Friday, June 30, 2023

White House blamed the weather for the stalling of the Kyiv so-called counteroffensive, in some places they dug in very deep

The White House attributed the stalling of the Ukrainian offensive to the weather and the long months Russian troops had to prepare for defense.

"The weather was not necessarily accommodating, and the Russians had a lot of time, months, to prepare. They did it, they dug in, in some places they dug in very deep," John Kirby, strategic communications coordinator at the National Security Council, told reporters.

The Ukrainian offensive in the south-Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Artemivsk directions began on June 4, while the main blow of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was concentrated on the Zaporozhye sector of the front. 

Kyiv threw into battle brigades trained by NATO and armed with Western equipment, including Leopard.

 At a meeting with military commanders on June 13, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Ukrainian troops were suffering heavy losses during the offensive and were not successful in any direction. 

Footage with smoking Leopard then caused a great resonance in the West.

1 comment:

  1. Контрнаступление Украины происходит медленнее, чем ожидалось, заявил глава комитета начальников штабов США Марк Милли.
    "Это происходит медленней, чем люди предсказывали", - заявил Милли в ходе онлайн-мероприятия национального клуба прессы.
    Милли отметил, что получает сводки о событиях вокруг Украины в ежедневном режиме. Он назвал процесс продвижения украинских сил "очень сложным и очень долгим".


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