Saturday, November 4, 2023

Ukraine on Tank-Loosing Streak, Writes Off Quarter of Leopard 2s in Over a Week

Ukraine’s Armed Forces have been facing a streak of Leopard 2 tank losses, a US media report has revealed.

Within slightly over a week, at least a dozen of Ukraine’s Leopard 2A4s, Leopard 2A6s, and Stridsvagn 122s (Strv 122) have been “written off," as per the outlet, which clarified that the latter are Swedish versions of the Leopard 2A5. Furthermore, six Leopard 2s were lost by Ukraine earlier. Thus, a quarter of the German tanks donated to the Kiev regime have been destroyed by Russia's military in the course of its special ops over the abovementioned period, the author claims.

 Overall, Western countries propping up Kiev pledged 85 Leopard 2s to President Volodymyr Zelensy’s regime. To date, they have delivered 71 to Ukraine. The outlet clarified that Ukraine’s 47th Mechanized Brigade lost one of its much-valued Leopard 2A6 tanks occured outside Avdeyevka, northwest of Donetsk, in the Donbass region. The aforementioned 47th Brigade was part of Kiev's failed counteroffensive effort in the Zaporozhye direction. The 47th Brigade saw a number of its 21 Western-supplied Leopard 2A6s and dozens of US-made M2 infantry fighting vehicles wiped out in the fray.

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