Saturday, September 27, 2014

Lavrov: Western bloc headed by Washington rejects UN principle that all states are equal (2 video En, Ru)

The US-led Western block rejects the principle of the equality of sovereign states secured by the UN Charter while advocating democracy in the international arena, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov addressing the UNGA.
"The US-led Western alliance, while acting as an advocate of democracy, rule of law and human rights in individual countries, is acting in the international arena from the opposite position, rejecting the democratic principle of the sovereign right of states enshrined in the UN Charter and trying to decide for others what is good and what is bad," Lavrov said at the 69th session of the UN General Assembly in New York on Saturday.

The Russian foreign minister elaborated that there was an “increasingly obvious contradiction between the need for collective action by partners to produce proper responses to common challenges and some countries' drive for dominance and revival of the archaic bloc mentality based on barrack-like discipline and flawed 'us and them' logic".
Lavrov added that Russia was willing to compromise and ready to balance interests only based on mutual respect and if the dialogue is “honest, respectful and equal”.
According to the minister the “policy of ultimatums, the philosophy of superiority and domination” run counter to the needs of the 21st century, including the formation of a “polycentric and democratic world order”.
Lavrov stressed that the creation of new dividing lines is unacceptable in Europe saying that “no one has a monopoly on the truth” and no one can customize global and regional processes to “suit their needs."
Joint efforts can only be built on the principles of mutual respect and mutual consideration of interests, as it is done in the framework of BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), G20 or the UN Security Council, said Lavrov..........................



  1. Lavrov: US Disregards UN Principle of Equality of States in World...

    While defending democracy and human rights, the United States disregards the principle of the equality of states around the world, as stipulated in the UN Charter, and makes decisions for other countries, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Saturday.

    "Western alliance led by the United States, while defending democracy and human rights, on the global arena assumes an opposite stance, disregarding the principle of the sovereign equality of states, as stipulated in the UN Charter, and trying to decide for others what is good and what is bad," Lavrov said at the 69th session of the UN General Assembly.

    "The contradiction between the need of collaborative efforts to work out adequate responses to common challenges and the urge of certain countries to dominate, to revive the outdated bloc mindset based on military discipline and distorted "friend or foe" worldview, is becoming clearer," the minister added.

  2. Lavrov dichiara la violazione del principio della parità di Stati dall’Occidente...

    I Paesi occidentali guidati dagli USA rifiutano il principio della parità di Stati, stabilito nella Carta delle Nazioni Unite, ha dichiarato il ministro degli Esteri russo Sergej Lavrov.

    Washington ha dichiarato apertamente il suo diritto unilaterale ad usare la forza militare per difendere i propri interessi.

    Lavrov ha ricordato i bombardamenti della NATO in Jugoslavia, l'invasione in Iraq, l'attacco alla Libia. Solo grazie agli intensi sforzi diplomatici è stata impedita l'aggressione contro la Siria nel 2013, ha detto il capo della diplomazia russa.
    Per saperne di più:

  3. Russia wants authentic information on the status and condition of chemical arsenals in Syria, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Thursday as he addressed the UN General Assembly session...

    “[…]on the issue of chemical weapons we would like to obtain authentic information on the condition of chemical arsenals in Libya,” he said.

    “We understand that our NATO colleagues after they bombed out this country in violation of a UNSG Resolution would not like to "stir up" the mayhem they created,” Lavrov said.

    “However, the problem of uncontrolled Libyan chemical arsenals is too serious to turn a blind eye on it,” he said. “The UN Secretary General has an obligation to show his responsibility on the issue as well.

  4. Lavrov esorta a non tirare per le lunghe l'indagine sullo schianto del Boeing...

    Le indagini sullo schianto del Boeing malese in Ucraina va per le lunghe e ciò è contrario alla risoluzione del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, ha dichiarato il ministro degli Esteri Sergej Lavrov.

    Ha anche messo in evidenza che i tentativi di distorcere la verità, nascondere i fatti dietro le accuse infondate sono stati effettuati in tutte le fasi della crisi ucraina. Lavrov ha sottolineato che non si fa nulla per l'identificazione e la punizione dei responsabili degli eventi sanguinosi del mese di febbraio su piazza Maidan, dell’omicidio di massa ad Odessa, a Mariupol e in altre regioni dell'Ucraina.

    Il ministro ha detto che viene deliberatamente declassato il terribile disastro umanitario causato dalle azioni dell'esercito ucraino nel sud-est del Paese. E ha ricordato i nuovi terrificanti fatti: le scoperte delle fosse comuni nei pressi di Donetsk.
    Per saperne di più:

  5. Lavrov: EE.UU. usa la fuerza militar de forma unilateral en aras de sus intereses...

    Durante su intervención en la 69ª Asamblea General de la ONU, el canciller ruso, Serguéi Lavrov, ha denunciado la postura de la alianza occidental liderada por EE.UU., consistente en decidir por todos lo que está bien y lo que está mal.

    El jefe de la diplomacia rusa se refirió a la costumbre de Washington de "utilizar la fuerza militar de forma unilateral en cualquier lugar para defender sus propios intereses". "La intervención militar se ha convertido en la norma", agregó, recordando que eso es así pese a que todas las operaciones militares libradas por EE.UU. acaban con un "resultado deplorable".

    Lavrov subrayó que "el propósito de las diferentes 'revoluciones de color' y de otros proyectos destinados a cambiar regímenes indeseables es provocar el caos y la inestabilidad"....................

  6. Russia suggests adopting a UN General Assembly declaration on nonrecognition of a coup as a way to change the regime in a country, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at the 69th session of the UN General Assembly on Saturday....

    "Why not adopt a General Assembly declaration on the inadmissibility of interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states and the nonrecognition of a coup as a means to change regime?" Lavrov said.

    "It is time to eliminate completely from international communication attempts of some states to illegally put pressure on other countries," he added.

    The minister noted that in 1933 the US government demanded guarantees from Moscow that it would not interfere with the US internal affairs and attempt to change political and social system of the United States.

    "Back then, Washington was afraid of the revolution virus, and such guarantees were granted on a reciprocal basis. Perhaps, it is worth reviving those guarantees and spreading the US demands from that time universally," Lavrov said.


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