“We had a two-hour meeting with him yesterday. He did not talk with us
in the way he talked at ODTU [Middle East Technical University]
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan criticized the visiting German president for “unmeasured” criticism against the Turkish government.
“We had a two-hour meeting with him yesterday. He did not talk with us in the way he talked at ODTU [Middle East Technical University] conference. This is so saddening,” he said during Tuesday’s AK Party group meeting speech.
German President Joachim Gauck had official talks with his Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul and Erdogan on Monday, as part of his four-day visit to Turkey which started on Saturday.
“The current developments in Turkey horrify me,” said Gauck in a conference at Ankara’s ODTU after official talks with Turkey’s top brass on Monday, regarding the recently approved laws on the Internet, judiciary and those extending the scope of Turkey’s intelligence agency.
Gauck also said that his expressions should not be taken as interference into Turkey’s domestic affairs.
“He said ‘don’t take it as an interference into your own affairs, but…’ We suffered enough from statements starting like that,” Erdogan said.
“Those who cannot account for the death of eight Turkish immigrants by racists should not give advice to Turkey.”
The mystery of the murders of eight Turks, one Greek immigrant and a German policewoman in Germany between the years 2000-2007 were not solved until 2011.
While German police long sought suspects among the Turkish community, even families of the victims, it was revealed in 2011 that the 'Zwickau terror cell', a group of neo-Nazi extremists, calling themselves the National Socialist Underground (NSU) were behind the murders.
The trial into the killings is still ongoing in a Munich court.
Erdogan also condemned Germany’s support to communities with a degenerated reading of Alevism in Turkey.
“There is a thing called ‘Alevism without Ali’ in Germany. The Alevis in Turkey, they would react you if you call them non-Muslim. But there are groups close to atheism which claim themselves as ‘Alevi.’ And Germany has an open support for them,” he noted.
Also criticizing the West’s rather silent attitude on death sentences in Egypt on 683 more Muslim Brotherhood supporters, Erdogan said “I emphasized that point during my talk with Gauck. He said they are unacceptable. But is there any reaction from Germany, from the West, the US or Russia?”
“When Turkey raised voice for such events, they [the West] are making shallow statements like ‘Turkish government is emotional on this issue due to Muslim sentiments'” Erdogan added.
The same court, which convicted 528 Muslim Brotherhood members with death sentences, approved its decision for 37 among them and replaced the others’ sentences with life in prison.
Bundespräsident Gauck kritisiert in der Türkei Rückschritte in der demokratischen Entwicklung. Das wertet Erdogan als Angriff und wird beleidigend. Der Regierungschef kündigt eine Retourkutsche an.
Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck mag bei seinem Besuch in der Türkei klare Worte gefunden haben, um die bedenklichen Rückschritte in Bezug auf Demokratie und Rechtsstaat seit dem vergangenen Sommer anzusprechen. "Erschreckend" und "besorgniserregend" nannte Gauck die Gängelung der Justiz, das Verbot mancher sozialer Medien und den Druck auf Journalisten und Redaktionen.
Aber klarer als der türkische Ministerpräsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan ist kaum jemand, wenn es darum geht zu kritisieren. Der Regierungschef und die regierungsnahen Medien nahmen Gauck umgehend in den verbalen Schwitzkasten.
"Seltsame Dinge" habe der deutsche Präsident vor türkischen Studenten gesagt, meinte Erdogan in einer Rede vor seiner Parlamentsfraktion. "Er hält sich wohl immer noch für einen Pastor, er war ja mal einer", sagte der Premier in Anspielung auf Gaucks früheres Amt als protestantischer Geistlicher..............http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article127433466/Erdogan-stempelt-Gauck-als-Feind-ab.html
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan criticized the visiting German president for “unmeasured” criticism against the Turkish government.
“We had a two-hour meeting with him yesterday. He did not talk with us in the way he talked at ODTU [Middle East Technical University] conference. This is so saddening,” he said during Tuesday’s AK Party group meeting speech.
German President Joachim Gauck had official talks with his Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul and Erdogan on Monday, as part of his four-day visit to Turkey which started on Saturday.
“The current developments in Turkey horrify me,” said Gauck in a conference at Ankara’s ODTU after official talks with Turkey’s top brass on Monday, regarding the recently approved laws on the Internet, judiciary and those extending the scope of Turkey’s intelligence agency.
Gauck also said that his expressions should not be taken as interference into Turkey’s domestic affairs.
