Friday, November 6, 2015

Germany to expedite deportations of refugees

Germany is set to speed up the deportation of asylum-seekers after weeks of disputes within the government coalition over the "overwhelming" surge of new refugees.

Chancellor Angela Merkel announced the agreement on Thursday to set up three to five reception centres nationwide that would expedite the process of either accepting or repatriating refugees.

"We have reached these agreements in the spirit that we will manage this," she said, alongside Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel of the centre-left Social Democrats and Horst Seehofer of the CSU party.

For weeks, Seehofer has been urging Merkel to reduce the number of the refugees in the country, saying that local authorities are struggling to deal with the refugee influx.

Seehofer called the deal reached with Merkel "very, very good," and said that his relationship with Merkel has been "cemented again", but stopped short of withdrawing his threat to file a legal challenge against the government over its refugee policy.

Deal criticised

However, opposition parties criticised the agreement, saying it is too difficult to implement given the massive number of refugees seeking to reach Germany.

About 758,000 have already arrived so far this year, with around one million expected to reach the country by the end of 2015.

"It is questionable if tens of thousands can be sent back in a relatively short time. That would be a real departure from the current practice of allowing even those denied asylum to stay and lead a life," said the centre-left newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung.

Robert Habeck of the Green party said: "People are waiting for half a year before their asylum applications can even be submitted. It is a complete mystery as to how the federal government can conclude the process within a few weeks in the special reception centres."

The Party of Democratic Socialism censured the agreement as a further violation of refugees' rights.

"It (the deal) is about expelling at all cost, asylum rights are once more being curtailed," it said in a statement.

In addition, Germany is facing pressure from its neighbours eager for Europe's top economy to take the refugee task off their shoulders.

Like Berlin, Sweden has opened its doors to refugees and is buckling under the load.

In a stark message to migrants, Sweden's Migration Minister Morgan Johansson said at a press conference Thursday: "If you have a roof over your head in Germany, it'd be better if you stayed there."
Source: Agencies




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    (Belga) L'Allemagne, destination en 2015 pour plusieurs centaines de milliers de migrants, va renvoyer de façon accélérée vers leur pays tous les demandeurs d'asile albanais, à savoir quelque 50.000 personnes, a annoncé vendredi à Tirana le ministre allemand de l'Intérieur Thomas de Maizière.

    "Tous les demandeurs d'asile, au moins 50.000 venus d'Albanie ou qui sont munis de documents albanais, seront renvoyés", a déclaré M. de Maizière à la presse, à l'issue d'un entretien avec son homologue albanais Saimir Tahiri. "L'Albanie étant déjà sur la liste des pays 'sûrs' (ndlr, où les normes démocratiques sont respectées), toutes les demandes d'asile seront refusées", a-t-il dit, ajoutant que les autorités allemandes allaient "accélérer le nombre des renvois (...) dans les prochains jours et semaines". Même si le nombre de demandeurs d'asile albanais est en baisse en Allemagne, les chiffres restent "inquiétants", avec plus de 4.000 nouvelles demandes en octobre, a précisé le ministre allemand. Après les Syriens, qui fuient le conflit dans leur pays, les Albanais ont été au cours des trois derniers mois les plus nombreux à avoir demandé l'asile en Allemagne, à savoir près de 20.000 personnes entre août et octobre, selon un document officiel. "Les chances pour les Albanais de pouvoir obtenir un asile économique ou politique sont égales à zéro", a dit pour sa part le ministre albanais de l'Intérieur Saimir Tahiri. L'Allemagne, qui s'attend à recevoir entre 800.000 et un million de demandes d'asile en 2015, a durci récemment sa législation notamment pour pouvoir renvoyer plus rapidement chez eux les ressortissants des Balkans qui n'ont que très peu de chance de voir leur demande acceptée. (Belga)

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