European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on December 4 that the EU will stand with Bulgaria on the issue of South Stream and would not allow “Bulgaria to be blackmailed”.
Juncker’s comments came after a meeting with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borissov in Brussels, which had been scheduled well in advance and was meant to focus on unfreezing EU funds for the country.
However, earlier this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Moscow would shelve the plans to build the South Stream pipeline – due to cross the Black Sea and then make landfall in Bulgaria on its way to Central Europe – which caused some consternation in Bulgaria, as Putin blamed Bulgaria for the project’s failure.
Juncker said that EC’s requirements for South Stream had not changed, namely that Russia should bring the project in line with EU energy regulations. He said that the EC and Bulgaria will work together on solving the existing issues, but “the ball is in Russia’s court”.
“We want energy to flow to Bulgaria and to the whole of Europe and we will not accept any blackmailing on energy matters. Bulgaria is not a small country, it has the whole of Europe behind it,” he said.
Borissov said that Bulgaria has constantly backed the proposed pipeline, provided that it adhered to EU law. “If Russia accepts [the provisions of] the Third energy package, we are ready to begin construction today, so it is not just Bulgaria’s fault,” he said........................
Juncker’s comments came after a meeting with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borissov in Brussels, which had been scheduled well in advance and was meant to focus on unfreezing EU funds for the country.
However, earlier this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Moscow would shelve the plans to build the South Stream pipeline – due to cross the Black Sea and then make landfall in Bulgaria on its way to Central Europe – which caused some consternation in Bulgaria, as Putin blamed Bulgaria for the project’s failure.

Juncker said that EC’s requirements for South Stream had not changed, namely that Russia should bring the project in line with EU energy regulations. He said that the EC and Bulgaria will work together on solving the existing issues, but “the ball is in Russia’s court”.
“We want energy to flow to Bulgaria and to the whole of Europe and we will not accept any blackmailing on energy matters. Bulgaria is not a small country, it has the whole of Europe behind it,” he said.
Borissov said that Bulgaria has constantly backed the proposed pipeline, provided that it adhered to EU law. “If Russia accepts [the provisions of] the Third energy package, we are ready to begin construction today, so it is not just Bulgaria’s fault,” he said........................
Statement by President Juncker following his meeting with Boyko Borissov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria ...
ReplyDeleteEuropean Commission - Statement 04.12.14:
"Bulgaria is part of the European family.
The European family is supporting Bulgaria in finding solutions to the current geopolitical challenges. We are here to help our Bulgarian family members.
We will make sure EU funds are relaunched and used to the full in solidarity with Bulgaria and Bulgaria will do its best to use them to stimulate growth, create jobs and improve the lives of the Bulgarian people.
Energy matters are a matter of common concern to all Europeans. You are not alone, and we are not observers. We are with you in these difficult times.
We want energy to flow to Bulgaria and to the whole of Europe and we will not accept any blackmailing on energy matters. Bulgaria is not a small country, it has the whole of Europe behind it.
We will be working closely together on the Juncker Investment Plan to ensure that energy interconnectors are a key element in the new wave of investments of the 315 billion EUR we want to trigger.
As regards South Stream, the EU and Bulgaria are working together to solve the outstanding legal issues. They are not insurmountable. We should do what is best for Bulgaria and best for Europe. Boyko and Jean-Claude will find a solution together.
South Stream can be built. The conditions have been clear since a long time. There is nothing new. The ball is in the court of Russia. We are ready. Preparatory work is on the way."
So in order to compensate future losses Europe should pay to Bulgaria 500 million US dollars per year for lost future transit fees plus 100-150 million dollars per year for future lost fees which Bulgaria is getting for transporting russian gas to Turkey plus Bulgaria should get some more to compensate for more expensive gas in the future.
ReplyDeleteLogically the real future cost to Bulgaria in the next few years will be in the range of 1 billion dollars per year.
It is nice from Bulgarian politicians that they are ready to sacrifice those money to protect European values and values of American democracy in Europe.
I guess Bulgarian politicians should think about getting financing for liguid gas terminal from europe and US so when US is ready to ship gas to Europe they can buy from them diversifying energy sources and building energy security
Јункер: Јужен тек не е завршена приказна ...
ReplyDeleteГасоводот Јужен тек се уште може да продолжи и покрај тоа што Русија вели дека проектот за снабдување на гас за Европа, вреден 40 милијарди долари е укинат, изјави предмалку претседателот на Европската комисија, Жан-Клод Јункер, по неговата средба со новиот бугарски премиер Бојко Борисов, јави дописникот на МИА од Брисел.
- Што се однесува до Јужниот тек, Европската унија и Бугарија работат заедно на решавање на отворените прашања и овие отворените прашања не се несовладливи, изјави Јункер пред новинарите по разговорите со Борисов.
Според наследникот на Жозе Мануел Барозо, Јужен тек може да биде изграден и условите биле јасни одамна, но дека во моментов – “Топката е во дворот на Русија”.
Посочувајќи дека Бугарија е дел од европското семејство, Јункер порача и дека европското семејство му дава поддршка на нашиот источен сосед во пронаоѓањето на решенија за актуелните геополитички предизвици. Тој рече дека Брисел е тука да им помогне на своите бугарски членови на семејството.................http://www.utrinski.FYR/default.asp?ItemID=31CCB7F0EE6CC64788A7378AD7521AAF
Russland zum South-Stream-Treffen nicht eingeladen ...
ReplyDeleteDie russische Seite hat keine offizielle Einladung zum Ministertreffen der Teilnehmerländer von South Stream bekommen, das am 9. Dezember in Brüssel stattfinden soll. Das teilte RIA Novosti eine über die Situation um das Projekt informierte Quelle mit.
„Allem Anschein nach müssen die Teilnehmerländer noch ihre Position zu dieser Frage entwickeln“, hieß es.
Am Montag erklärte Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin, dass Russland in den jetzigen Verhältnissen den Umsatz von South Stream nicht fortsetzen kann, darunter wegen der destruktiven Position der EU.
No European rules were violated in the tender for the construction of the South Stream project, Dimitr Gogov, Bulgarian executive director of South Stream Bulgaria, said on Sunday....
ReplyDelete“There were no violations of European rules,” he said in an interview with the BTV television channel. “The South Stream project is very good and might have been beneficial for Bulgaria. You can take my word for that.”.............