L'Unione Europea non compenserà le perdite finanziarie dell’Ucraina causate dalla rottura dei legami con la Russia. Il sogno di Kiev di 35-40 miliardi di dollari di aiuti rimarrà un sogno, ha scritto il capo del Comitato per gli Affari internazionali della Duma di Stato Aleksej Pushkov nel suo account Twitter.
L'Unione Europea non compenserà le perdite finanziarie dell’Ucraina causate dalla rottura dei legami con la Russia.
Il sogno di Kiev di 35-40 miliardi di dollari di aiuti rimarrà un sogno, ha scritto il capo del Comitato per gli Affari internazionali della Duma di Stato Aleksej Pushkov nel suo account Twitter.
Vedere anche:
L'Unione Europea non compenserà le perdite finanziarie dell’Ucraina causate dalla rottura dei legami con la Russia.
Il sogno di Kiev di 35-40 miliardi di dollari di aiuti rimarrà un sogno, ha scritto il capo del Comitato per gli Affari internazionali della Duma di Stato Aleksej Pushkov nel suo account Twitter.
Vedere anche:
EU to allocate €55 million to Ukraine for regional policy reform
EU Allocates Extra $10 Million in Aid to Ukraine (European Commission)
Pavel Klimkin: assistance of promised $30 billion insufficient for Ukraine
Ukraine Needs International Help to Prevent Economic Collapse (Kazakh President)
Sweden to allocate €25 mln to Ukraine for EU integration reform — media ...
ReplyDeleteSweden will allocate €25 million to Ukraine to implement European integration reforms, the Ukrainian UNIAN news agency reported on Friday, citing Swedish Ambassador to Kiev Andreas Bekerat.
One of my big tasks is to help you with the issues of your integration into the European Union, the Swedish diplomat said.
Sweden provides support for reforms in Ukraine on an annual basis in the amount of €25 million, Bekerat said, adding Sweden would continue supporting Ukraine...................http://en.itar-tass.com/world/764174
Ucrania estima en más de 500 millones de dólares el coste del proyecto Muro ...
ReplyDeleteEl coste del proyecto Muro, que supone la edificación de un sistema de defensa en la frontera entre Rusia y Ucrania, será de unos 8.300 millones de grivnas (567 millones de dólares), indicó Víctor Nazárenko, jefe del Servicio de Frontera de Ucrania.
"El coste total se estima en 8.362 millones de grivnas", dijo Nazárenko al precisar que está previsto asignar al proyecto 2.600 millones de grivnas (173 millones de dólares) en 2015 y 5.500 millones de grivnas (367 millones de dolares) en 2016.
Según Nazárenko, un kilómetro de infraestructuras costará 3,7 millones de grivnas (150.000 dólares). Ese precio no incluye el coste de las parcelas que en algunas zonas el Estado deberá comprar a los propietarios.........http://sp.ria.ru/international/20141128/163339469.html
Le commissaire européen pour la politique européenne de voisinage et les négociations de l’élargissement Johannes Hahn a déclaré lors d'une conférence de presse à Kiev que l'Ukraine recevrait environ 500 millions d’euros d'aide financière de l'UE dans un proche avenir....
ReplyDeleteLes fonds sont alloués dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du programme de l'aide financière convenu précédemment. Il est prévu de fournir à l’Ukraine un total de 1,7 milliards d’euros.
En plus de ce montant, la BERD prévoit également de fournir une aide financière à l'Ukraine.
L'UE va allouer 55 millions d’euros pour soutenir la décentralisation et la réforme de la politique régionale dans le pays.
Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_11_28/LUE-fournira-500-M-daide-a-lUkraine-4243/
EC/Ukraine: €500 million EU Macro-Financial Assistance loan disbursed...
ReplyDeleteBrussels, 03 December 2014
The European Commission, on behalf of the EU,today disbursed €500 million to Ukraine. This is the second and final loan tranche of the EU's €1 billion Macro-Financial Assistance (MFA II) programme for Ukraineapproved earlier this year.
This disbursement adds to the €860 million provided so far under the two ongoing MFA programmes for Ukraine. Following today’s disbursement, €250 million remains available under the earlierMFA programme (MFA I).
The objective of the MFA programmes is to support Ukraine financially while encouraging important structural reforms aimed at improving governance, delivering sustainable economic growth and supporting legislative harmonisation with the EU. Specifically, the MFA supports reforms in the areas of public finance management and anti-corruption, trade and taxation, the energy sector and the financial sector.
Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Pierre Moscovici said: "Europe is delivering on its commitment of solidarity to Ukraine. We are providing essential financial support at a time of extraordinary economic and social challenges for the Ukrainian people. In turn, it is vital the country maintain the momentum of reform so as to create the conditions for sustainable prosperity for all Ukrainians."
The funding for today's disbursement was raised by the European Commission on financial markets on 26 November, by increasing an already existing 15-year-bond. For the EU, this tap marked a new historical record-low yield of 1.363%. The funds have been on-lent to Ukraine on effectively the same terms, offering a long maturity at a very attractive interest rate........................http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-14-2323_en.htm?locale=en
EU überweist Ukraine weitere 500 Millionen Euro ...
DeleteDie EU-Kommission hat der Ukraine weitere 500 Millionen Euro Finanzhilfe überwiesen.
„Die Europäische Kommission hat heute im Namen der Europäischen Union der Ukraine einen Kredit von 500 Millionen Euro überwiesen als Teil der makroökonomischen Hilfe“, teilte die EU-Kommission am Mittwoch mit. Nach dem Februar-Umsturz in Kiew hatte die EU der von Staatsbankrott bedrohten Ukraine 1,6 Milliarden Euro Rettungskredite zugesagt. 1,35 Milliarden Euro sind bereits überwiesen worden.