Monday, January 15, 2018

US announcement of forming armed militia in north-eastern Syria violates Syria’s sovereignty, int’l law : Syria FM

Foreign Ministry
The Syrian Arab Republic strongly condemned the US announcement of forming an armed militia in the north-eastern Syria as a blatant breach of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and a flagrant violation of the International law, an official source at the Foreign Ministry said Monday.

The source added that the US step came within the framework of its destructive policies which aim at fragmenting the region, fueling tensions and conflicts and hindering solutions to its crises as it clearly shows its hostility towards the Arab Nation in order to implement the US-Zionist scheme.

It said that the Syrian Arab Republic urges the international community to denounce this American step and take action to put an end to the domination mentality and arrogance which govern the US Administration’s policies, warning of its negative consequences on international peace and security.

The Ministry considered any Syrian citizen who takes part in the US-backed militia as a traitor to the Syrian state and people and will be treated as one, adding that these militias will hinder reaching to a political solution to the situation in Syria.

The source concluded by renewing the Syrian people and army’s steadfastness and determination to thwart this conspiracy, end the presence of the US, its agents and tools in Syria, establish full control over the entire Syrian territory and preserve the country’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and the unity of its people.


  1. Erdogan vows to ‘drown’ US-backed Syrian Border Force before it’s born, labels unit ‘terrorist army'...

    The Turkish president has called US-backed Syrian Border Force using Kurdish fighters a “terrorist army,” vowing to “drown” it before it’s complete. He also added that military preparations against Kurdish-held Afrin are ready.
    The 30,000-srtrong army of “traitors” that Washington seeks to create will point their guns against US troops at the first threat, Erdogan warned.

  2. Russia’s foreign minister on Monday slammed the U.S. plan to form an army led by the terrorist PKK/PYD, warning that it could jeopardize Syria's territorial integrity.

    Speaking at his annual news conference in Moscow, Sergey Lavrov pointed to possible problems that the U.S. plan could cause for Turkey’s ties with Kurds.

    “The U.S.’ unilateral, ultimatum-like project, aimed at establishing an army in Syria, may create problems in relations between Turkey and Kurds,” Lavrov said.

    He also said U.S. move would lead to the formation of a large isolated area on Syria’s border with Turkey and Iraq.

    “This serious issue is leading to worrisome results regarding the steps to be taken for these areas in Syria.”

  3. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has announced Turkey’s military operation into northern Syria can start any moment in a bid to halt the United States’ plans to let the People’s Protection Units (YPG) form a new force of 30,000 troops in the region, calling the group an “army of terror.”

    “We have finished our preparations. The operation can start any time,” Erdoğan said in Ankara on Jan. 15, in reference to the Afrin and Manbij regions of Syria currently controlled by the YPG.

    Erdoğan strongly lashed out at the U.S.’s continued military partnership with the YPG, a group Ankara considers terrorist, and vowed Turkish troops will hit the group hard.

  4. The U.S. is “playing with fire” with its PKK/PYD-led army plan in Syria, Turkish deputy prime minister said on Monday.

    "Letting the PYD/YPG -- PKK's branch in Syria -- by the U.S. to establish a so-called terror army for creating a terror corridor in the region on the pretext of combating Daesh, is not a fight against Daesh and terrorist organizations, rather a support to terrorism and terrorist organizations," Bekir Bozdag wrote on his Twitter account.

    His remarks came after an American military official said that the U.S.-led international coalition against Daesh will establish a 30,000-strong new border security force with the SDF -- the U.S.-backed group that is largely controlled and manned by the PKK/PYD terrorist organization in Syria.

  5. The U.S.’ “unilateral” army plan may harm Turkey’s ties with Kurds and hinder normalization in Afrin, Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Jan. 15.

    Slamming the U.S. plan to create an army led by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), including the People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Lavrov warned that such moves could jeopardize Syria’s territorial integrity, state-run Anadolu Agency reported.

