Sunday, May 5, 2024

The power and range of Russian missiles dangerous for Europe, Macron said

French President Emmanuel Macron believes that Russian ballistic missiles pose a danger to Europe. He stated this on May 4 in an interview with La Tribune.

According to him, the security of Europeans is at stake in Ukraine, because the country “is located 1.5 thousand km” from the borders of a number of European states.

“If Russia wins, in the next second there will be no security either in Romania, or in Poland, or in Lithuania, and there will be no security here either. The power and range of Russian ballistic missiles puts us all at risk,” Macron said.


  1. Президент Франции Эммануэль Макрон выступил с утверждением, что потенциал российских баллистических ракет подвергает страны Европы опасности.
    "Безопасность европейцев поставлена на карту на Украине, потому что она находится в 1,5 тысячи километров от наших границ", — заявил французский лидер в интервью газете La Tribune.
    По его утверждению, в случае победы России на Украине во Франции, Литве, Румынии и Польше "не будет безопасности".

  2. A total Russian victory over Ukraine in which the entire country is defeated would be detrimental to European and NATO security, as it could allow Moscow to place missiles at the EU’s doorstep, French President Emmanuel Macron has said.

    In an interview with the French daily La Tribune on Saturday, Macron, who has famously refused to rule out sending Western troops to Ukraine, once again advocated a policy of “strategic ambiguity” towards Russia, arguing that the key idea behind such an approach is to project strength while “not giving too many details.”

    Describing Russia as “an adversary,” the French president stressed that establishing “a priori limits” would be interpreted as weakness. “We must remove all visibility from it, because that is what creates the ability to deter,” he argued.

    Macron further noted that Ukraine is crucial to France’s security because it is located only 1,500 kilometers from its borders. “If Russia wins, the next second, there is no longer any security possible in Romania, in Poland, in Lithuania and not in our country either. The capability and range of Russian ballistic missiles expose us all,” he said.


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