Sunday, April 14, 2024

Strike on Israel Shows US Bases Near Iran Are 'Achilles Heel’ - Analyst

Iran’s massive retaliatory attack on Israel from its own territory is a sign that the conflict could “escalate out of control.”

Michael Maloof, a former senior security analyst in the office of the US secretary of defense, told Sputnik that the first ever direct Iranian attack on Israel set a dangerous precedent.

“My concern is that this could easily escalate into something not only between Iran and Israel, but beyond the Middle East region,” he said.

Iran’s assault, which it stated was an act of “self-defense” after the Israeli strike on its consulate in Damascus, was originally intended to be a “limited” one, said Maloof.

Iran first sent in “swarms of drones with lights on as a sign of psychological warfare,” but sending in cruise and ballistic missiles by Tehran was a “distinct escalation,” said Maloof.

The scale of Iran’s attack on Israel suggests that Tehran was sending a message, demonstrating that it possesses “extraordinary capabilities,” said Maloof.

"They have built up their missile capabilities extraordinarily, they have drones, cruise missiles, and some of the most accurate ballistic missiles in the region right now," he added.

1 comment:

  1. Iran's armed forces fired seven hypersonic missiles in an attack on Israel. This was reported by the Iranian television channel Press TV.

    “At least 7 hypersonic missiles launched from Iran in response to Israeli aggression hit the Nevatim airbase,” the TV report said.


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