Thursday, April 4, 2024

Venezuela enacts law to protect border territory disputed by Guyana

Venezuela has enacted and officially promulgated an organic law for the protection of Essequibo, which is recognized as Venezuelan territory, and provides for the creation of the State of Guayana Esequiba as Venezuela’s 24th state on the territory of Essequibo, jurisdiction over which is disputed with neighboring Guyana.

"Chapter 2 of the law provides for the establishment of the 24th [Venezuelan] state of Guayana Esequiba in the political-territorial organization of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela," President Nicolas Maduro said during a ceremony formally approving the law, which was broadcast by Venezolana de Television.

The head of state said that the residents of the new state will have the opportunity to take part in Venezuela’s 2025 legislative elections to choose members of the National Assembly, the Venezuelan parliament. He announced the creation of the High Commission for the Protection of Guayana Esequiba.

"The law prohibits the issuance of political maps that do not include Guayana Esequiba [as part of Venezuela]," Maduro pointed out. He said that it also prohibits "the awarding of contracts to legal entities that carry out work in undemarcated sections of the land border with Guyana and on the offshore shelf." The law provides for the establishment and operation of subdivisions of Venezuelan state oil and gas company PDVSA, the Venezuelan Corporation of Guyana and other companies in Venezuela’s newest state.

Venezuela's position on the demarcation of its border with Guyana through direct negotiations based on the 1966 Geneva Convention is enshrined in law.

1 comment:

  1. The United States has installed secret bases in Guyana Essequibo, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said in a live broadcast on Venezolana de Television on Wednesday.

    "We have confirmation that secret bases of the [United States] Southern Command and the CIA have been installed in the Guyana Essequibo region to prepare attacks on the population of southern and eastern Venezuela," Maduro said at the promulgation of the Organic Law for the Defense of Guyana Essequibo, which recognizes the region as part of Venezuela, TASS reported.

    The Venezuelan president said that Guyana was under control of the US Southern Command, the Central Intelligence Agency and ExxonMobil rather than its president Irfaan Ali. "We should always be ready to protect peace and Venezuela’s territorial integrity," Maduro added.


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