Thursday, June 15, 2023

Russian Foreign Ministry Summons Senior Canadian Embassy Diplomat Over An-124 Confiscation

The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Thursday that it had summoned Brian Ebel, the minister-counselor at the embassy of Canada in Moscow, to deliver a demarche in connection with Canada's decision to confiscate Russian AN-124 aircraft .

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced last week the launch of a confiscation procedure of Russian company Volga-Dnepr's cargo aircraft AN-124.

The aircraft has been detained since February 2022 in Toronto airport.

"We delivered a demarche to the deputy head of the Canadian diplomatic mission in Moscow, Brian Ebel, who was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry on June 14, about the Canadian government's announced intention to confiscate the An-124 cargo airliner owned by the Volga-Dnepr company, which has been illegally held at the Toronto airport since February 2022," the ministry said in a statement.

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