Saturday, July 1, 2023

Russian Armed Forces cleared the left bank of the Dnieper near the Antonovsky bridge

Servicemen of the Dnepr group cleared the territory on the left bank near the Antonovsky bridge at night, the stronghold and the fortification where the Ukrainian militants settled down were taken, Acting Governor of the Kherson region Volodymyr Saldo wrote on his telegram channel.

"Last night, the servicemen of the Dnepr group of troops finally cleared the territory on the left bank near the Antonovsky bridge. The soldiers of the special forces carried out a surprise attack from the rear, approaching from the side of the river in boats. By 3 o'clock in the morning, the stronghold and the fortification where the Ukrainian militants settled down were taken ", said Saldo.

He added that "our soldiers, as always, showed courage, determination and resourcefulness. The enemy was stunned and defeated. "That's it, there are no "bridgeheads" on the left bank."

1 comment:

  1. Военнослужащие группировки "Днепр" ночью зачистили территорию на левом берегу у Антоновского моста, опорный пункт и гостиница, где засели украинские боевики, были взяты, написал в своем телеграм-канале врио губернатора херсонской области Владимир Сальдо.
    "Минувшей ночью военнослужащие группировки войск "Днепр" окончательно зачистили территорию на левом берегу у Антоновского моста. Бойцы спецподразделений провели внезапную атаку с тыла, подойдя со стороны реки на лодках. К 3 часам ночи опорный пункт и гостиница, где засели украинские боевики, были взяты", - отметил Сальдо.


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