Wednesday, January 24, 2024

France turns down Russian request to hold UNSC meeting on downed plane Wednesday

France, which holds the rotating UN Security Council presidency this month, has turned down Russia’s request to hold a UN Security Council meeting on Wednesday to discuss the downing of a Russian military plane by the Ukrainian military, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said.

Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Russia requested an urgent UN Security Council meeting at 3:00 p.m. local time (8:00 p.m. GMT) on Wednesday.

"The French Presidency declined our request for an urgent Council meeting <…> today for 3 p.m.," he wrote on Telegram, adding that "in this endeavor, the French Presidency <…> abuses its presidential functions.".

"In a clear attempt to shield their Kiev regime clients it [the French Presidency of the UN Security Council] agrees to schedule the meeting only for tomorrow [January 25] for 5 p.m. [New York time, 10 p.m. GMT]," the Russian diplomat added. "It’s deplorable that glorious in the old days French diplomacy has shrunk to miserable swindling." [TASS]


  1. The UN Security Council will meet on Thursday to discuss Moscow’s charges that Ukrainian forces shot down a Russian transport military plane, killing everyone on board.

    The French presidency of the Council said in a statement that “the meeting requested by Russia” will take place on Thursday at 5:00pm (2200 GMT).

    Kyiv has said it does not presently have reliable information on what happened to the plane.

  2. Председательствующая в Совете Безопасности ООН Франция отказалась созвать срочное заседание по сбитому украинскими военными Ил-76 в Белгородской области, сообщил первый зампостпреда России при организации Дмитрий Полянский в Telegram-канале.
    "Пытаясь выиграть время и дать украинским клиентам время выдумать хоть какое-то мало-мальски правдоподобное объяснение происходящего, Франция согласилась провести заседание только завтра, 25 января, в 17:00 по Нью-Йорку (01:00 26 января по Москве)", — написал дипломат.


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