Monday, May 6, 2024

Putin orders tactical nuclear weapon drills to deter West after statements by French President Emmanuel Macron

Russia said on Monday it would hold a military exercise that will include practice for the use of tactical nuclear weapons after what the defense ministry said were provocative threats from Western officials.

The ministry said the exercise was ordered by President Vladimir Putin and would test the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces to perform combat missions.

 The announced missile exercises are related to statements by French President Emmanuel Macron, as well as representatives of Britain and the United States about their intention to send military personnel to Ukraine, said Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov.

 According to him, we are talking about a statement by French President Emmanuel Macron and British representatives about their alleged readiness to send a military contingent to the conflict zone.

    “They were also joined by representatives of the US Senate, who spoke about their readiness and intention to send armed contingents to Ukraine. In fact, expose NATO soldiers in front of the Russian military,” Peskov clarified.


  1. Генштаб Вооруженных сил (ВС) РФ по поручению президента РФ Владимира Путина начал подготовку к учениям с ракетными соединениями Южного военного округа (ЮВО) с привлечением авиации и Военно-морского флота (ВМФ). Об этом 6 мая сообщило Минобороны РФ.

    «В ходе учения будет осуществлен комплекс мероприятий по практической отработке вопросов подготовки и применения нестратегического ядерного оружия», — говорится в сообщении, опубликованном в Telegram.

    Уточняется, что учение будет направлено на поддержание готовности личного состава и техники частей боевого применения нестратегического ядерного оружия для обеспечения целостности и суверенитета России в ответ на провокации со стороны Запада.

  2. Statements by the French President, UK officials and a representative of the US Senate about their readiness and intention to send military personnel to Ukraine require special attention and special measures, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday, commenting on military drills announced by the Russian Defense Ministry.
    “Actually, this is stated exhaustively in the statement of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. There is nothing to add there. If you ask me what statements of Western representatives we are talking about, it is obvious that we are talking about the statement of Mr Macron and the statement of the British representatives. You you know, they also added a representative of the US Senate, if I’m not mistaken, who spoke of readiness and even intention to send armed contingents to Ukraine, that is, to actually expose NATO soldiers to the Russian military,” Peskov said in response to a question on whether the announced exercises were connected to the threats.
    "They require special attention and special measures," he added.


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