Monday, June 26, 2023

US Backs Coup Attempts Whenever It Can Benefit, European leaders the same

The US is an enthusiastic supporter of regime change whenever it can benefit from the process, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. If a coup targets a government more pliant to American interests, Washington will inevitably reject it, the diplomat added.

There have been numerous attempts at regime change around the world in recent years and they were “met with a different response on the part of the US, depending on who was in power and who was trying to carry out the coup,” Lavrov said in an interview on Monday.

“Where the West is happy with the current government, in such situations no protest can be legitimate. But where the government doesn’t reflect the interests of the hegemon and is pursuing the national interests, in those cases we see various unlawful forces are being stimulated [to attack the authorities],” the diplomat added.

US media have claimed that the US opted to postpone planned sanctions against the private military company Wagner Group, whose leader Evgeny Prigozhin tried to use the force to oust senior Russian Generals on Saturday. The US wanted to avoid the optics that it was siding with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the turmoil, the reports said.

“This is just another piece of evidence that the US position depends on what it wants from every particular player, be it on the international arena or in some particular nation,” Lavrov said about the reports.

“The US has repeatedly shown bias and vested interests regarding the Ukrainian conflict,” he said, adding, “They are the ones waging a war against Russia with Ukrainian hands, after all.”

The much-touted “rules-based order” that Washington wants to impose on the world is merely a mechanism for securing US interests, the minister added. These ‘rules’ have “nothing to do with either international law or with the laws of any nation, including Western ones,” he proposed

Lavrov cited the whitewashing of the right-wing Ukrainian nationalist unit Azov as an example of Washington’s approach. The US Congress branded it a terrorist group that is unfit to receive American military assistance, before the hostilities in Ukraine erupted last year, he pointed out.

“All that is now forgotten. They have rehabilitated Azov,” Lavrov said.

Members of the unit have been receiving heroes’ welcomes in the US, with former and serving US officials serving as their cheerleaders. For example, ex-US Ambassador to Moscow Michal McFaul welcomed Azov fighters at prestigious Stanford University last October.


  1. Washington’s rejection of imposition of new sanctions against the Wagner PMC would not indicate a change of approach, it only depends on what Washington needs at any given stage, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview for RT Monday.

    "I do not believe that it is a change of approach by the US. It is just another confirmation that the US’ approach depends on what the US needs from a certain foreign actor at this specific stage, be it on the international arena in general, or in some specific country," Lavrov said, commenting on media reports that Washington intends to suspend imposition of sanctions against the Wagner PMC amid the situation in Russia.

    According to Lavrov, Washington has already repeatedly displayed total bias and partisanship in regards to the Ukrainian crisis repeatedly.

    "Actually, it is they who wage war against Russia by Ukrainians’ hands," the minister noted.

    In particular, he pointed out how the US forgot that the ‘Azov’ battalion [deemed terrorist and outlawed in Russia] was tagged by the US Congress as a terrorist organization and that it was clearly stated that the aid provided to Ukraine must not cover this structure.

    "This ‘Azov’ has been rehabilitated a long time ago," Lavrov stated. "By the way, the Japanese government decided to remove the ‘Azov’ from the list of extremist organizations about two months ago, following in their senior comrade’s footsteps."

    All this indicates that "everything submits to the rules that the West itself lives by and want everyone else to live by, the rules that have nothing to do either with international law or with national laws of any country, including Western countries," Lavrov concluded.

  2. The recent remark of French President Emmanuel Macron about the mutiny by Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of private military company (PMC) Wagner, indicate that he clearly saw a chance to realize the threat of the West inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia, Russian Foreign Ministry Sergey Lavrov said on Monday.


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