Thursday, July 4, 2024

Ukrainian forces withdraw from part of strategic town in eastern Donetsk region

The Ukrainian military announced on Thursday that its forces had withdrawn from part of Chasiv Yar in the eastern Donetsk region, a day after Russia claimed control over a district of the strategic town. Russian troops have been steadily advancing in the Donetsk region for several weeks.

Chasiv Yar stands on high ground. If they establish full control over the town, Russian forces could potentially use it as a staging post to advance westwards towards the Ukrainian cities of Kramatorsk and Sloviansk.

1 comment:

  1. L'Ukraine confirme jeudi avoir retiré ses troupes d'un quartier de la ville stratégique de Tchassiv Yar. La veille, Moscou en avait revendiqué la conquête. L'armée russe continue d'attaquer le reste de la ville, dans l'espoir d'en contrôler la totalité.


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