The problem of demarcation between Israel and Palestine can be resolved only by carrying out territorial exchanges, Russian presidential special envoy for the Middle East and Africa, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said on Friday.
"The border should be established between Israelis and Palestinians. This border may envisage territorial exchanges, appropriate and adequate, taking into account that such approach allows to resolve the problem of Israeli settlements on the West Bank," Bogdanov, who heads the Russian delegation at the international Middle East peace conference in Paris, said.
He stressed that this may keep Israeli settlements on the West Bank of the Jordan River. "Such settlements may remain in some regions with understanding that in exchange for territories with Israeli settlements, Palestinians will get an appropriate compensation in the form of parts of the territory. This is a so-called territorial exchange," Bogdanov noted.
The international Middle East peace conference is held in Paris on Friday. The parties in the conflict - Palestine and Israel - do not participate in the conference.
"The border should be established between Israelis and Palestinians. This border may envisage territorial exchanges, appropriate and adequate, taking into account that such approach allows to resolve the problem of Israeli settlements on the West Bank," Bogdanov, who heads the Russian delegation at the international Middle East peace conference in Paris, said.
He stressed that this may keep Israeli settlements on the West Bank of the Jordan River. "Such settlements may remain in some regions with understanding that in exchange for territories with Israeli settlements, Palestinians will get an appropriate compensation in the form of parts of the territory. This is a so-called territorial exchange," Bogdanov noted.
The international Middle East peace conference is held in Paris on Friday. The parties in the conflict - Palestine and Israel - do not participate in the conference.
Nahost-Konferenz in Paris: Frankreich warnt vor "Point of no Return"...
ReplyDeleteAuf Initiative Frankreichs soll ein breites Bündnis Lösungen für den Nahost-Friedensprozess finden, bevor es zu spät ist. Erste Maßnahmen wurden in Paris beschlossen.
Mit einem eindringlichen Appell hat Frankreich dazu aufgerufen, noch einmal mit vereinten Kräften für den Frieden in Nahost zu kämpfen. In Paris warnte Außenminister Jean-Marc Ayrault davor, die Zweistaatenlösung aufzugeben. "Wir nähern uns einem Point of no Return, von wo an diese Lösung nicht mehr möglich sein wird", sagte er bei einer von Frankreich initiierten Nahost-Konferenz.
An dem Treffen nahmen unter anderem alle UN-Vetomächte, die Arabische Liga und Deutschland teil. Ziel ist es, Vertreter Israels und der Palästinenserführung wieder an den Verhandlungstisch zu bringen. Die Friedensgespräche liegen seit 2014 auf Eis, alle Vermittlungsversuche der US-Regierung scheiterten. Auch in Paris waren Israel und die Palästinenser nicht