Russia calls for an international investigation into the discovery of a mass grave near Donetsk (eastern Ukraine).
Mass graves of civilians were found at the sites that were occupied earlier by the Ukrainian security forces.
The first burial was unearthed in the mine "Communar" near Donetsk. The bodies of men, covered with a thin layer of earth, were found by the miners. They were clearing the area of mines and mine extensions, the usual "gifts" left behind by the Ukrainian security services, who vacated a fully equipped military camp here on Sunday under the terms of the armistice.
This time, the "surprise" was even more terrible. In the presence of the inspectors of the OSCE four bodies were exhumed from the mass grave: one man and three women, one of them believed to be pregnant. All were dressed in civilian clothes. All had their hands bound and there were traces of gunshots in their heads. In two case, the heads were completely severed from the body. The identity of these people and the time of their death will be determined by forensic scientists. But the circumstances of their deaths must be investigated at the international level. The guilty must not be allowed to escape responsibility, emphasizes the expert of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies Azhdar Kurtov:
“More and more evidence suggests that the people who were killed did not carry weapons and were not participating in the hostilities on the side of the militia. The remains unearthed in the area suggest that people were tortured: parts of their bodies were severed, various signs were burnt into the skin of the victims, including Nazi symbols. These facts are the basis for starting an international investigation. Why is the West, who likes to call for the protection of human rights, still actively discussing the topic of violations of humanitarian norms during, say, the wars in the Balkans? The tragedy in Srebrenica (Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina) has persistently remained on the newspaper pages and TV screens, but the same issue in relation to the south-east Ukraine is not given any coverage.”
Western supporters of the current administration in Kiev do not pay any heed to the crimes of their henchmen. There has been no progress in the investigations of the tragedy in Odessa. On May 2, 2014 the Nationalists drove the opponents of forced regime change in Ukraine into the House of Trade Unions and set them to fire. 48 people were burnt alive or died while trying to escape from the fire, more than 200 were injured. Under pressure from Russia, Ukraine set up a special commission to investigate what happened in Odessa, but after more than 4 months the result of investigations is zero. International experts are not permitted to participate in the investigations.
But now, after the discovery of mass graves near Donetsk, Ukrainian National Guard cannot escape responsibility for crimes against civilians, says the head of the State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs Alexei Pushkov. Moscow, on its part, intends to raise this issue at the international legal venues - the Council of Europe, the European parliament, OSCE.
The "Communar" mine is not the only unmarked grave found in recent days. At the entrance to the nearby village, a pit was found with the bodies of five people. According to local residents, the National Guard fighters shot people for alleged connection with the militia. The fate of many people is still unknown. Chances are that many more mass graves will be found in the district.
Mass graves of civilians were found at the sites that were occupied earlier by the Ukrainian security forces.
The first burial was unearthed in the mine "Communar" near Donetsk. The bodies of men, covered with a thin layer of earth, were found by the miners. They were clearing the area of mines and mine extensions, the usual "gifts" left behind by the Ukrainian security services, who vacated a fully equipped military camp here on Sunday under the terms of the armistice.
This time, the "surprise" was even more terrible. In the presence of the inspectors of the OSCE four bodies were exhumed from the mass grave: one man and three women, one of them believed to be pregnant. All were dressed in civilian clothes. All had their hands bound and there were traces of gunshots in their heads. In two case, the heads were completely severed from the body. The identity of these people and the time of their death will be determined by forensic scientists. But the circumstances of their deaths must be investigated at the international level. The guilty must not be allowed to escape responsibility, emphasizes the expert of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies Azhdar Kurtov:
“More and more evidence suggests that the people who were killed did not carry weapons and were not participating in the hostilities on the side of the militia. The remains unearthed in the area suggest that people were tortured: parts of their bodies were severed, various signs were burnt into the skin of the victims, including Nazi symbols. These facts are the basis for starting an international investigation. Why is the West, who likes to call for the protection of human rights, still actively discussing the topic of violations of humanitarian norms during, say, the wars in the Balkans? The tragedy in Srebrenica (Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina) has persistently remained on the newspaper pages and TV screens, but the same issue in relation to the south-east Ukraine is not given any coverage.”
Western supporters of the current administration in Kiev do not pay any heed to the crimes of their henchmen. There has been no progress in the investigations of the tragedy in Odessa. On May 2, 2014 the Nationalists drove the opponents of forced regime change in Ukraine into the House of Trade Unions and set them to fire. 48 people were burnt alive or died while trying to escape from the fire, more than 200 were injured. Under pressure from Russia, Ukraine set up a special commission to investigate what happened in Odessa, but after more than 4 months the result of investigations is zero. International experts are not permitted to participate in the investigations.
