Saturday, April 6, 2024

Ukraine's Top Army Chief Admitts 'Difficult' Combat Sitation Amid Lack of Ammo

Ukraine’s Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrsky has acknowledged the “difficult” situation Kiev’s forces are facing at the front line.

“The situation in the area where the Ukrainian forces operate remains difficult,” Syrsky wrote on his Telegram channel.
He noted that Russian forces were capitalizing on their air power capacity, along with advantage in missiles and artillery ammunition.

 The Russian armed forces repelled 12 attacks by Ukrainian troops in the region of Avdeyevka, over the past 24 hours, with Kiev losing more than 280 servicepeople in the area as a result, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Saturday.

"The enemy lost more than 280 servicepeople, three tanks and two armored combat vehicles, as well as six vehicles. In the course of counter-battery fighting, a 155-mm M777 howitzer and a US-made 155-mm M109 Paladin self-propelled artillery system, a 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount and a 122 mm D-30 howitzer were hit," the ministry said.


  1. Units of the Southern Group of the Russian Armed Forces occupied more advantageous positions in the Donetsk direction. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, two counterattacks by the mountain assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were repelled during the day.

  2. Российские войска нанесли групповой удар по украинским военным объектам. Об этом говорится в сводке Министерства обороны РФ.

    Как уточняется, удар был нанесен сегодня ночью. ВС РФ били по предприятиям ВПК Украины, военным аэродромам и местам дислокации иностранных наемников.

    «Цели удара достигнуты. Все назначенные объекты поражены», - говорится в сообщении военного ведомства.

  3. Харьков. Пишут, что есть прилет ФАБа в Шевченковский район города


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