Monday, November 30, 2020

Turkish exploration vessel returns to port ahead of EU summit - hurriyetdailynews

Turkish exploration vessel returns to port

Turkey’s research vessel Oruc Reis has returned to the port of the southern province of Antalya after finishing seismic studies in the eastern Mediterranean, less than two weeks before a European Union summit where the bloc will evaluate possible sanctions against Ankara.

“Our Oruç Reis seismic research ship has completed its two-dimensional [2D] seismic studies in the Demre field, which it started on Aug. 10. Our ship, which collected 2D seismic data of 10.955 kilometers, has returned to Antalya Port,” the Energy and Natural Resources Ministry said on Nov. 30 in its Twitter post.

Refinitiv ship tracking data has confirmed that Oruc Reis was back in port in Antalya on Nov. 30 morning. The data also showed drillship Yavuz in waters near Turkey’s southern coast, while seismic survey vessel Barbaros Hayreddin Paşa was still out at sea south of Cyprus.

It conducted various geological, geophysical, hydrographic and oceanographic surveys, especially of the continental shelf, while also searching for natural resources....



urkey extends seismic survey work in  Mediterranean area


  1. Despite a recently rising tension between Turkey and the European Union, some experts argue that the EU leaders' summit on Dec. 10-11 will not lead to any substantial sanctions against the Turkish government, and the bloc's possible exclusionary policies targeting the country would work against the union itself.

    While some circles think that the upcoming summit would be a "breaking point" in bilateral relations, political experts say this perspective did not alone reflect the truth and the EU would not risk losing Turkey.

    According to Enes Bayrakli, the European studies director of the Turkish think tank Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA), although the EU and Turkey have had some disputes, they should work to strengthen their ties through cooperation.

  2. La Turquie a annoncé lundi le retour au port d’un de ses navires d’exploration dont le déploiement dans une zone potentiellement riche en hydrocarbures en Méditerranée orientale a suscité des tensions avec la Grèce et l’Europe."Notre navire sismique Oruç Reis a achevé ses recherches lancées le 10 août", a annoncé le ministère turc de l’Énergie sur Twitter.


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