Friday, May 2, 2014

Ukrainian troops begin special operation in Slavyansk. Ukrainian military has attacked several positions. - Reports

The Ukrainian army has reportedly begun a special operation against pro-autonomy activists in the eastern town of Slavyansk early Friday morning, as air raid sirens went off and gunfire was heard.
Slavyansk self-defense forces told RIA Novosti that the Ukrainian military has attacked several positions.
The attack is targeting a few checkpoints at the same time. A few armored vehicles and airborne combat vehicles arrived and airborne troops descended from the helicopters and attacked the checkpoints. Some forces were dropped off around the train station, where we didn’t have anyone,” RIA Novosti quoted the press secretary of the Slavyansk self-defense units as saying.

Early Friday morning, a city siren – which is designed to warn local residents of a Ukrainian military attack – went off and shots were heard. A few minutes later, the siren stopped and everything calmed down, according to reports.
A few of the activists were injured during the attack, Interfax cited the city’s self-defense unit as saying.
A commander at one of the checkpoints told RIA Novosti that the Ukrainian army has taken control of one of the roadblocks on the outskirts of Slavyansk, as well as the city’s TV broadcasting center.
A police station was reportedly seized, while the city center remains quiet, RT’s Paula Slier reported from Ukraine. Several armored vehicles have been seen outside Slavyansk, she added.
Thick smoke was spotted on the outskirts of the city, where the roadblocks are located.
The Slavyansk self-defense leader said that two Ukrainian army helicopters were shot down, and that one of the pilots is dead and the other one was captured, Interfax reported. He added that helicopters are shooting down at the city with missiles, but that there have been no reports of damage. 

A video posted on YouTube reportedly shows the start of the special operation in Slavyansk:


  1. Mr Avakov said: "Against Ukraine's special forces, terrorists used heavy artillery, including grenade launchers and portable anti-aircraft missile launchers....

    "One pilot is dead and there are wounded."

    Gunfire and heavy detonations were heard just outside the town this morning.

    Militia groups have said the operation was part of "a full-scale attack" by the Ukrainian military.

    Ukrainian soldiers have taken control of a rebel checkpoint just to the south of the town.

    Eight armoured vehicles and several soldiers were seen taking positions there and warned off anybody trying to approach.

    Sporadic small-arms fire was heard at a distance. Two explosions were also heard.......

  2. Ukraine: un hélicoptère de l'armée abattu par des missiles à Slaviansk...

    L'armée ukrainienne a lancé tôt vendredi une vaste opération militaire contre la ville ukrainienne séparatistes pro-russe de Slaviansk, ont indiqué des rebelles à l'AFP. Le ministre de l'Intérieur confirme qu'in hélicoptère a été abattu.

    "C'est une attaque d'envergure totale", a déclaré la porte-parole des rebelles à l'AFP, affirmant qu'un hélicoptère ukrainien avait été abattu.

    "Le village de Bilbassivka est occupé" par des militaires ukrainiens, selon elle.

    Le ministre ukrainien de l'Intérieur, Arsen Avakov, a confirmé qu'un pilote d'hélicoptère avait été tué et d'autres blessés par des tirs de missiles anti-aériens. "Contre les forces spéciales ukrainiennes, les terroristes ont recours à l'artillerie lourde, y compris des lance-grenades et des missiles antiaériens portatifs. Un pilote est mort et il y a des blessés", écrit-il sur sa page Facebook.

    Arsen Avakov accuse également les séparatistes pro-russes d'avoir recruté des mercenaires professionnels.

    Slaviansk échappe depuis plus de deux semaines au contrôle des autorités de Kiev et c'est là qu'est retenue depuis une semaine une équipe d'observateurs de l'OSCE.

  3. The Ukrainian offensive in Slaviansk marks Kiev's largest military response yet to the seizure of administrative buildings in several eastern Ukrainian cities.....

    However, an aide to Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said he could not comment on the operation.

    “Until it’s over, no one will say anything,” the aide said......

  4. Third helicopter downed over east Ukraine’s Sloviansk, crew’s fate unclear...

    A third Ukrainian helicopter Mil Mi-24 was downed at a checkpoint in the east Ukrainian city of Sloviansk that resulted in a literal explosion of the chopper, the fate of its crew is unclear, TV news channel Rossiya-24 reported on Friday.

    The city defenders have earlier hit two Ukrainian helicopters, crew’s fate unclear, “One helicopter is Mil Mi-24 and the second one is most likely Mi-8; one pilot was killed and another one was taken to hospital,” a representative of Sloviansk police told ITAR-TASS earlier in the day............

  5. Ukraine ups Slavyansk toll to 2 helicopters downed, 2 servicemen killed...

    Ukraine's defence ministry on Thursday raised the toll during an assault on the rebel-held town of Slavyansk to two of its helicopters shot down and two servicemen killed.

    Authorities say the pro-Russian insurgents used shoulder-launched rockets to bring down the two Mi-24 helicopters. Earlier, the interior minister said one of those killed was a helicopter pilot.......................


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