Friday, June 23, 2023

Antonov Slams US Senators Speculations About Nuclear Strike On Ukraine As Absurd

US senators' speculations about the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons in Ukraine are absurd and contribute to the escalation of tensions, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said Thursday.

Earlier on Thursday, US Senator Lindsey Graham said the lawmakers were introducing a resolution to consider the use of a nuclear weapon by Russia in Ukraine as an attack on the NATO alliance.

"Speculations about Russia's possible use of tactical nuclear weapons are absurd. The provocative and short-sighted rhetoric of US lawmakers only contributes to the escalation of tensions and increases the risk of the situation sliding to an even more dangerous line," Antonov said in a statement shared among media.

Antonov slammed the resolution as another "crazy initiative" of "Russophobe senators" in the US.

Russia's deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus was done on legal grounds, the ambassador noted.

"We have not violated a single international obligation and have done exactly what the Americans have been doing for decades, deploying nuclear bombs on the territories of European allies," Antonov said.

1 comment:

  1. Спекуляции со стороны американских сенаторов о якобы возможном применении тактического ядерного оружия (ТЯО)на Украине со стороны России способствуют эскалации напряженности и являются абсурдными. С данным заявлением выступил Чрезвычайный и Полномочный посол РФ в США Анатолий Антонов.

    «Спекуляции о возможном применении Россией тактического ядерного оружия - абсурдны. Провокационные и недальновидные высказывания законодателей США только способствуют эскалации напряженности и повышению риска сползания ситуации к еще более опасной черте», - приводит РИА Новости слова Антонова.


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