Russia called for international probe into factors responsible for the Ukraine crisis, a parliament speaker said Tuesday.
"Only unbiased legal evaluation of facts...will show the truth," Sergei Naryshkin, speaker of the Russian State Duma, or the lower house of parliament, told a round table discussion over European politics.
Naryshkin particularly mentioned the Council of Europe (CoE) as the organization that should be responsible for the investigation, saying Europe is now suffering from a crisis of trust primarily caused by the deadly confrontation in Ukraine.
However, "far from all significant legal facts of the Ukrainian crisis" had been so far reflected in the assessments of Venice Commission, the CoE's advisory body focusing on democracy and human rights issues, Tass news agency quoted Naryshkin as saying.
In the past seven months, the unrest involving the rebels and Ukrainian forces in east Ukraine has killed more than 4,000 people, according to the United Nations.
The speaker also suggested that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) needs "a profound reform of its regulatory procedures and other substantive aspects."
In April, the PACE barred Russian delegates from joining the assembly's observer missions and deprived their voting rights in the body after Russia took Crimea from Ukraine.
Source: Xinhua -
"Only unbiased legal evaluation of facts...will show the truth," Sergei Naryshkin, speaker of the Russian State Duma, or the lower house of parliament, told a round table discussion over European politics.
Naryshkin particularly mentioned the Council of Europe (CoE) as the organization that should be responsible for the investigation, saying Europe is now suffering from a crisis of trust primarily caused by the deadly confrontation in Ukraine.
However, "far from all significant legal facts of the Ukrainian crisis" had been so far reflected in the assessments of Venice Commission, the CoE's advisory body focusing on democracy and human rights issues, Tass news agency quoted Naryshkin as saying.
In the past seven months, the unrest involving the rebels and Ukrainian forces in east Ukraine has killed more than 4,000 people, according to the United Nations.
The speaker also suggested that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) needs "a profound reform of its regulatory procedures and other substantive aspects."
In April, the PACE barred Russian delegates from joining the assembly's observer missions and deprived their voting rights in the body after Russia took Crimea from Ukraine.
Source: Xinhua -
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UN-Generalsekretär dankt Poroschenko für Suche nach Frieden in Ukraine ....
ReplyDeleteUN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon hat sich bei dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Pjotr Poroschenko für dessen Bemühungen um eine friedliche Regelung der Situation im Südosten der Ukraine bedankt.
„Der Generalsekretär dankte dem Präsidenten Poroschenko für diee unaufhörlichen Bemühungen um eine friedliche und langfristige Beilegung des Konflikts im Südosten der Ukraine“, heißt es in einer Mitteilung des UN-Pressedienstes, die in New York am Dienstagabend verbreitet wurde.
Dem Pressedienst zufolge hatte ein Telefongespräch von Ban Ki-moon und Pjotr Poroschenko am Vortag stattgefunden.
„Sie besprachen ernsthafte Hindernisse, die mit dem Transport von Geldmitteln und Hilfsgütern in die Regionen der Ost-Ukraine zusammenhängen, sowie die Bemühungen des Präsidenten um eine friedliche Lösung“, heißt es in der Mitteilung. ..............