“He said ‘don’t take it as an interference into your own affairs, but…’ We suffered enough from statements starting like that,” Erdogan said.
“Those who cannot account for the death of eight Turkish immigrants by racists should not give advice to Turkey.”
The mystery of the murders of eight Turks, one Greek immigrant and a German policewoman in Germany between the years 2000-2007 were not solved until 2011.
While German police long sought suspects among the Turkish community, even families of the victims, it was revealed in 2011 that the 'Zwickau terror cell', a group of neo-Nazi extremists, calling themselves the National Socialist Underground (NSU) were behind the murders.
The trial into the killings is still ongoing in a Munich court.
Erdogan also condemned Germany’s support to communities with a degenerated reading of Alevism in Turkey.
“There is a thing called ‘Alevism without Ali’ in Germany. The Alevis in Turkey, they would react you if you call them non-Muslim. But there are groups close to atheism which claim themselves as ‘Alevi.’ And Germany has an open support for them,” he noted.
Also criticizing the West’s rather silent attitude on death sentences in Egypt on 683 more Muslim Brotherhood supporters, Erdogan said “I emphasized that point during my talk with Gauck. He said they are unacceptable. But is there any reaction from Germany, from the West, the US or Russia?”
“When Turkey raised voice for such events, they [the West] are making shallow statements like ‘Turkish government is emotional on this issue due to Muslim sentiments'” Erdogan added.
The same court, which convicted 528 Muslim Brotherhood members with death sentences, approved its decision for 37 among them and replaced the others’ sentences with life in prison.
- "Er war mal Pastor"....Erdogan stempelt Gauck als Feind ab...
Bundespräsident Gauck kritisiert in der Türkei Rückschritte in der demokratischen Entwicklung. Das wertet Erdogan als Angriff und wird beleidigend. Der Regierungschef kündigt eine Retourkutsche an.
Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck mag bei seinem Besuch in der Türkei klare Worte gefunden haben, um die bedenklichen Rückschritte in Bezug auf Demokratie und Rechtsstaat seit dem vergangenen Sommer anzusprechen. "Erschreckend" und "besorgniserregend" nannte Gauck die Gängelung der Justiz, das Verbot mancher sozialer Medien und den Druck auf Journalisten und Redaktionen.
Aber klarer als der türkische Ministerpräsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan ist kaum jemand, wenn es darum geht zu kritisieren. Der Regierungschef und die regierungsnahen Medien nahmen Gauck umgehend in den verbalen Schwitzkasten.
"Seltsame Dinge" habe der deutsche Präsident vor türkischen Studenten gesagt, meinte Erdogan in einer Rede vor seiner Parlamentsfraktion. "Er hält sich wohl immer noch für einen Pastor, er war ja mal einer", sagte der Premier in Anspielung auf Gaucks früheres Amt als protestantischer Geistlicher..............http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article127433466/Erdogan-stempelt-Gauck-als-Feind-ab.html
Σκληρές δηλώσεις εναντίον του Προέδρου της Γερμανίας Joachim Gauck ο οποίος βρισκόταν για επίσημη επίσκεψη στην Τουρκία προέβη ο Τούρκος Πρωθυπουργός Ταγίπ Ερντογάν καλώντας τον να κρατήσει τις νουθεσίες για τον εαυτό του....
ReplyDelete"Στην Γερμανία καίγεται το σπίτι των Τούρκων. Η Γερμανία δεν μπορεί να ζητήσει εξηγήσεις γι' αυτό κι έρχεται να νουθετήσει εμάς. Κράτα τις νουθεσίες για τον εαυτό σου", είπε ο Τούρκος Πρωθυπουργός απευθυνόμενος στον Γερμανό Πρόεδρο.
Ο Γερμανός Πρόεδρος σε ομιλία του χθες στο Τεχνικό Πανεπιστήμιο Μέσης Ανατολής (ODTU) της Άγκυρας είχε δηλώσει ότι οι οι εξελίξεις στην Τουρκία τον τρομάζουν. "Ας μην εκληφθεί η δήλωσή μου ως παρέμβαση στα εσωτερικά της χώρας", είπε ο Γερμανός Πρόεδρος αναφερόμενος στους περιορισμούς στο διαδίκτυο στην Τουρκία, στη φίμωση του Τύπου, την νομοθεσία για την ΜΙΤ και τις διαμαρτυρίες για το πάρκο Γκεζί. - See more at: http://www.sigmalive.com/news/international/121942#sthash.c9MDZtjj.dpuf