Saturday, April 26, 2014

Italian PM, Matteo Renzi, expresses support to Ukrainian reform process. - Kiev lascia la Crimea senz'acqua

Italy's Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on Saturday expressed Italy's support to the Ukrainian reform process in a meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart Arseny Yatseniuk in Rome, a statement from the Italian government's office said.

During the talks, "Renzi has expressed the strong support from Italy to the process of political and economic reforms carried out by the government in Kiev," the statement read.

"The day after the G7 statement, Renzi and Yatseniuk agreed on commitments to respect the Geneva accords," it added.

Renzi also confirmed "the strong expectation of the international community that the presidential elections in Ukraine will take place on the scheduled date of 25 May," according to the statement.

  • The meeting, which was also attended by Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini and Ukrainian acting Foreign Minister Andrii Deshchytsia, was "an opportunity to reaffirm the excellent bilateral economic relations between Italy and Ukraine," the statement concluded.

  • The leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) industrialized nations agreed on Friday night to impose more sanctions on Russia over its "inaction" in easing the tension in eastern Ukraine.

The announcement came as Moscow staged military drills on the joint border with Ukraine on Thursday, responding to Kiev's "anti-terror" operation that resulted in the deaths of five pro-Moscow protesters.


  • Kiev lascia la Crimea senz'acqua ... Premier ucraino vede Renzi e Papa...

Si fa sempre più tesa la situazione in Ucraina. Kiev, infatti, ha interrotto i rifornimenti di acqua che arrivavano dal fiume Dnieper alla penisola di Crimea attraverso il canale 'North Crimean Canal'. Lo scrive l'agenzia di stampa Unian, secondo quanto riferisce Russia Today. La Crimea riceveva l'85% dell'acqua dolce attraverso il canale............


  1. La limitation de l'approvisionnement de la Crimée en eau est un acte de sabotage de la part de l'Ukraine, a déclaré aujourd'hui le président du conseil des ministres de la République de Crimée Sergueï Aksionov....

    « La limitation par l'Ukraine de l'approvisionnement de la Crimée en eau par le canal Severo-Krymski est une action préméditée contre les Criméens », a-t-il dit.

    Selon lui, « les négociations étaient menées avec l'Ukraine au niveau fédéral ». « Nous avons d'autres solutions. En tout état de cause, la Crimée ne restera pas sans l'eau », a assuré M. Aksionov.
    Lire la suite:

  2. Kiev ha chiuso i rubinetti dell’acqua alla Crimea, la penisola sul Mar Nero recentemente annessa alla Russia dopo un referendum.......

    Lo riferiscono alcuni media ucraini. Nei giorni scorsi le forniture idriche erano state drasticamente ridotte. Un "atto di sabotaggio" lo ha definito il presidente della Crimea Serghiei Aksionov spiegando che le conseguenze riguarderanno il settore agricolo e che in ogni caso non ci saranno problemi per l’acqua potabile. "North Crimean Canal", il canale che collega l’Ucraina alla Crimea, è in secca. .......


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