    “The U.S.’ unilateral, ultimatum-like project, aimed at establishing an army in Syria, may create problems in relations between Turkey and Kurds,” the minister said, speaking at his annual news conference in Moscow.

    Lavrov also said the U.S. move “would not calm the situation” in Syria’s Afrin district, which borders Turkey, adding that Russia expects Washington to explain its move.

    On Jan. 14, the U.S.-led international coalition against the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) announced that it would establish a 30,000-strong new border security force with the U.S.-backed SDF.

  6. Lors d’une allocution télévisée prononcée le 14 janvier, le président turc a menacé de lancer une offensive contre Afrin. Cette localité du nord de la Syrie est contrôlée par les Unités de protection du peuple kurde (YPG).

    «Avec la volonté de Dieu, nous continuerons dans les jours à venir nos opérations lancées dans le cadre de l'opération Bouclier de l'Euphrate pour nettoyer nos frontières sud et débarrasser Afrin de la terreur», a déclaré le 14 janvier le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan dans une allocution télévisée. «Le moindre trouble à la frontière sera, pour nous, un signal pour intervenir», a-t-il ajouté.

  7. Erdogan Vows to 'Strangle' Syrian Border Force Formed by US...

    "The United States is now creating a terrorist army near our borders that threatens the security of Turkey. Our task is to strangle this army until it is born. If the United States wants to establish cooperation with these savage creatures, it is their business. But we will not allow this," Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said.

  8. Damas qualifie d’«agression» l’initiative US sur «la Force de sécurité frontalière»...

    Damas a violemment fustigé l’initiative américaine visant à former sur le sol syrien une nouvelle force frontalière.
    La Syrie qualifie d'atteinte à sa souveraineté la constitution d'une nouvelle force frontalière sur son sol annoncée dimanche par la coalition sous commandement américain, a déclaré ce lundi Damas dans un communiqué.

    «La Syrie condamne fermement l'annonce américaine portant sur la formation de détachements armés dans le nord-est du pays, ce qui constitue une agression ouverte contre la souveraineté et l'intégrité territoriale de la Syrie ainsi qu'une violation flagrante du droit international», stipule le document cité par l'agence Sana.

    La diplomatie syrienne ajoute que l'initiative en question s'inscrit dans un «programme destructif» mené au Proche-Orient et empêche de résoudre la crise. La décision «est une preuve d'hostilité envers les peuples arabes et sert le projet américano-sioniste dans la région».

  9. Washington stellt „Terror-Armee“ im Norden Syriens auf – türkischer Vizepremier...

    Unter dem Deckmantel der Grenzsicherheitskräfte stellen die USA im Norden Syriens eine „Terror-Armee“ auf. Laut dem türkischen Vizepremier Bekir Bozdağ ist das ein Spiel mit dem Feuer.

    „Statt gemeinsam mit der Türkei gegen den Islamischen Staat (IS, auch Daesh) zu kämpfen, liefern die USA Tausende LKW mit Waffen an die Terrorgruppierung YPG (Volksverteidigungseinheiten – Anm. d. Red.) und stellen sogenannte ‘Sicherheitskräfte’ an der syrischen Grenze auf. Das ist ein Spiel mit dem Feuer“, schrieb Bozdağ am Montag auf seinem Twitter-Account. „Unter dem Deckmantel des Kampfes gegen den IS bilden die USA eine terroristische Armee und bezeichnen diese als ‘Sicherheitskräfte’.“
    Eine derartige „Unterstützung von Terroristen“ käme der Freundschaft, Kooperation und strategischen Partnerschaft zwischen der Türkei und den USA nicht gerecht, betonte der Vize-Premier weiter.

    „Die Türkei wird gegen derartige Provokationen, die die Sicherheit unseres Landes und der ganzen Region bedrohen, notwendige Maßnahmen ergreifen“, mahnte Bozdağ. „Wie unser Präsident sagte, könnten wir eines Nachts unerwartet eingreifen.“

  10. Ankara ha ufficialmente condannato i piani USA per la creazione delle “Border Security Force” (BSF) in Siria, si dichiara nell’annuncio del Ministero degli esteri della Turchia ricevuto da RIA Novosti...

