European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Monday that Greeks should vote "yes" in the referendum on the bailout proposals to be held on Sunday.
Greeks will vote on July 5 in a referendum on whether to accept bailout terms proposed by the Eurogroup and its other European creditors after the country rejected on Friday an offer from its international creditors to extend the country's bailout by five months.
“A ‘yes’ vote means ‘yes' to the EU,” Juncker said in a speech before journalists in Brussels. “I ask the Greeks to vote ‘yes’ regardless of the way the referendum is expressed.”
"A ‘no’ vote is a vote against the euro and staying in the EU,” he added.
Juncker stressed that the proposals made in the bailout plan devised by the Eurogroup, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the EU, and the European Central Bank did not include wage cuts or pension cuts, but rather supported increased social fairness.
“Our proposals have never included wage cuts. On the table is a proposal to modernize the wage grid of the public sector,” Juncker said.
“Nor have we proposed cuts in the level of pensions,” Juncker continued. “We seek a reform of the pension system, but one that will not reduce existing pensions.”
Juncker also stressed that the creditors had agreed to the Greek government demand for collective bargaining practices.
“We have simply asked that best-practice methods be used in cooperation with the International Labor Organization,” said Juncker.
“We have asked the Greek government to remove incentives for early retirement, but we have offered to allow the substitution of any other measures the government chooses, so long as the numbers add up,” Juncker said, referring to the amount of spending reductions involved.
Further, Juncker pointed out, Greece would be obliged to make $12 billion less in spending cuts than were originally demanded.
“We are also demanding cuts in the defense budget, but that seems only fair,” he added. “Just as it is only fair that Greece establish an independent tax administration, of the kind used in all other European countries.”
Juncker said that the proposals challenge vested interests to reach a fair accord.
“This is not a game of liar’s poker,” he said. “This is an effort by all the nations of the eurozone working together.”
Juncker warned that it is incumbent on the Greek government to tell its citizens the truth.
“We have never considered a Greek exit from the euro, or from the EU,” Juncker said. “But there is no way to provide a ready solution without sacrifice.” Juncker cited the austerity programs that have been held in Ireland, Portugal and Spain as examples of economies that have emerged from austerity successfully.
“I call upon the Greeks to say ‘yes,’ Juncker said. “Plato shouldn’t play in second division.”
Greeks will vote on July 5 in a referendum on whether to accept bailout terms proposed by the Eurogroup and its other European creditors after the country rejected on Friday an offer from its international creditors to extend the country's bailout by five months.
“A ‘yes’ vote means ‘yes' to the EU,” Juncker said in a speech before journalists in Brussels. “I ask the Greeks to vote ‘yes’ regardless of the way the referendum is expressed.”
"A ‘no’ vote is a vote against the euro and staying in the EU,” he added.
Juncker stressed that the proposals made in the bailout plan devised by the Eurogroup, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the EU, and the European Central Bank did not include wage cuts or pension cuts, but rather supported increased social fairness.
“Our proposals have never included wage cuts. On the table is a proposal to modernize the wage grid of the public sector,” Juncker said.
“Nor have we proposed cuts in the level of pensions,” Juncker continued. “We seek a reform of the pension system, but one that will not reduce existing pensions.”
Juncker also stressed that the creditors had agreed to the Greek government demand for collective bargaining practices.
“We have simply asked that best-practice methods be used in cooperation with the International Labor Organization,” said Juncker.
“We have asked the Greek government to remove incentives for early retirement, but we have offered to allow the substitution of any other measures the government chooses, so long as the numbers add up,” Juncker said, referring to the amount of spending reductions involved.
Further, Juncker pointed out, Greece would be obliged to make $12 billion less in spending cuts than were originally demanded.
“We are also demanding cuts in the defense budget, but that seems only fair,” he added. “Just as it is only fair that Greece establish an independent tax administration, of the kind used in all other European countries.”
Juncker said that the proposals challenge vested interests to reach a fair accord.
“This is not a game of liar’s poker,” he said. “This is an effort by all the nations of the eurozone working together.”
Juncker warned that it is incumbent on the Greek government to tell its citizens the truth.
“We have never considered a Greek exit from the euro, or from the EU,” Juncker said. “But there is no way to provide a ready solution without sacrifice.” Juncker cited the austerity programs that have been held in Ireland, Portugal and Spain as examples of economies that have emerged from austerity successfully.
“I call upon the Greeks to say ‘yes,’ Juncker said. “Plato shouldn’t play in second division.”
Juncker liga referendo à permanência da Grécia na União Europeia...
ReplyDeleteO presidente da Comissão Europeia, Jean-Claude Juncker, afirmou-se, esta segunda-feira, "entristecido com o espetáculo que a Europa deu no passado sábado". Numa declaração dramática, aumentou a pressão sobre a Grécia para um nível sem precedentes: uma vitória do "não" no referendo de domingo na Grécia é também um não à União Europeia, diz.
A Grécia decidiu convocar um referendo para que os gregos possam decidir se aceitam as condições impostas pelos credores, para que haja um acordo. Os bancos gregos vão ficar fechados durante esta semana e há uma limite ao máximo de dinheiro que se pode levantar por dia.
As negociações, continuou Jean-Claude Juncker, não foram "um jogo de póquer". "Ou todos ganham ou todos perdem", disse, acrescentando que as negociações foram cortadas "unilateralmente" pelo anúncio feito por Alexis Tsipras de que iria convocar o referendo para cinco de julho.
