Fidel Castro has broken silence for the first time this year and addressed Cuban students with a letter.
The letter published by the main national daily La Granma contains his first comments on the nascent process of normalization of Cuban-US relations.
Commandante Fidel, 88, says he does not trust the US policies and he has not exchanged a single word with the Americans, although this does not mean at all a rejection of peaceful resolution of military conflicts or removal of military threats.
He indicates, however, that defending peace is everyone’s duty. The Cubans will always defend cooperation and friendship among all the peoples in the world and even with this country’s political opponents, Fidel says.
He says the steps taken by his younger brother Raul Castro, who is Cuba’s President of the Council of State and President of the Council of Ministers, were appropriate and fell in line with the occupational powers granted by the National Assembly and the ruling Communist Party of Cuba.
Fidel indicates that the ominous threats looming over humankind today should give way to norms compatible with the notion of human dignity.....................
US welcomes former Cuban leader's comments on thaw in bilateral ties ...
ReplyDeleteThe United States on Tuesday welcomed former leader of Cuba Fidel Castro's first public comments about the restoration of US-Cuban diplomatic relations.
"We take his reference of international norms and principles as a positive sign and look forward to the Cuban government implementing those international norms and principles for a democratic, prosperous and stable Cuba", said State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki at the regular press conference.
In an article published by Cuba's official daily "Granma" Tuesday, Castro wrote that he does not trust the US policies, but that does not mean a rejection to a peaceful solution of conflicts and dangers of war.
"Any peaceful and negotiated solution to the problems between the United States and the peoples or any people of Latin America, not involving force or the use of force, should be handled according to international principles and standards," Castro wrote...........
Castro: Keine guten Beziehungen zu USA ohne Rückgabe von Guantanamo ...
ReplyDeleteKuba ersucht die USA um die Rückgabe des Stützpunktes Guantanamo. Das erklärte Kubas Staatschef Raul Castro am Mittwoch in Costa-Rica.
„Die Wiederherstellung der Beziehungen (zu Washington) wird kaum möglich sein, solange die Blockade (der Insel) nicht aufgehoben worden ist und Kuba das Territorium von Guantanamo nicht zurückbekommen hat“, wurde Castro vom TV-Sender Telesur zitiert. Der kubanische Staatschef sprach in Costa-Rica auf einem Gipfel der Gemeinschaft der Lateinamerikanischen und Karibischen Staaten (CELAC).