Monday, May 6, 2024

Moscow warned London about a response to Kyiv's strikes with British weapons on the Russian Federation

British Ambassador Nigel Casey was warned that the response to Ukrainian strikes using British weapons on Russian territory could be any British military facilities and equipment in Ukraine and beyond. This was reported on May 6 on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Earlier that day, Ambassador Casey was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry. He arrived at the diplomatic office after 14:30 Moscow time and spent about 30 minutes there. 

The diplomat refused to talk to the press.

The Russian Foreign Ministry explained that he was called because of statements by the head of the British Foreign Ministry, David Cameron, about Ukraine’s right to strike the Russian Federation using British weapons.


  1. Rusia amenaza con atacar instalaciones militares británicas dentro y fuera de Ucrania

  2. Nota del Ministero degli Esteri della Federazione Russa dopo la convocazione dell'Ambasciatore Britannico:

    «Una forte protesta è stata espressa all'ambasciatore britannico in relazione alla dichiarazione del ministro degli Esteri Cameron sul diritto di Kiev di colpire la Russia con armi britanniche. L'ambasciatore è stato avvertito che la risposta agli attacchi ucraini con armi britanniche sul territorio russo potrebbe essere qualsiasi struttura e equipaggiamento militare britannico sul territorio ucraino e oltre».


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