"O povo grego tem que saber a verdade", sustentou.
A proposta rejeitada pelo executivo de Alexis Tsipras, sustentou, não era um "estúpido pacote de austeridade", e "é aconselhável o Governo grego dizer a verdade ao povo grego", tendo em vista o referendo que decidiu organizar para o próximo domingo, e no qual disse esperar que o povo grego, de forma responsável, vote no "sim" à proposta das instituições.
Isto porque, para o presidente da Comissão Europeia, um vitória do "não" no referendo de domingo na Grécia é também um não à União Europeia (UE).
"Um 'não' [no referendo] significaria, independentemente da questão finamente colocada, que a Grécia diz não à Europa", disse Juncker, numa conferência de imprensa, em Bruxelas, apelando aos gregos para votarem "sim"
Transcript of President Jean-Claude Juncker's press conference on Greece...
ReplyDeleteLorsque j'ai commencé, il y a longtemps, ma vie européenne, nous étions dix Etats membres, c'était en décembre 1982. Le dixième Etat membre venait tout juste de rejoindre la famille européenne, un an auparavant. Ce fut la Grèce et j'étais heureux à l'époque de voir la Grèce nous rejoindre pour compléter l'Union européenne, qui s'appelait encore les Communautés européennes à ce moment-là, parce que suivant les propos de Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, je ne voulais pas voir Platon jouer en deuxième division, et je ne voudrais pas voir Platon jouer dorénavant en deuxième division.
Aujourd'hui, nous sommes 28 pays membres qui ont été capables de réconcilier après tant d'efforts, après tant de sacrifices, et après tant de martyres, l'histoire et la géographie européennes. 28 Etats membres capables aussi de fusionner jusqu'à 19 monnaies nationales en une monnaie unique. Et ma perspective est que nous resterons à 19 et que nous serons plus nombreux au cours des années et décennies à venir.
C'est cette Europe-là, celle de la réconciliation, celle du compromis, celle qui veut comprendre les autres, qui est devenue la grande affaire de ma vie.
Une Europe qui se veut le lieu de la recherche patiente, déterminée de l'intérêt commun et non pas le théâtre d'affrontements entre intérêts nationaux si justifiés qu'ils soient dans la perspective individuelle et nationale.
Une Europe qui est le lieu de la convergence des volontés politiques et non pas de la rivalité entre des égoïsmes nationaux.
L'Europe ne peut fonctionner que si nous sommes capables de gérer nos différences dans un dialogue qui se veut vertueux et qui doit être respectueux, et d'organiser nos actions individuelles pour le bien de l'ensemble tout entier.............
Les Européens mettent les Grecs en garde contre un "non" au référendum...
ReplyDeleteAlors que les banques étaient fermées en Grèce, lundi, les principaux dirigeants européens ont assuré que le référendum grec de dimanche 5 juillet revenait à se prononcer pour ou contre la sortie de la zone euro.
François Hollande, Jean-Claude Juncker, Matteo Renzi ou encore Angela Merkel ont tous estimé, lundi 29 juin, que voter "non" au référendum grec de dimanche 5 juillet revenait à voter contre l’euro.
Les marchés financiers du monde entier ont pâti de la crise grecque. Le CAC 40, l’indice de la place financière parisienne, perdait, ainsi, lundi, plus de 3,5 %.
Jean-Claude Juncker a affirmé qu’il s’était senti "trahi". Sans le dire expressement, le président de la Commission européenne vise l’attitude du Premier ministre Alexis Tsipras qui a quitté la table des négociations vendredi et annoncé la tenue d’un référundum pour dimanche.
Certaines banques grecques pourraient rouvrir dès jeudi 2 juillet au lieu de lundi 6 juillet.
La fermeture des banques et le contrôle des capitaux mis en place lundi n’a pas provoqué de panique à Athènes, a constaté Alexia Kefalas, correspondante de France 24.
Le Premier ministre grec Alexis Tsipras doit parler à la télévision publique grecque lundi soir à 22 h (heure d'Athènes, soit 21 h à Paris)
Juncker: Nein der Griechen kommt Nein zur EU gleich...
ReplyDeleteAuch an Jean-Claude sind die vergangenen Tage und Nächte nicht spurlos vorübergegangen. Als der Kommissionspräsident am gestrigen Montag im großen Pressesaal des Berlaymont-Gebäudes vor die wartenden Journalisten trat, um über die jüngsten Entwicklungen im griechischen Schuldenstreit zu referieren, wirkte er müde, blass – und vor allem: sehr ernst. Die persönliche Enttäuschung über den griechischen Ministerpräsidenten stand dem Luxemburger ins Gesicht geschrieben.
Juncker fühlt sich „verraten“, weil Alexis Tsipras ihn von der Ankündigung eines Referendums über die von den Gläubigern geforderten Sparmaßnahmen am kommenden Sonntag nicht im Vorfeld informiert hatte – trotz seines vergleichsweise guten Verhältnisses mit dem Syriza-Chef. Während der vergangenen Wochen hatte der Kommissionspräsident immer wieder versucht, zwischen der griechischen Regierung und den Euro-Finanzministern zu
The door remains open for Greece despite the breakdown of bailout talks over the weekend, Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem has said....
ReplyDeleteHe said it was still "conceivable" to avoid a Greek exit.
"I continue to say that, for us, the door is still open, although in the meantime the possibilities and time are very limited," the head of the group of eurozone finance ministers told journalists in The