Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Syrian "opposition" arrives in Sochi after initially boycotting peace conference

Syrian "opposition"
Syrian opposition representatives arrived for the Syrian National Dialogue Congress in Sochi on Monday.

Around 1,600 delegates representing various elements of Syrian society have been invited to take part in the talks.


  1. Some delegates at a Syrian peace congress in Russia stood up and heckled Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during a speech he was making on Tuesday, accusing Moscow of killing civilians in Syria with its air strikes, a Reuters witness said...

    The incident was also broadcast live on Russian state TV where two security guards were shown approaching one man in the audience indicating that he should sit down and be quiet.

    Other delegates at the conference in the Russian Black Sea resort of Sochi stood up at the same time and shouted their support for Russia, the Reuters witness said.

    Lavrov told the delegates to let him finish speaking, saying they would have their own say later on Tuesday.

    1. Russlands Außenminister Sergej Lawrow hat am Dienstag seine Rede zu Beginn des sogenannten Kongresses der Völker Syriens in der südrussischen Stadt Sotschi mehrmals unterbrechen müssen. Der Grund: Teilnehmer skandierten „Es lebe Russland!“ und spendeten Beifall.
      Obwohl Lawrow um Ruhe bat, setzten mehrere Delegierte ihre Zwischenrufe fort.

      „Liebe Freunde, wir müssen unsere Arbeit fortsetzen. Ihr werdet die Möglichkeit haben, an Diskussionen teilzunehmen… Freunde, wenn ihr sagt, es lebe Russland, dann lasst mich bitte sprechen“, so Lawrow.


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