Sunday, April 14, 2024

Iran sent 185 drones, 36 cruise missiles towards Israel — NYT

Iran sent at least 185 drones and 36 cruise missiles in response to the Israeli military’s deadly attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, The New York Times wrote citing Israeli officials.

According to the report, the majority of launches were carried out from the territory of Iran, although some drones took off from Iraq and Yemen.

  Iran inflicted relatively small damage to Israel, given the scope of the attack, The New York Times wrote citing sources.

Earlier, CNN said Tehran sent more than 200 drones and missiles towards Israel in response to Israel’s earlier strike on its consulate in Syria’s Damascus.

 Israel’s response to the Iranian attack will be "significant and powerful," the Ynet news portal reported citing an Israeli source.

"There will be a significant and powerful response," the portal quoted the source as saying.

 Israel intercepted 99% of drones and missiles fired by Iran towards its territory, the Ynet news portal reported citing unnamed Israeli officials.

"We intercepted 99% of the Iranian strikes," the portal quoted these officials as saying.

The officials also said the Iranian attack requires a "decisive response" that will follow very soon.

 Around 100 drones, launched by Iran towards Israel, were intercepted by forces of the United States and the United Kingdom before reaching the airspace of Israel, the Al Arabiya television reported.

The country where the drones were intercepted was not named.

 The Iranian armed forces struck Israeli air base in the Negev desert with Kheybar ballistic missiles, the country’s IRNA news agency reported.

The agency said the airbase was used for the attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria and sustained serious damage during the Iranian strike.

Meanwhile, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Daniel Hagari told reporters that the base sustained "minimal damage" as a result of the Iranian attack.


  1. President Joe Biden said Saturday that US forces helped take down "nearly all" the drones and missiles fired by Iran at Israel, adding that he had reaffirmed his "ironclad" support to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

  2. Chuck Schumer, the US Senate’s majority leader, has condemned the Iranian attack and called on Tehran to “ratchet down” its “aggressive” behaviour.

    “I just spoke with top administration officials and they confirmed reports that US and Israeli forces acted together to help protect Israel from Iran launched missiles and drones,” the Democratic senator said in a statement.

    “As details continue to emerge, it appears thankfully that few drones made it through and there have been few casualties.”

  3. The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) has said that Biden’s unconditional backing of Israel is weakening the US on the global stage and making it “ineffective” in advocating global norms.

    “The Biden administration’s unwillingness to end Israel’s six month long genocide in Gaza, and the complete disregard for United States and international law, is a major reason for the dangerous escalation in the region this evening,” the group said in a statement.

    “Longstanding US policy of impunity and unconditional support for Israel is what has brought us to the brink of a much larger, and very deadly regional war. Enabling Israel’s genocide and regional hubris beyond Gaza is walking the region into total devastation.”

  4. In a second statement, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps announced the destruction of important military targets in the territories “occupied” by Israel.

    The IRGC said it used strategic reconnaissance capabilities, missiles and UAVs to attack sensitive military targets.

  5. Iranian attack drones and cruise missiles were unable to reach Israel, and the main damage was caused by several ballistic missiles that overcame layered air defenses, Israeli TV channel N12 reported.
    According to him, in the unprecedented air attack, the Iranians used over 300 UAVs, about 100 ballistic and 30 cruise missiles, and the military of the United States, Great Britain and Jordan took part in repelling the raid along with the Israelis.

  6. US President Joe Biden has made it clear to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that American forces will not participate in any offensive operations against Iran, CNN reported, citing a senior White House source.
    "The United States will not take part in any offensive operations against Iran. US President Joe Biden made this clear to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu," the statement said.

  7. Американское издание New York Times со ссылкой на два израильских источника пишет, что в ночь на 14 апреля из Ирана по Израилю были выпущены 185 ударных БПЛА, 36 крылатых ракет и 110 баллистических ракет.

    Эти источники заявили, что подавляющее большинство пусков было осуществлено с территории Ирана. Кроме того, пуски осуществлялись из Ирака и Йемена.


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