The new Greek government is ready to restore the debt-laden country's
prestige, people's dignity and social justice, Prime Minister Alexis
Tsipras told the first Cabinet meeting on Wednesday.
Acknowledging the tough road ahead and the pressure of high expectations of Greek people, Tsipras said that the new government intends to radically change the way the country has been ruled for decades.
The government's first priority is to address the humanitarian crisis, said the prime minister, noting that after the 2009 debt crisis and the painful austerity and reform program introduced under the bailout agreements with lenders, Greece has led developed countries in poverty among children.
Another priority is to restart the economy by supporting debt-ridden enterprises to stand on their feet, stimulating growth and creating new jobs to tackle record high unemployment, Tsipras said.
He added that the government is ready to move ahead with a four-year comprehensive national plan of reforms, investment and development which would not lead to new deficits.
The third priority is to renegotiate with lenders on collaboration after the expiry of the bailout in late February this year.
Meanwhile, Tsipras also pledged to fight corruption and create a fair and stable tax system.
Tsipras, leader of anti-bailout SYRIZA party, was sworn in on Monday as Greece's new prime minister.
Source:Xinhua -
Acknowledging the tough road ahead and the pressure of high expectations of Greek people, Tsipras said that the new government intends to radically change the way the country has been ruled for decades.
The government's first priority is to address the humanitarian crisis, said the prime minister, noting that after the 2009 debt crisis and the painful austerity and reform program introduced under the bailout agreements with lenders, Greece has led developed countries in poverty among children.
Another priority is to restart the economy by supporting debt-ridden enterprises to stand on their feet, stimulating growth and creating new jobs to tackle record high unemployment, Tsipras said.
He added that the government is ready to move ahead with a four-year comprehensive national plan of reforms, investment and development which would not lead to new deficits.
The third priority is to renegotiate with lenders on collaboration after the expiry of the bailout in late February this year.
Meanwhile, Tsipras also pledged to fight corruption and create a fair and stable tax system.
Tsipras, leader of anti-bailout SYRIZA party, was sworn in on Monday as Greece's new prime minister.
Source:Xinhua -
Syriza: certaines lignes du parti devraient séduire les Européens ...
ReplyDeleteLe parti de gauche radicale Syriza a été le grand vainqueur des élections législatives de dimanche dernier en Grèce. L'ambition du parti porte entre autre sur une révision de la politique d'austérité imposée à la Grèce par ses créanciers (BCE, FMI, Commission européenne). Syriza veut aussi revoir les modalités de remboursement de la dette gigantesque de la Grèce et cela inquiète les partenaires européens. Mais certains points du programme de ce parti pourraient par contre leur plaire...
.............Les précédents gouvernements grecs avaient bien sûr aussi annoncé leur volonté de changer la Grèce mais ils n'ont jamais été au bout des choses, ce qui a d'ailleurs régulièrement provoqué l'agacement des partenaires européens. On sait que le pays est rongé par l'évasion et la fraude fiscale, la corruption, la collusion entre les grandes familles au pouvoir et les armateurs, banquiers et autres grosses fortunes, etc.
Autant de mauvaises pratiques montrées régulièrement du doigt par le reste de la zone euro mais sans que les gouvernements grecs en place n'aient jamais mis suffisamment de choses en œuvre pour y mettre un terme. Par exemple, en 2010 la Commission avait proposé aux Grecs d'empêcher la libre circulation des capitaux de manière temporaire, histoire de vérifier que l'argent qui s'apprêtait à quitter la Grèce était bien connu du fisc. Mais le gouvernement grec n'a jamais usé de cette possibilité.
Autre exemple, une liste de noms de riches grecs ayant fui l'impôt avait été fournie aux autorités grecques, qui l'avaient perdue, puis retrouvée mais, hasard, le nom de proches du ministre des Finances d'alors avait été gommé de la liste définitive....................
The European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Pierre Moscovici, has ruled out any breakdown between the EU commission and the new Greek authorities...
ReplyDelete"The Commission wants to continue to help and assist Greece. So there is no question about any rift," Moscovici said in an interview to French dailies Le Parisien and Aujourd’hui en France.
He said that the commission is committed to continuing to provide assistance to Greece.
"The existing aid program for Greece was extended for two months. We need to review it. We'll see with the Greek government under what conditions we can conduct this review, always with the main interest of staying alongside Greece," he said.
Moscovici added that the EU Commission and European Union are determined to have less "invasive" interactions and more "flexible" forms of cooperation with Greece.
He explained that Greece has to set the goal to recover by encouraging growth and job creation, while reducing inequalities, in order to tackle the debt problem and remain within the Eurozone..................
S&P setzt Griechenlands Rating „B“ auf CreditWatch-Liste ...
ReplyDeleteDie internationale Ratingagentur Standard & Poor’s (S&P) hat Griechenlands Kreditwürdigkeit bei lang- und kurzfristigen Verbindlichkeiten auf die CreditWatch-Liste gesetzt. Das Rating „B“ sei zunächst unverändert belassen worden, teilte S&P am Mittwoch mit.
Ihre Entscheidung begründete die Agentur unter anderem damit, dass die „Wirtschafts- und Budgetpolitik der neuen griechischen Regierung zum Teil nicht mit der Rahmenkonzeption kompatibel ist, die mit der früheren Regierung und offiziellen Gläubigern abgestimmt worden war“. „Wenn das neue Kabinett und die Gläubiger sich nicht auf weitere Finanzhilfen einigen, wird das die Kreditfähigkeit Griechenlands bedeutend schwächen“, hieß es.