Saturday, July 1, 2023

Over 45,000 Police Officers Mobilized In France Amid Unrest, all cabinet ministers to return to Paris

More than 45,000 law enforcement officers, including special units, are involved in the fight against riots in France, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said.

Over 300 police officers and gendarmes were wounded in the first three days of unrest in France, Darmanin told TF1 tv on Friday.

On Friday night, more than 45,000 police officers and gendarmes were mobilized across France, the interior minister said, adding that armored personnel carriers were deployed in the Paris region.

France Info reported citing a government source on Saturday that French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne had urged all cabinet ministers to return to Paris and stay there amid ongoing unrest in the country.

1 comment:

  1. Более 1,3 тысячи машин и 234 здания были подожжены во Франции за ночь в ходе беспорядков, вспыхнувших после убийства полицейскими 17-летнего подростка, сообщил в субботу телеканал BFMTV.


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