Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Ukraine says ‘biggest blow’ yet to come in counteroffensive push

Ukraine’s Deputy Defence Minister Hanna Maliar said the “biggest blow” in Kyiv’s counteroffensive campaign against Russian forces has yet to come but admitted the operation is difficult as Moscow is throwing all it can into the battle to prevent Ukraine from pressing forward.

Ukraine began the first stage of its long-rumoured counteroffensive two weeks ago to reclaim land occupied by Russian forces. 

But amid reports of slow progress by Ukraine’s forces and stiff resistance by Russia, officials in Moscow have claimed the Ukrainian offensive has failed.


  1. The Ukrainian military, which has maintained a strict silence about the campaign in general, announced on Monday that small victories had been achieved and eight villages liberated so far, along with some 113 square km (70 sq miles) of territory.

    “The biggest blow is yet to come,” Maliar said on Monday.

    “The ongoing operation has several objectives, and the military is fulfilling these tasks,” she wrote on the Telegram messaging app.

  2. The crews of Solntsepyok heavy flamethrowers have destroyed a Ukrainian stronghold in the Krasny Liman area, Spokesman for Russia’s Battlegroup Center Alexander Savchuk said.

    "In the Krasny Liman area, Solntsepyok heavy flamethrower crews of the Battlegroup Center’s radiation, chemical and biological protection unit destroyed an enemy stronghold, using thermobaric munitions," he noted.

  3. "Der größte Schlag" bei der Offensive der ukrainischen Streitkräfte gegen die Russen steht nach Worten der ukrainischen Vize-Verteidigungsministerin Hanna Maliar noch bevor. Die Militäroperation sei schwierig, da Russland alles aufbiete, um die Offensive zu stoppen, sagt Maliar auf Telegram. Der Feind werde seine Stellungen nicht so leicht aufgeben. Die Ukraine müsse sich auf ein hartes Duell vorbereiten. Dies geschehe derzeit. Die ukrainischen Truppen schritten wie geplant voran. Der "größte Schlag" komme erst noch.

  4. The deployment sites of Ukraine’s armed forces and equipment and munitions depots in the Kiev-controlled city of Zaporozhye were hit by the Russian side overnight on Tuesday and explosions and fires are underway, Vladimir Rogov, chairman of the We Are Together With Russia movement, said on his Telegram channel.

    Earlier, he said that a series of explosions took place in Zaporozhye around 1 a.m. Moscow time.

  5. Киев понес значительные потери в людях и технике на различных тактических направлениях, суммарно войска РФ уничтожили свыше 2,3 тысячи украинских военных и наемников, десятки автомашин и броневиков, около 40 артиллерийских систем, самые большие потери у украинских войск - на донецком направлении, сообщил РИА Новости военный эксперт, подполковник ЛНР в отставке Андрей Марочко.

  6. Свет исчез во многих районах Киева, сообщило украинское издание "Клименко тайм" в своем телеграм-канале.
    "Во многих районах Киева исчез свет, также остановился электротранспорт", - написало издание.


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