Friday, July 5, 2024

EU rules out official communication with Russian president, Josep Borrell says. Viktor Orban arrives in Moscow

The European Union prohibits talking with Russian President Vladimir Putin in any official capacity, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said in a statement.

According to him, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has no right to represent the EU in a potential visit to Moscow even though Budapest currently holds the presidency of the Council of the EU.

"Prime Minister Orban has not received any mandate from the EU Council to visit Moscow," Borrell pointed out. He stressed that the EU’s position on Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine "excludes official contacts between the EU and President Putin." "Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s visit to Moscow takes place, exclusively, in the framework of the bilateral relations between Hungary and Russia," the top EU diplomat said.

  •  Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has arrived in Moscow where he plans to discuss ways to settle the Ukrainian conflict with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Bertalan Havasi, spokesman for the prime minister’s office, said.

"Within the framework of his peacemaking mission, Prime Minister Viktor Orban has arrived in Moscow. The head of government will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin," the MTI news agency quoted Havasi as saying.


  1. Le Premier ministre hongrois aura une entrevue avec Vladimir Poutine, affirme-t-il.
    Son avion a atterri à l'aéroport de Vnoukovo, à Moscou, selon FlightAware.
    Le 2 juillet, Orban s’était entretenu avec Volodymyr Zelensky à propos d’un éventuel cessez-le-feu.
    La Hongrie assurera la présidence tournante du Conseil de l’UE pour une période de six mois à compter du 1er juillet. Pour autant, son Premier ministre n’a pas reçu de mandat de l’UE pour se rendre en Russie, souligne Borrell.

  2. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban arrived in Moscow on Friday to hold a high-level meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

  3. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Oran did not notify the European Commission of his visit to Moscow. This was stated by EC representative Eric Mamer.

    The EC representative noted that Orban’s trip to Moscow undermines the unity of the European Union. He also threatened Budapest that the actions of the Prime Minister cast doubt on the traditional trip of EC members to Hungary, which became the Presidency of the Council of the EU.

    Against the background of Orban’s trip, the head of the EC, Ursula von der Leyen, wrote on her page on the social network X that “only unity will pave the way to peace in Ukraine” and said that “appeasement will not stop Putin.”

  4. Orban called today's meeting with Putin special and noted that Hungary will soon become the only country in Europe that will be able to conduct a dialogue with both Russia and Ukraine.


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