Tuesday, October 1, 2024

White House: Iran is preparing a ballistic missile attack on Israel

The White House said on Tuesday that the US believes Iran is preparing an imminent ballistic missile attack on Israel.

"The United States has indications that Iran is preparing to launch an immediate ballistic missile attack on Israel. We are actively supporting defense preparations to defend Israel against this attack."

" A direct military attack by Iran against Israel would have serious consequences for Iran," a senior White House official said.


  1. Il Presidente del partito israeliano Yisrael Beytenu, Avigdor Liberman:

    «Israele non dovrebbe sedersi e aspettare che i missili vengano lanciati sul suo territorio, dovrebbe effettuare un attacco preventivo che riporterà l'Iran indietro di 100 anni».

  2. The US Embassy in Israel issued a heightened alert to its employees in Israel and the Palestinian territories, ordering them to return home and be prepared to take shelter in a bomb shelter.

  3. Iran is preparing to attack Israel with ballistic missiles in the near future, CNN citing a senior White House official

  4. L'Iran si prepara a un attacco con missili balistici contro Israele.

    Lo riporta l'agenzia Bloomberg citando un funzionario dell'amministrazione Usa, secondo il quale l'attacco sarebbe "imminente".

  5. Axios also reports that the United States has intelligence that indicates an impending Iranian missile attack on Israel.

  6. The Washington administration has received data allegedly indicating Iran's preparations for a missile strike on Israel, Reuters said citing a White House official.

    According to the piece, "The United States has indications that Iran is preparing to imminently launch a ballistic missile attack against Israel."

    The source assured that the US is assisting Israel in preparing for defense. The official also noted that serious consequences await Iran in case it attacks the Jewish state.

    Israel has received information about possible Iranian preparations for a strike, but so far, the country has not seen any signs of such action on Tehran's part, Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari told a briefing.


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