Sunday, February 11, 2024

Cairo may suspend Camp David Accords if Israel sends troops to Rafah

Egypt has warned that it will suspend the Camp David Accords with Israel if it sends its troops to the city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, the AP news agency reported, citing its sources.

It also said that combat operation in the city may lead to the closure of the key route of humanitarian deliveries to the Gaza Strip.

1 comment:

  1. Egipto amenaza con suspender su tratado de paz con Israel ante la amenaza de una ofensiva contra la ciudad fronteriza de Rafah, densamente poblada, y principal ruta de suministro de ayuda humanitaria. Suspender los Acuerdos de Camp David pondría en jaque la estabilidad regional.

    Egipto teme una afluencia masiva de refugiados palestinos a los que quizá nunca se les permita regresar.


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