, a quant à elle exprimé sa "grande tristesse".
Un "criminel" qui a échappé à la CPI, pour les Palestiniens
"Sharon était un criminel, responsable de l'assassinat d'Arafat et nous espérions qu'il comparaisse devant la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) en tant que criminel de guerre", a déclaré à l'AFP Jibril Rajoub, un haut responsable du Fatah, le mouvement du dirigeant historique palestinien.
"Des décisions courageuses et controversées"
Le président du Conseil européen, Herman Van Rompuy, a réagi dans une courte déclaration à la nouvelle du décès samedi de l'ancien Premier ministre israélien Ariel Sharon en rappelant qu'il avait "joué un rôle clé dans l'histoire récente de son pays" et en présentant "ses condoléances à la famille d'Ariel Sharon et au peuple israélien".
La chancelière allemande Angela Merkel a déclaré qu'Ariel Sharon "a été un patriote israélien, qui a rendu de grands services à son pays".
Le Premier ministre britannique David Cameron a évoqué "l'une des figures les plus marquantes de l'histoire d'Israël qui a pris, en tant que Premier ministre, des décisions courageuses et controversées afin d'établir la paix".
Le président français François Hollande a déclaré pour sa part que l'ex-Premier ministre israélien avait été "un acteur majeur dans l'histoire de son pays"................http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_deces-d-ariel-sharon-des-reactions-internationales-contrastees?id=8173802