    "Il proseguimento della cooperazione tra USA e YPG, che contraddice i loro obblighi, mette a rischio la nostra sicurezza nazionale e l'integrità territoriale della Siria, e questo è inaccettabile. Condanniamo la perseveranza degli USA in questo approccio sbagliato e ancora una volta vi ricordo che la Turchia è determinata a eliminare tutte le minacce nei suoi confronti e ha tutte le possibilità di farlo" si legge nel comunicato diplomatico.

    La coalizione antiterroristica filo-americana addestrerà sul territorio siriano sotto il proprio controllo le "Border Security Force" (BSF). In questo processo prendono parte anche le milizie delle forze democratiche siriane (SDF) ha dichiarato in precedenza alla testata Defense Post il rappresentante del servizio stampa della coalizione Thomas Will.

    "Attualmente è in corso la prima tappa dell'addestramento di circa 230 unità, l'obiettivo finale è creare un contingente di 30 000 soldati" ha detto lui.

    Secondo Will le BSF verranno dispiegate lungo le colline del fiume Eufrate alla periferia occidentale del territorio siriano, controllato dalle SDF, nonché lungo la frontiera irachena e turca.

  11. El Ejército turco apuntó su artillería contra las posiciones de las Unidades kurdas de Protección Popular (YPG) en el distrito de Afrin, en el noroeste de Siria, en repuesta a sus recientes ataques, informó la agencia Anadolu...

    Según comunicó el medio, la noche del 14 al 15 de enero las YPG lanzaron misiles contra las localidades controladas por el opositor Ejército Libre Sirio en el distrito de Azaz que tiene frontera con Turquía.

  12. Οξύτατη ήταν η αντίδραση του προέδρου της Τουρκίας Ταγίπ Ερντογάν στα σχέδια των ΗΠΑ να ενισχύσουν τις κουρδοκρατούμενες Συριακές Δημοκρατικές Δυνάμεις (SDF) ώστε αυτές να συστήσουν συνοριοφυλακή στα σύνορα Συρίας - Τουρκίας και Συρίας - Ιράκ, μεγάλο μέρος των οποίων ελέγχουν.
    «Θα πνίξουμε μια τέτοια δύναμη», τόνισε ο επικεφαλής του τουρκικού κράτους, ο οποίος από το 2015 βρίσκεται σε σύγκρουση με τις ΗΠΑ για τη βοήθεια που παρέχουν στους Κούρδους της Συρίας, στους οποίους κυριαρχεί το αδελφό κόμμα του PKK (Kόμμα Εργαζομένων Κουρδιστάν), PYD (Κόμμα Δημοκρατικής Ένωσης).

  13. Syria war: US Kurdish 'border force' plan denounced...

    Key powers involved in Syria's civil war have criticised the US for helping an allied Kurdish-led militia set up a 30,000-strong "border security force".
    Turkey's president vowed to "suffocate" efforts to train the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and create what he called a "terror army".
    Turkey considers Kurdish fighters, prominent in the SDF, to be terrorists.
    Syria's government decried the "blatant assault" on its sovereignty, and Russia warned it could lead to partition.
    With US help, the SDF has captured tens of thousands of square kilometres of territory from Islamic State (IS) militants.

  14. Turkey seeks Russian approval for air campaign against Syrian Afrin...

    Turkey dispatched its military chief to Moscow on Thursday, seeking approval for an air campaign in Syria’s Kurdish-controlled Afrin region, although Damascus warned it could shoot down any Turkish planes in its skies.

    Turkey’s foreign minister said the Moscow trip by Chief of Staff Hulusi Akar was part of talks with both Russia and Iran, the two main backers of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, to allow Turkish planes to take part in an Afrin campaign.

    The diplomacy was the strongest signal yet that Turkey plans direct military action against territory held by Kurdish militia, potentially opening a new front in Syria’s civil war.


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