A group of Ukrainian troops numbering over 11,000 people is taking part in a military operation against civilians in Ukraine’s southeast, the Russian defense minister said Thursday.
The soldiers are armed with automatic weapons. The operation also involves some 160 tanks, over 230 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, at least 150 guns and mortars, and a great number of aircraft, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said before a board meeting of the Defense Ministry.
"The situation in Ukraine causes a serious concern. April 22, the new Ukrainian leadership launched the so-called active phase of operations in the south-eastern regions of Ukraine. There are victims," the defense minister said.
"Moto mechanized troops are on the border with Russia, intended to conduct subversive activities. 17th armored brigade and 24th Mechanized Brigade act there from the armed forces ," he said
He added that the troops consider forces march and deployment to perform assigned tasks. Also aviation will conduct flights to simulate the actions near the state border.........itar-tass.com
The soldiers are armed with automatic weapons. The operation also involves some 160 tanks, over 230 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, at least 150 guns and mortars, and a great number of aircraft, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said before a board meeting of the Defense Ministry.
"The situation in Ukraine causes a serious concern. April 22, the new Ukrainian leadership launched the so-called active phase of operations in the south-eastern regions of Ukraine. There are victims," the defense minister said.
"Moto mechanized troops are on the border with Russia, intended to conduct subversive activities. 17th armored brigade and 24th Mechanized Brigade act there from the armed forces ," he said
- Russia begins military exercises on Ukrainan border
He added that the troops consider forces march and deployment to perform assigned tasks. Also aviation will conduct flights to simulate the actions near the state border.........itar-tass.com
Stopping the unlawful actions of the Kiev authorities is the main condition for resolving the current crisis in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said....
ReplyDelete“We believe that the main condition for resolving the crisis in Ukraine is to stop the unlawful actions of the Kiev authorities who must realize their responsibility for everything that was written down [in Kiev] on February 21 and in Geneva on April 17. It says clearly that there must be no violence. The use of the army, with the support of radical nationalists, against the people is an absolutely unacceptable form of violence. Moreover, I think this is a criminal decision,” he said.....http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/729459
Stopping the unlawful actions of the Kiev authorities is the main condition for resolving the current crisis in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said....
ReplyDelete“We believe that the main condition for resolving the crisis in Ukraine is to stop the unlawful actions of the Kiev authorities who must realize their responsibility for everything that was written down [in Kiev] on February 21 and in Geneva on April 17. It says clearly that there must be no violence. The use of the army, with the support of radical nationalists, against the people is an absolutely unacceptable form of violence. Moreover, I think this is a criminal decision,” he said.....http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/729459
Das groß angelegte Manöver der russischen Truppen des Westlichen und des Südlichen Wehrbezirks an der ukrainischen Grenze soll auf die Machthaber in Kiew wie eine „kalte Dusche“ einwirken, meinen russische Militärexperten.....
ReplyDeleteAm Donnerstag erklärte Russlands Verteidigungsminister Sergej Schoigu, dass Moskau auf eine solche Entwicklung im Südosten der Ukraine reagieren muss, und ordnete die Übung an. „Die Kiewer Behörden haben bereits der militärischen Gewalt gegen friedliche Einwohner im Osten der Ukraine grünes Licht gegeben“, erklärte der Minister die Position Moskaus.
„Die Reaktion Russlands auf die Handlungen Kiews im Osten der Ukraine ist gerechtfertigt und legitim“, betonte der Ex-Generalstabschef der russischen Streitkräfte, Armeegeneral Juri Balujewski. „Wir müssen auf solche Entwicklung in der Nähe zu unseren Grenzen reagieren. Die Hitzköpfe müssen abgekühlt werden.“....http://de.ria.ru/security_and_military/20140424/268353160.html