Sunday, March 13, 2016

Blast Rocks Turkish Capital

A large explosion has been reported in Turkey's capital, Ankara.

News reports say there have been casualties.
State-run broadcaster TRT said the car had exploded close to a bus stop.

The blast comes less than a month after a car bomb attack in the capital killed at least 28 people.

Turkey said that attack was carried out by a Syrian man with links to Kurdish militia groups.

Ankara has been battling the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, which has been fighting a 30-year guerrilla war for more Kurdish autonomy in southeastern Turkey.

Turkey has also been targeted by the Islamic State group, which was blamed for last October's suicide bombing at a peace rally in Ankara that killed more than 100 people – the bloodiest single terrorist attack since Turkey became a modern state in 1923...

1 comment:

  1. In der türkischen Hauptstadt Ankara hat sich offenbar ein Selbstmordattentäter in die Luft gesprengt und einem Medienbericht zufolge dabei mindestens 27 Menschen mit in den Tod gerissen...

    Weitere rund 75 Menschen seien verletzt worden, meldete der Fernsehsender CNN Türk weiter. Er berief sich auf den Gouverneur von Ankara. Aus Sicherheitskreisen verlautete, man gehe davon aus, dass ein Selbstmordattentäter eine Autobombe gezündet habe. Das Büro des Gouverneurs erklärte, es habe sich um „ein mit Sprengstoff beladenes Fahrzeug“ gehandelt.


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