But now, after the discovery of mass graves near Donetsk, Ukrainian National Guard cannot escape responsibility for crimes against civilians, says the head of the State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs Alexei Pushkov. Moscow, on its part, intends to raise this issue at the international legal venues - the Council of Europe, the European parliament, OSCE.
The "Communar" mine is not the only unmarked grave found in recent days. At the entrance to the nearby village, a pit was found with the bodies of five people. According to local residents, the National Guard fighters shot people for alleged connection with the militia. The fate of many people is still unknown. Chances are that many more mass graves will be found in the district.
Комментарий Департамента информации и печати МИД России в связи с обнаружением захоронения под Донецком
ReplyDelete23 сентября на территории шахты «Коммунар» в населенном пункте Нижняя Крынка в 60 км от Донецка обнаружено захоронение, предположительно, мирных граждан. В «братской могиле» найдено несколько полуразложившихся трупов в гражданской одежде. Очевидно, что над указанными лицами была учинена расправа, о чем свидетельствуют связанные за спиной руки, следы от «контрольных выстрелов» в голову и обнаруженные рядом с телами гильзы калибра 9 мм.
Имеющиеся на данный момент сведения заставляют предположить, что речь идет о хладнокровном убийстве гражданских лиц украинскими силовиками. В частности, сообщается, что за несколько дней до обнаружения захоронения данную местность покинули удерживавшие ее военнослужащие 25-й аэромобильной бригады Вооруженных сил Украины и бойцы батальона «Айдар».
Судя по всему, речь идет о военных преступлениях, оправдания которым нет и быть не может. Настаиваем на проведении срочного, беспристрастного, объективного и всестороннего расследования и на привлечении к ответственности виновных. Рассчитываем, что принципиальную оценку случившемуся дадут руководство ООН, ОБСЕ и Совета Европы, профильные органы и институты этих международных организаций, а также специализирующиеся в области прав человека неправительственные организации. Полагаем, что к максимально энергичному содействию расследованию данных военных преступлений могли бы подключиться, в частности, Специальная мониторинговая миссия ОБСЕ на Украине, а также Международная консультативная группа под эгидой Совета Европы по расследованию правонарушений на Украине.
24 сентября 2014
Les autorités de la République populaire de Donetsk (DNR) ont invité des experts russes à enquêter sur les meurtres de masse perpétrés dans les environs de Donetsk....
ReplyDeleteC’est ce qu’a indiqué le premier vice-Premier ministre de la DNR, Andreï Pourguine.
Ce mardi, les forces de la DNR ont découvert plusieurs charniers, où sont ensevelis des civils tués par les forces de sécurité ukrainiennes, près de Donetsk. Dans les trois charniers découverts, on a déjà trouvé une quarantaine de corps de civils.
Les représentants de la milice estiment que le meurtre des civils est l’œuvre des soldats de la Garde nationale ukrainienne.
Lire la suite:
Russia to Demand Open Investigation of Mass Murders in East Ukraine (Lavrov) ...
ReplyDeleteMoscow will strongly demand an open and independent investigation into the case of mass graves, recently discovered in eastern Ukraine's conflict-torn Donetsk Region, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Friday.
"The last [OSCE] report which was presented in Vienna, confirmed that they were civilians, they were shot at point-blank range, and they could have been abused prior to it. We are very concerned by all this. We cannot accuse anyone as there are no results of the investigation yet, but strongly demand an investigation, an open and independent one," Lavrov told reporters at the UN.
The minister stressed that the investigation should not end up like "the tragedies the responsible for which are being defended," referring to so-called "the Maidan sniper case, and the Odesa, Mariupol tragedy and the Malaysian Boeing.".................
Le chef du Comité international de la Douma Alexeï Pouchkov s’est adressé à la présidente de l'Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l'Europe Anne Brasseur avec un appel de se consacrer à l'enquête sur les charniers dans le Donbass. Le député russe l'a communiqué samedi soir dans son blog Twitter....
ReplyDeleteMardi, la milice populaire a trouvé plusieurs fosses communes près de Donetsk. Le Premier ministre de la République populaire autoproclamée de Donetsk (RPD) Alexandre Zakhartchenko a indiqué qu’environ 40 corps des civils, ainsi que des « prisonniers de guerre de la milice et des soldats ukrainiens » ont été découverts dans ces tombes. Selon M. Zakhartchenko, le nombre exact de charniers est inconnu.
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